LOST: Destiny Found

is this for tomorrows episode?

Yeah, I do believe that Desmond and


are both back for tonight's. If not tonight, then definitely next week.

Also, tonight's is called Dr. Linus, which I could not be more excited about seeing.

I heard in passing, though I'm not sure if it's true, that the Flash Sideways are supposed to end about 1/3rd of the way through the season. It seems pretty unlikely since that would mean tonight's is the last one, but hopefully we'll see the point sometime soon.
That is actually just funny. Doesn't really mean anything other than someone forgot to add a word to it.
While many fans have griped that the sideways story lines have been an unnecessary distraction this season, Lindelof emphasizes that they're very important. "People are saying [they] don't need these stories and all we can say is they're absolutely 100 percent necessary to tell the story of Lost, and hopefully by the end of the season it will be more obvious as to why," he said.

Yeah, I do believe that Desmond and


are both back for tonight's. If not tonight, then definitely next week.

Also, tonight's is called Dr. Linus, which I could not be more excited about seeing.

I heard in passing, though I'm not sure if it's true, that the Flash Sideways are supposed to end about 1/3rd of the way through the season. It seems pretty unlikely since that would mean tonight's is the last one, but hopefully we'll see the point sometime soon.

i know the spoiler is true, but i havent seen any filming reports about desmond which makes me skeptical. i really hope he is though, such a great character.

Wikipedia says:

"Henry Ian Cusick reprises his role as Desmond Hume, who has left the island and lives with his wife Penny (Sonya Walger), who is also returning.[29] Cusick was not billed as a regular in the press release, but he is CREDITED in the episodes, including those in which he does not appear."

Someone forgot to type the word "credited". I just thought that last sentence is funny without it.

Come on, it IS funny!
Wikipedia says:

"Henry Ian Cusick reprises his role as Desmond Hume, who has left the island and lives with his wife Penny (Sonya Walger), who is also returning.[29] Cusick was not billed as a regular in the press release, but he is CREDITED in the episodes, including those in which he does not appear."

Someone forgot to type the word "credited". I just thought that last sentence is funny without it.

Come on, it IS funny!

they do some weird shit with the credits. for instance, francois chau (the dude who plays dr. chang) has never been credited for any of his roles, even season five where he actually had a role outside of the orientation films.
Emotionally devastating in that it was an awful episode? Sure.

Seemed very pointless.
I mean, I enjoyed Ben's turn around and his general performance in the episode but other than that it just seemed pointless.

edit: **** it I don't even know what I'm talking about.
Looking for answers to questions I've long since forgotten about really, I just keep waiting for these amazing revelations.
I'd put the episode up there with Lighthouse.

It was a nice character development episode but as far as Island mythology and such goes it was very unfulfilling.
I thought tonights episode was decent, not as great as the last one, but overall worthwhile. with 9 episodes left they gotta have some huge ass ones coming
with 9 episodes left they gotta have some huge ass ones coming

There are. ;)

Fantastic episode! I absolutely love Ben.

Unfortunately, however, I believe this episode has all but sealed Ben's fate.
Emotionally devastating in that it was an awful episode? Sure.

You're an awful episode. This was brilliant, right up there as one of the season's best.

Wahhh I'm Lucid, this season is moving too slow. I can't wait nine more episodes for answers. Wahh. Why don't you just record them all and watch them all at once and leave the rest of us alone.

Yes, having no context for the Flash-Sideways is frustrating, because we're used to the Flash-Forwards and Flash-Backs, but we've been assured that there's a reason for it, and this was one of the best ones so far anyway. We also learned a bit more about Miles, Richard, and Ilana. I am really not sure what your problem is. You (and others) seem to expect them to spill all the information every single episode, which (spoiler alert) isn't how this show has ever worked. There are 9 episodes left, it's not like you'll never find out. Just chill ffs. Plus, Nestor Campbell (who plays Richard) says we're getting some answers about the Island in Episode 9. If he wasn't confusing it with Episode 8 (Which is Richard's episode), then more is certainly coming soon.

