LOST: Destiny Found

id rather know
what happened to desmond after jack got done with charlie and why jack has the cut on his neck.
Maybe he just got back to his original seat?

DO you think someone possessed Sayid? His accent does seem different at the end. One good theory I've heard is that it's Jacob who's looking for a new "host body". That is why he convinced them to bring Sayid to the temple so that the exchange could take place,
What's with the Egyptian writing and statues?

That one actually isn't bugging me too much. We know that the Black Rock came to the Island sometime around the 17th(?) century. It's not too far fetched to believe Egyptians could have come years before.

It's also worth noting that in the end of Season 5, when Ben goes to the temple to be "judged", there's a drawing on the wall that shows the smoke monster with Anubis - the Egyptian God of the Afterlife, and, amusingly enough, Judgment.

How many episodes are in this season?


What the **** is Desmond doing at that plane?

He's on the plane because he is not on the Island.

When the Chinese guy (the guy from the Black Rock ship no doubt) fired off the flares the sudden realization came to my mom. The island is an elaborate prison. The island vast security measures such as time travel, you must follow a set of co-ords to get there, a Temple as the head control, and a Warden that is not human controls the best, and possibly oldest, prison ever. If they fail and let the smoke monster have his wish, by going "home", the world will go into apocalypse.

I hope not, and there's no reason for it to be that way. A lot of people are born there, and a lot of those who end up there, don't belong in a prison. Look at characters like Jack, Hurley, Claire. It's an interesting idea, but I don't agree with it. It also doesn't fit with what we've seen of Jacob.

Sayid is now like Ben, tied forever to the island somehow

Yes I think that's fair to say.

DO you think someone possessed Sayid? His accent does seem different at the end. One good theory I've heard is that it's Jacob who's looking for a new "host body". That is why he convinced them to bring Sayid to the temple so that the exchange could take place,

I felt like this was definitely a possibility, but now I'm not sure. Jacob has been seen off the island in his "present" form, and appearing to Hurley suggests that he actually IS dead. I'm not sure he'd need a special ritual to take a body (the smoke monster certainly didn't - either time), and if he did, I imagine the Temple Others would have known it. Sayid was dying already, it seems like a stretch to go to. I think it's more likely that what happened to him is what they did to Ben.

Desmond was totally aware of where he was, and possibly is able to travel through time at will now. Jack and Desmond did "touch" right? Maybe Desmond is the new Jacob for the island.

I'm not sure about Desmond being the new Jacob, but he certainly does exist outside of certain rules, and I think it would be very interesting if he was aware of what was happening. Miles might, too, depending on how his psychic powers actually work. After all, he knows for a fact that he bomb went off.

why jack has the cut on his neck.

That was bugging me too. I don't remember that from before.

I'm really curious:

Where the hell Christian's body is.

The one thing that really freaked me out had to be the fly by of the island... UNDER. WATER... the second I saw that I knew this season was going to be insane.

I feel like this is actually a really important scene that could easily be missed. My theory going into this season was that the alternate timeline would resolve in all of these people ending up on the island anyway.

We learned in Season 5 that life off of the island wasn't what the Oceanic Six thought it would be. Kate was always afraid, Sayid went right back to killing people, Jack got into addiction, Locke "killed himself", Hurley went back to the mental institution. The concept that I took away from that season was, "Okay, these people need to go back to the Island, they HAVE to be there".

At the end of S5, when they set off the bomb, it's just another one of the ways they try to escape. With the tagline of this season being "Destiny Found", I somewhat expected all roads to lead to the island, with their purpose for being there finally revealed.

The fact that the show shot this down so very immediately by showing us that the island was completely submerged really intrigues me. I'm very curious where the Alternate Reality is actually leading.

Also, as far as this episode itself goes, I cried when the Man in Black talked about the last moments of Locke's life, and his dying thought. The other scene that really got me was at the very end, when we see Jack and Locke meet in the alt, and really get off on the right foot. It was really moving after seeing just exactly what they've gone through and how they never exactly saw eye to eye.

