LOST: Destiny Found

Just like the current season, there are two sides to me too. One side is immensely enjoying almost every moment of the series while the other wants to bash the writers head in every time i lay my eyes upon even one frame of the show. Yes, quite the predicament. Medication doesn't help.
Since when the **** did Jack have a son? Is it the new warped timeline?
Since when the **** did Jack have a son? Is it the new warped timeline?

Hugo has good luck, Locke got his girlfriend (maybe even his father) & Jack his son.

some of the timelines seem just as they were but even the fact the plane didn't crash, this too is alternate.
What some of you guys fail to understand about the alternate timeline is this:
It's not just "what their lives would be like if the plane didn't crash" TM.
It's also what their lives would be like if Jacob never existed/didn't have any influence over them.
What some of you guys fail to understand about the alternate timeline is this:
It's not just "what their lives would be like if the plane didn't crash" TM.
It's also what their lives would be like if Jacob never existed/didn't have any influence over them.

Well, duh. The Island went boom and ceased to exist decades ago in the alternate timeline.
What i am wondering, does the Dharma Initiative, Jacob, The Man in Black still exist in the alternate timeline and are they aware of the other timeline. They probably are but who knows. Remember the bunny tests? It's been hinted at that Desmond is traveling between the timelines. After all, what the hell happened to him after he talked to Jack on the plane?
These are just some of the many questions that i have. I just hope that they answer the more important ones by the end of the series.
It'll have to do with time traveling, Desmond, a bunch of the characters dying then bobs your uncle back on the plane in the alternate timeline and ready for tea.
Well, I suppose we will find out.
First time I agree with Samon. A bomb cannot sink the island (plus they already took the bomb catalyst out of Jughead to create the finale of S5). Though maybe it can teleport itself under the sea?
Well, duh. The Island went boom and ceased to exist decades ago in the alternate timeline.
What i am wondering, does the Dharma Initiative, Jacob, The Man in Black still exist in the alternate timeline and are they aware of the other timeline.

I'm almost certain that in the alternate universe Dharma Initiative, Jacob, and The Man in Black don't exist. That was my point, when I said "their lives without any of Jacob's influence". Now whether Jacob and Smokey are aware of the alternate universe is another matter...
The bomb did not 'sink' the Island.

I always got the vague impression that it may, at least, have played a part in the sinking of the Island. Or, perhaps, when it was moved at the end of Season 4?

Really, who knows, at this point? :p
The island cannot have sunk at the same time as the nuke went off. This is evident because of Ben's survival. All of women and children with the Dharma Initiative (including, presumably, Ethan) were evacuated before the nuke went off. However, Ben was with The Others at the time and there's no way he could've made it to the sub. So he must've left the island sometime after the nuke went off and before the island sank.
Valid point to make. Dogan, quite obviously, is also off the Island.

Weren't there rumors of some inactive volcano on the Island?
Weren't there rumors of some inactive volcano on the Island?

The Island has at least one volcano, as supported by a variety of evidence. As I recall, though, Lindelof and Cuse said it has no real significance.
That and volcanoes tend to make islands rise rather than sink.

Then again, is the island even supposed to be attached to the lithosphere, or is it magically floating on the water somehow, seeing as it jumps all over the place?
The Island has at least one volcano, as supported by a variety of evidence. As I recall, though, Lindelof and Cuse said it has no real significance.

Right, I see. Thanks for the info.
That was a great episode.