It bothers me that you're so focused on getting answers that you don't seem to be enjoying this season. Which, yes, a lot of it has been pretty rubbish, but not all of it.

Unfortunately, however, I believe this episode has all but sealed Ben's fate.

I don't agree. The fact that he's with Ilana still, rather than the Smoke Monster means he's still on the right side of the battle. Besides, Jacob "hoping" he was wrong about Ben suggests that Ben's fate isn't sealed. I think there's a chance for redemption there.
Plus, Nestor Campbell (who plays Richard) says we're getting some answers about the Island in Episode 9. If he wasn't confusing it with Episode 8 (Which is Richard's episode), then more is certainly coming soon.

Actually, episode 8
(Recon) is Sawyer's, episode 9 (Ab Aeterno) is Richard's.

Anyway, episode was great. I don't have any major problems with it.
Oh, you might be right, I was counting the pilot as one episode, instead of many instances which count it as two.
A good episode, but not as good as the last one. It reaffirmed Michael Emerson's position as the most talented actor on the set. An annoying aspect of this season so far is that Jin and Sun get such small roles. Their only function is to ask where the other one is once per episode.

The good thing was that it was the first episode in ages that felt truly like Lost, with the character development in focus.
Ben Linus is such a wimp. This character reversal shit he pulled was boring and lame.

"No one else will have me!!!!"

Give me a ****ing break. Stop crying and be the Ben Linus we have all gotten to love. Kill that bitch making you dig your own grave...come to think of it, kill the pilot too, he's boring and his acting sucks.

And in the other dimension...anyone else find it odd that instead of saying "If you don't write a good letter of recommendation for this girl on top of my previous demands, I'll ruin you" he simply caved and gave in? Ben is supposed to be this poster boy of intellect and even I, a stupid consumer whore, could have negotiated better.

This season has made me question my LOST fandom and it's going to take a hell of a lot to get me back on the bandwagon.

Oh look, the fuse went out...that's just ****ing perfect, great story bro.
Good things aren't meant for people like you, and by that I mean the cretin demographic.
Ben Linus is such a wimp. This character reversal shit he pulled was boring and lame.

"No one else will have me!!!!"

Give me a ****ing break. Stop crying and be the Ben Linus we have all gotten to love. Kill that bitch making you dig your own grave...come to think of it, kill the pilot too, he's boring and his acting sucks.

And in the other dimension...anyone else find it odd that instead of saying "If you don't write a good letter of recommendation for this girl on top of my previous demands, I'll ruin you" he simply caved and gave in? Ben is supposed to be this poster boy of intellect and even I, a stupid consumer whore, could have negotiated better.

It's disgusting how little you understand. I'm embarrassed to live within the same state/country/planet as you.
The guys at io9 pretty much hit the nail on the head why the Flash-Sideways haven't been working, with the exceptions being Ben's and Locke's.

I think a big reason why the "flash sideways" in the recent episodes haven't always worked for me as well as they might is the fact that the characters still feel the same. We don't really get to see a different side of these people, or a different version where things worked out really differently. They've tried, a bit, but Island Jack and L.A. Jack just feel like the same guy to me, even with the kid in the mix. But you would not mistake the two versions of Ben in last night's episode for the same person, apart from a few of the same character beats.
Ben Linus is such a wimp. This character reversal shit he pulled was boring and lame.

"No one else will have me!!!!"

Give me a ****ing break. Stop crying and be the Ben Linus we have all gotten to love. Kill that bitch making you dig your own grave...come to think of it, kill the pilot too, he's boring and his acting sucks.

And in the other dimension...anyone else find it odd that instead of saying "If you don't write a good letter of recommendation for this girl on top of my previous demands, I'll ruin you" he simply caved and gave in? Ben is supposed to be this poster boy of intellect and even I, a stupid consumer whore, could have negotiated better.

