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  1. delusional

    Grade Discrimination

    I hated the incoming freshmen at my school when I was Sophomore. But, I had a really good reason to. Mah school was new and the highest grade was Juniors when I was a freshmen, So when the new freshmens came in the school got really crowded. God damned little shits walking around everywhere.
  2. delusional

    Foot Flushing

    Haven't seen a urinal or sink that is not automatic in ages. But it's nice to know other people use paper towels to open the restroom doors.
  3. delusional


    I think that is his slave master.
  4. delusional

    Rate the Avatar/Signature of the Person Above You!

    Did you ever make those videos. I seem to remember that was months and months ago. Anyways, 9/10 because that's a cute quote.
  5. delusional

    "Lady" Gaga fans

  6. delusional

    Finally, a reason to be morbidly obese

    I can understand why the cop wasn't thorough in his investigation. :x
  7. delusional

    Darkseid chews gum and it's GROSS. No really, he told me.
  8. delusional

    competitive vs casuals in tf2

    Can you beat Jump_Propel and/or rj_rckteer_adv Darkside? Can only get halfway through propel, and can't get past level 3 on rckteer. :(
  9. delusional


    Is that dog wearing a corset?
  10. delusional

    Thoughts on the afterlife.

    I don't believe in any afterlife, but what do I know. I'll find out when I get there. The idea of nothingness after you die does frighten me a bit, so I try not think about it. What really bothers me about death though is that I want to know what happens far in the future, but I'm not sure...
  11. delusional

    Photo Edit Contest #44 VOTE THREAD

    Higlac because his photo is superior to the original.
  12. delusional

    Favorite Class?

    1: Spy 2: Pyro 3: Engineer
  13. delusional

    Spicy Food Tolerance

    I love spicy food, but it gives me the hiccups, which isn't fun.
  14. delusional

    Buff the Damn Engineer

    This. You can either build three lvl 1 sentries, one lvl 2 and one lvl 1 sentry, or just a lvl 3 sentry.
  15. delusional

    40th Anniversary of Apollo 11 mission to the moon

    I don't want any godamned Pepsi logos and Brittney spears in my Space. Keep that shit in earth.
  16. delusional

    VOTE: Photo Edit Contest #?+(1*2)

    Taco taco taco!
  17. delusional

    Apples or Grapes

    I like fermented grapes. You rarely get them though.
  18. delusional

    Soy - Healthy or Deadly?

    Rice Milk is 10x better than Soy milk.