Going to miss Dogen a little bit.
:( sayid!! NOOOOO!

and yeah poor *you know who*...really excited to see if my theory about why Ben is digging is correct

I think he's either digging up John which seems unlikely since if he wanted Miles to talk to John he can just do it through dirt and because John is never coming back. or he's digging up someone completley random from like Season 1 or something.

and where the **** is Vincent!?!?!?!?!
yea, I hope the rest of the season can stay as faced paced as this. I kept expecting the scene to cut away right before somebody looked in a hole, opened a box, or attacked a temple.
cool episode

i love how much ben has been turned around by the writers. his face in this episode... priceless.

smokey almost had kate too the most disappointing part of the episode was her escaping. die.


any one notice it was the same kitchen that parachute lady took miles too a season or so back? interesting as kearny was there, part of the same team n' all
Has this started in the UK yet or just the US?
any one notice it was the same kitchen that parachute lady took miles too a season or so back? interesting as kearny was there, part of the same team n' all

I knew I had seen it before but I couldn't remember where.

Great episode. I'm afraid that Ben is going to die by the season's end. :(
Holy mother of God, Lost is back! I ****ing loved the pace in this episode, it made it so thrilling.
Sayid has definitely turned completely to Smokey's side due to the infection, that wasn't him during the second half of the episode.

So now we have the characters split up in many different groups:
Sayid, Kate and Claire - With Smokey
Ilana, Frank, Miles and Sun - Inside a secret room
Ben - In the temple somewhere
Jin - Somewhere in the jungle
Richard - Somewhere in the jungle
Sawyer - (Presumably) in the cave
Hurley and Jack - With Jacob at the lighthouse
I think the discussion earlier about how the sideways Timeline being their lives without Jacob is pretty accurate so far.

It's interesting to me that we've seen that people are pretty much still themselves off the Island, generally speaking. John is still crippled and sad. Hugo is still a nice guy who won the lottery. Jack is the same, he just has a son.

But it's different with Sayid, and Ben. Their entire lives are different. I think as the season goes on, we'll start to think less and less of Jacob, and the things he did.

I was thinking about what Dogen said in last night's episode, before he died, about how Jacob saved his son in exchange for him coming to the Island. But in the alt, we saw that the son is fine, and still playing piano.

So some tragedies just occur because that's life (Like John Locke), but with others, it seems as though Jacob causes them to happen in order to completely manipulate people. He used Dogen's love for his son to get him on the island, the same way Ethan used Juliet's love for her sister.

Smokey may or may not be "Evil Incarnate" but I'm having trouble believing that Jacob is a saint, either.
I am of the firm belief that both Smokey and Jacob are evil. Sort of like Hitler and Stalin on the Eastern Front. The Dharma Initiative would in this case be Finland, allying themselves with either side when it serves their purpose (not an attack against Finland, they did what they had to do).
I don't really see what was so great about this episode. It's an intressting show, but it's getting a bit old and some things just don't add up or feels forced. It's back to killing all the new characters leaving the main cast unharmed. It's lame. Smoke monster is kinda lame too. He just pulls people away. Remember what he did to the pilot? Wasn't he all cut up?
episodes update:

607: Dr. Linus (Ben)
608: Recon (Sawyer)
609: Ab Aeterno (Alpert)
610: The Package (Sun/Jin)
611: Happily Ever After (Desmond)
612: Everybody Loves Hugo (Hurley)
613: The Last Recruit
614: The Candidate
615: Across The Sea (Jacob/MiB)
Ah cock, means I've missed a few episodes then. Sky player to the rescue.
I don't really see what was so great about this episode. It's an intressting show, but it's getting a bit old and some things just don't add up or feels forced. It's back to killing all the new characters leaving the main cast unharmed. It's lame. Smoke monster is kinda lame too. He just pulls people away. Remember what he did to the pilot? Wasn't he all cut up?

i imagine he still does the gruesome shit to people, but remember that the smoke monster being such a major factor in the first/pilot episode was primarily a selling point to gain interest. and gain interest it did - the more sadistic stuff people see, the more it hooks them in, and right after that the smoke monster wasn't really seen again except in fleeting glimpse for the remainder of the season. hook line and sinker.
just got caught up and the show is shaping up nicely! also the show got much scarier which i like too. not like i'm gunna have nightmares but if you put yourselves in their shoes it would be frightening because ever new scene is more morbid than the last