This season has made me question my LOST fandom and it's going to take a hell of a lot to get me back on the bandwagon.

Oh look, the fuse went out...that's just ****ing perfect, great story bro.

how'd you make it this far watching the show?
You're an awful episode. This was brilliant, right up there as one of the season's best.

Wahhh I'm Lucid, this season is moving too slow. I can't wait nine more episodes for answers. Wahh. Why don't you just record them all and watch them all at once and leave the rest of us alone.

Yes, having no context for the Flash-Sideways is frustrating, because we're used to the Flash-Forwards and Flash-Backs, but we've been assured that there's a reason for it, and this was one of the best ones so far anyway. We also learned a bit more about Miles, Richard, and Ilana. I am really not sure what your problem is. You (and others) seem to expect them to spill all the information every single episode, which (spoiler alert) isn't how this show has ever worked. There are 9 episodes left, it's not like you'll never find out. Just chill ffs. Plus, Nestor Campbell (who plays Richard) says we're getting some answers about the Island in Episode 9. If he wasn't confusing it with Episode 8 (Which is Richard's episode), then more is certainly coming soon.

It bothers me that you're so focused on getting answers that you don't seem to be enjoying this season. Which, yes, a lot of it has been pretty rubbish, but not all of it.

It's amazing that nobody can criticize an episode of Lost without being jumped on with personal insults, like "You are too dumb to enjoy this show! It disgusts me that you live in the same country as me, god forbid anyone dislike Lost, how is this even possible, I don't see how anyone could ever get tired of Lost, I love Lost, it is the greatest thing ever since sliced bread or the wheel or the beginning of the universe. By the way it's ok to dislike Kate but NOT anybody else, ever!". How have you become so inexplicably personally engaged in this show that it's impossibly disgusting for anyone to ever dislike anything about it? Are you secretly a Lost writer? Does someone's general dislike and apathy about a show that you happen to like somehow offend your senses that much? What the heck man, you're like those Mac consumers who go around constantly promoting Apple products as if they were paid representatives. It's just absurd!

Anyhow, some parts of this season are getting seriously cheesy and repetitive. The last episode ended with a slow-mo sappy-music Losties reunion. How many times have we seen that before? I mean, I know we're supposed to be all nostalgic like "haha it's the dynamite again remember that time that dude 'sploded man that was a riot!" or "lol Hurley you so funny" or "haha remember those goofballs nikki and paolo, those silly kids" or "bawww another Losties hug-fest," but it gets a little tiring. It's like the writers got so nostalgic over their own work from the not-so-distant past that they decided to pack in as many back references as possible.

That said, I'm actually ok with this season so far, at least when something's actually happening plot or character-wise. Some of the dialogue is a little grating, but some parts are rather good (I liked the Ben turn around). I'm even ok with the alternate reality stuff because, unlike the time traveling, at least you have them as separate (albeit parallel) stories. Now if they were to, say, magically jump back and forth between alternate realities several times per episode, while their brain bled out their noses (rather, with only the incidental side characters getting truly fatal nosebleeds while everyone else is like "ho ho, I have a constant" or is inexplicably more immune to the effects of teleporting through time/space/dimensions/realities) -- then I might have issue with it. But the way it's being done now is quite nice.
It's amazing that nobody can criticize an episode of Lost without being jumped on with personal insults, like "You are too dumb to enjoy this show! It disgusts me that you live in the same country as me, god forbid anyone dislike Lost, how is this even possible, I don't see how anyone could ever get tired of Lost, I love Lost, it is the greatest thing ever since sliced bread or the wheel or the beginning of the universe. By the way it's ok to dislike Kate but NOT anybody else, ever!". How have you become so inexplicably personally engaged in this show that it's impossibly disgusting for anyone to ever dislike anything about it? Are you secretly a Lost writer? Does someone's general dislike and apathy about a show that you happen to like somehow offend your senses that much? What the heck man, you're like those Mac consumers who go around constantly promoting Apple products as if they were paid representatives. It's just absurd!