Overall it was a good episode, though between the hour long recap beforehand, the "previously on Lost", and the actual episode, you saw Juliet die about 4 times, which really made it lose it's kick. The episode also had way the **** too much Kate, who should have been killed before Season 3.
Great episode but no ****ing answers whatsoever. Just more riddles as usual. They better clear all of this shit up by the end of the series.

Desmond clearly knows whats going on. He should not be on the plane and he disappeared shortly after speaking to Jack. Remember, he got on the Island with a ship long before Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on there. His time traveling power must have evolved even further.

****ing spoiler tags are starting to annoy me. Next time put it in the title of thread.
Great episode but no ****ing answers whatsoever. Just more riddles as usual. They better clear all of this shit up by the end of the series.

Well now we know for sure the smoke monster is evil Locke and that Richard is from the Black Rock. But most people could have guessed that I guess.
i'm so ****ing glad we weren't spoon fed ''answers'' just for the sake of things. give it time, people.
Well now we know for sure the smoke monster is evil Locke and that Richard is from the Black Rock. But most people could have guessed that I guess.

That's not much of a revelation at all. Anybody with half a brain figured that out last season.
Well now we know for sure the smoke monster is evil Locke and that Richard is from the Black Rock. But most people could have guessed that I guess.
How do we know that? From the "chains"-comment? He could very well be speaking metaphorically, about how Richard is now free from Jacob's control. And even if it was literal, there are many places where he could be chained, besides the Black Rock.
How do we know that? From the "chains"-comment? He could very well be speaking metaphorically, about how Richard is now free from Jacob's control. And even if it was literal, there are many places where he could be chained, besides the Black Rock.

It could be metaphorical, except that it isn't.
There have been enough subtle inclinations as to Richard's association with the Black Rock, outside of the 'chains' comment. One might remember that he was seen constructing a model of a ship that greatly resembles the Black Rock last season in "Follow the Leader".

Flocke is talking about the Black Rock. There is nothing metaphorical about the chains comment.
There have been enough subtle inclinations as to Richard's association with the Black Rock, outside of the 'chains' comment. One might remember that he was seen constructing a model of a ship that greatly resembles the Black Rock last season in "Follow the Leader".

Flocke is talking about the Black Rock. There is nothing metaphorical about the chains comment.

Who the hell is "Flocke"?
Who the hell is "Flocke"?

Fans have been referring to the Nemesis as one of a few different names. Nemesis, obviously. The Man in Black. Esau (Jacob's brother in the Bible), and Flocke, which stands for Fake Locke.
Fans have been referring to the Nemesis as one of a few different names. Nemesis, obviously. The Man in Black. Esau (Jacob's brother in the Bible), and Flocke, which stands for Fake Locke.

I prefer to call him "Smokey McSmoke". It has a certain ring to it.

Lets hope it catches on.
I'm willing to bet we will start seeing some future elements this season. they've gone back to the past, back to the present but nowhere near where they should be on a time line if things were running concurrently. I believe we are like 2-3 years off track now am I right or am I overthinking this too much??
I don't know man. All i know is that we'll be left with more questions than answers once this show ends.
Mark my words.
It could be metaphorical, except that it isn't.
And what leads you to that conclusion?

There have been enough subtle inclinations as to Richard's association with the Black Rock, outside of the 'chains' comment. One might remember that he was seen constructing a model of a ship that greatly resembles the Black Rock last season in "Follow the Leader".

Flocke is talking about the Black Rock. There is nothing metaphorical about the chains comment.
I don't remember any ship. And even so, maybe he just likes ship models?
That whole conversation about Locke and his last thoughts was fantastic. Terry O'Quinn knocked that one outta the park.

I don't know man. All i know is that we'll be left with more questions than answers once this show ends.
Mark my words.
I don't necessarily consider that a bad thing.
Ben: Your the monster!
Flocke: Now let's not resort to name calling.