Barring that being a terrible analogy, there's a huge difference between having a legitimate problem with the show, and just whining because you expected them to give it all away up front, or because you didn't understand something they did. It's like being bent out of shape because someone won't sleep with you on the first date. If you want a whore, watch any other network TV show. It's Season 6, everyone should know better by now. It's not that there's nothing to criticise, there's plenty that I haven't liked about this season. If someone made an argument, "I didn't like the Sayid episode because", I'd respect that, even if I didn't agree with them.


Tyguy managed to miss the entire transformation of Benjamin Linus. That's not having a complaint, that's being a moron. He acts like Ben is a psychopath who just kills whoever he wants. And that's never been Ben, especially not the last year. Did you miss how wrecked with guilt he was over Alex's death? Did you miss his eulogy at Locke's funeral? Ben isn't the same person he was before. Sorry if you want everyone to be boring, undeveloped, and static like Kate, but it doesn't always work that way.

Anyhow, some parts of this season are getting seriously cheesy and repetitive. The last episode ended with a slow-mo sappy-music Losties reunion. How many times have we seen that before? I mean, I know we're supposed to be all nostalgic like "haha it's the dynamite again remember that time that dude 'sploded man that was a riot!" or "lol Hurley you so funny" or "haha remember those goofballs nikki and paolo, those silly kids" or "bawww another Losties hug-fest," but it gets a little tiring. It's like the writers got so nostalgic over their own work from the not-so-distant past that they decided to pack in as many back references as possible.

That said, I'm actually ok with this season so far, at least when something's actually happening plot or character-wise. Some of the dialogue is a little grating, but some parts are rather good (I liked the Ben turn around). I'm even ok with the alternate reality stuff because, unlike the time traveling, at least you have them as separate (albeit parallel) stories.

Yeah, the constant back references are getting to be a bit eye-rolling. My problem with the alternate is that, generally speaking, it hasn't been separate stories. I mean, yes, Ben and Locke's were pretty great, because they're different people in the alts. But when you see Sayid's, and Kate's, and even Jack's story in the alt, I found them to be boring and irrelevant, because they are essentially the exact same people.

So according to DarkUFO, episode 6x09 will be 6 minutes longer.

That's completely fine with me, especially considering who the centric character is...

Lost fan promo contest: http://abc.go.com/shows/lost/fan-promo-contest
US only, you people have until march 21.

I also read somewhere that the alternate timeline events are indeed very important, essential to telling the story of the show, but I can't find the damn link. Will keep looking.
I also read somewhere that the alternate timeline events are indeed very important, essential to telling the story of the show, but I can't find the damn link. Will keep looking.

Lindelof himself said it, I posted about it a couple days ago.

Why does Alex have a confederate flag on her backpacK?
Fantastic episode with Ben. I think it was great the way they turned his personality around.
6x16 episode title revealed!

What They Died For

Centric character still unknown.
I rewatched the last episode, and the scene with Jack and Richard really seems to have finally cemented Jack into the character we always knew he was going to be. Yeah he's still reckless and borderline suicidal, but with everything he has seen, he's gone from being a man of science to a man of faith.
In a way, yes Jack has now become a man of faith but it's not quite the same devout crazy brand that Locke had. He's not really 'trusting' anyone, he's just acting on the evidence that's now been dealt to him. To not do so would be essentially this given all the crazy shit that's just happened to him over the past few days in his timeline. It's really a change for the better seeing as the old Jack would have simply ignored everything outright which is neither scientific nor smart.

That being said, last season pretty much cemented him as a man of faith a.k.a moron when he was supremely devout in nuking the island to change the timeline. Though in his defence nobody else but Miles had the reasoning ability to see what the gaping chasm was in all of their logic, and by the time he spoke up it was already too late. And then it turned out it worked anyway, which is something I really wish the writers didn't go along with because there's no way to resolve it without inventing their own metaphysics, which has never worked well for the resolution of any other series.