Also the people on the Black Rock ship are in the Temple and are part of "The Others".

From Lostpedia:
According to an auctioneer selling the ship's first mate's journal, the Black Rock set sail from Portsmouth, England on March 22, 1845, purportedly on a trading mission to the Kingdom of Siam (now known as Thailand).

I don't know how much confirming you need that the crew from the Black Rock ship is still alive and reside on the island. Also we got many answers and Q's like "how did Ben get healed as a kid"?

Some of the better scenes of the premier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AObrX34jOQ4
Some additional thoughts:

I am of the opinion that Smokey is neither good, nor bad, but rather as a judge. Two of his victims, the pilot and Mr. Eko, had both failed in their duties (as a pilot and as a priest, respectively). And considering all the crap that the Others have done over the years (such as the apparently unnecessary murder of Scott), it would be a really bad move if the writers ultimately portrayed them as good force of almost divine nature.

One thing has been bothering me: To date, we've seen Smonkey take the shape of (at least) four characters: Christian, Yemi, Alex and Locke, all of whom were already dead. The difference is, Christian and Yemi's bodies disappeared before Smokey took their shape, whereas Locke's body remained (we don't know if Alex's body disappeared). That is one of the most confusing aspects of this whole story.

Concerning Sayid, one of the most interesting theories, besides him being possessed by Jacob, is that the Sayid who woke up is the Sayid from the 2004 timeline, that they switched places. So 2007 island Sayid wakes up at the airport. I think that could be a very good twist.
Ok so after rewatching I'm convinced Sayid had to be saved because Jacob wants him alive

Maybe Jacob does want to use Sayid somehow. The scene where Jacob talks to Hurley he's thinking so hard while standing over Sayid's body, and why else would Jacob care if Sayid lived? Also, the note said they would all be in a lot of trouble if they didn't save Sayid. Why? Because Jacob plans to use Sayid or possess Sayid to protect the Temple/Others from Blacky/Smoke Monster/Flocke/Esau. Maybe Jacob is going to use Sayid because he was a soldier? Or he wants to distract Blacky/Smoke Monster/Flocke/Esau with Sayid because Sayid needs to be judged? It's possible there's certain things Flocke can't do to Sayid now that he's been ressurected by the island. He never seemed to show any agression towards Ben, and as we all know Ben is also tied to the island the same way Sayid is now. Or at least in that timeline Ben is. I dunno, the whole mixing timelines things has started to confuse me, and I thought I fully understood Lost's time-travel mechanics. lol
I am of the opinion that Smokey is neither good, nor bad, but rather as a judge. Two of his victims, the pilot and Mr. Eko, had both failed in their duties (as a pilot and as a priest, respectively). And considering all the crap that the Others have done over the years (such as the apparently unnecessary murder of Scott), it would be a really bad move if the writers ultimately portrayed them as good force of almost divine nature.

The Egyptian hints, coupled with some of what we saw with Eko being judged (The smoke monster as Yemi saying "Why do you keep talking to me like I'm your brother") makes me inclined to agree with you about that. But at the same time, I'm not sure that's all it's going to be. Smokey didn't exactly Judge Jacob so much as "had been planning to kill him for centuries." And wanting to go home? I don't know. I feel like there's another side to it that we're missing, but I'm sure it'll be interesting.

One thing has been bothering me: To date, we've seen Smonkey take the shape of (at least) four characters: Christian, Yemi, Alex and Locke, all of whom were already dead. The difference is, Christian and Yemi's bodies disappeared before Smokey took their shape, whereas Locke's body remained (we don't know if Alex's body disappeared). That is one of the most confusing aspects of this whole story.

Well, to be honest we don't know what happened to the bodies, do we? We don't know that they "disappeared" versus "were destroyed" or "were moved". When we find the coffin that Christian's body was supposed to be in, it was simply empty. Anything could have happened. And I think, though I'm not positive, that Smokey embodies Yemi before Yemi's body disappears.

It's possible that Ilana and crew got to John's body before Smokey could actually hide/destroy it, or even that Smokey didn't bother, simply because he needed the spare time to get to Jacob before they could show up to protect him.
That whole conversation about Locke and his last thoughts was fantastic. Terry O'Quinn knocked that one outta the park.

I don't necessarily consider that a bad thing.

One of my favorite scenes of the episode, along with "nothing is irreversible".
Well, to be honest we don't know what happened to the bodies, do we? We don't know that they "disappeared" versus "were destroyed" or "were moved". When we find the coffin that Christian's body was supposed to be in, it was simply empty. Anything could have happened. And I think, though I'm not positive, that Smokey embodies Yemi before Yemi's body disappears.

It's possible that Ilana and crew got to John's body before Smokey could actually hide/destroy it, or even that Smokey didn't bother, simply because he needed the spare time to get to Jacob before they could show up to protect him.
Yeah, I suppose:

Two rather great videos:


I hope Lost ends with a Survivor mashup. Richard turns out to be Jeff Probst.
Well it would seem that...

claire has become the new Danielle Russo; crazy looking, dark, lost her baby, setting traps, etc. I wonder if it's one of those things where time keeps repeating itself, just slightly differently and with new people, but it all ends the same way each time.
That's definitely what it looks like.
Great episode overall but it feels like we're getting more questions rather than answers, I really wish this season would be like 10 eps longer.
tonights episode was nice and even the rather boring episodes seem pretty interesting now. also more questions this time around but i imagine the last few episodes will be jaw droppers
Didn't like this episode that much, though that's in part or in whole because I just plain don't like Kate.

Seems like Sayid might have the 'sickness' that got Rousseau's team.

The stuff with Sawyer was sad, but Kate even managed to ruin that scene.

I feel like this is moving slower than the previous seasons.
im really disappointed at not knowing EXACTLY what the **** is up with sayid (if dogen is right or wrong).
Ya this season right now is clunking along as of now. We did get some answers but plenty more Q's. LOST 4x11 "Cabin Fever" is rather ironic now. Also this may mean that "The Others" were all almost dead but healed by the Spring:
Could this mean though that Ben turned evil because of the sickness? Or is the sickness observed by Russo and her team different? Another thing is that during the test, he was feeling pain. John Locke in Season 1 did not feel pain after a piece of shrapnel went into his leg after a failed hatch attempt to break in. Later on though his legs definitely hurt when a blast door closed on it and he fell down the well. Does a person with the sickness feel pain after being reborn and when Jacob/island do the healing, they do not feel pain? The color of the water was also dark when they tried to heal Sayid.
Decent episode, but felt like a filler.

Some thoughts:
I thought it was silly how quickly Claire trusted Kate after she had held a gun to her head a couple of hours earlier, but then again she is a pretty naïve person. (For example, with how she just went along with what the fortune teller told her.)

I think we can assume that was possesses Sayid is the same thing that Danielle referred to as the "the Sickness", and involves more or less being taken over by Smokey.

Claire on the island looks to have turned into the new Danielle, although I don't really see her motive if it's true that she also have been possessed by Smokey.

I also agree the whole Temple storyline was horrible dragged out, it could've been done in five minutes.
i'm dissappointed where things are going in the final season. up until now i found myself glued to the television every time lost was on...last night i could barely garner any excitement.

this whole temple shit is outrageously cheesy. i couldn't help but roll my eyes at least 12 times during last nights episode. i hope they are just filling in some details for future "good" episodes because any more like this and i'm going to create some free space on my DVR.
Yeah, the last episode was pretty lackluster. But jeez, we've only had two episodes (ok, technically 3) and you guys are saying the season is disappointing? I thought the first two episodes were really good. Although Kate is really becoming an obnoxious character, all last season I started hating her more and more, and its continuing into this season.