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  1. lePobz

    I got set up! (Lifes For Sharing)

    I'd have shouted BOMB!!!!!!! RUN!!!!! ... But i'm just a spoil sport.
  2. lePobz

    Jonathan Creek - The Grinning Man

    I thought it was OK, right up until the bath that magically turned upside down. That's just seriously lazy writing - Can they expect anyone to believe that nobody had checked the whole room who might just have noticed that? The early Jonathan Creek episodes were well thought out ... This one...
  3. lePobz

    I want to drink/play this

    It's the lovechild of mario, sonic and alex kidd. Yes, a lovechild of 3 parents.
  4. lePobz

    Effing Wireless

    Could be a conflict between windows connection software and custom software for the chipset. Disable the vista wireless connection management and try again with the custom software (if it exists)
  5. lePobz

    whos getting wasted tonight?

    I got absolutely wrecked last night. Had to wait till dinner time today before I was sober enough to drive home! Vodka is the devil. Happy 2009 everybody!
  6. lePobz


    This thread is nearly a year old. Shall we put together and buy it something nice?
  7. lePobz

    The Memory Limit of 128-bit CPUs

    All you need is 'enough' memory. There would be no performance advantage between a PC with 4gb system memory and one with 4,000,000,000,000gb memory. You can have a system with 96 processor cores (16 6-core Intel Xeon CPUs) and 256GB of memory today but without the software written to use any...
  8. lePobz

    Pope Palpatine: "Saving humanity from the gays as important as saving rainforest"

    This video sums up this thread. I can't believe you think he's a part of feline anatomy.
  9. lePobz

    Pope Palpatine: "Saving humanity from the gays as important as saving rainforest"

    I'm with Pat Condell on this one. Pope should STFU. Half of his lot are gay kiddie fiddlers anyway.
  10. lePobz

    Call to ban topless hot bitches from Australian beaches

    No, they'd get stoned to death for offending Islam.
  11. lePobz

    So my neighbor's house just burned down...

    You created something beautiful from something so tragic. You sir, are a legend.
  12. lePobz

    Call to ban topless hot bitches from Australian beaches

    Yeah, I'm just an empty shell of a character without that avatar. :( I'll get mi coat.
  13. lePobz

    Call to ban topless hot bitches from Australian beaches

    In that case, I'm also with Pat Condell. Religion should STFU and stop trying to knock civilisation back to the stone ages. Pat Condell has the answer to everything, you see.
  14. lePobz

    Resolution Time!

    I plan to stop playing with my girls' emotions. I'm going to her house on new years eve and I'm going to tell her how I really feel. That doesn't involve engagement rings, though. Nooooooo way. Not me! Also, lol @ Hectic Glenn ... I'm with you on that one. 75Hz all the way.
  15. lePobz

    Call to ban topless hot bitches from Australian beaches

    I'm with Pat Condell on this one (as with everything) ... Muslims should shut the **** up or stay in their native dark-age lands instead of trying to drag civilisation down to their level.
  16. lePobz

    What does want for Christmas?

    Pitzy - the slave was done when the clutch was uprated - they left the master as standard though and the seals have started leaking, so I lose clutch pressure if I use it for more than 2 secs... I can live with it though, i've learned how to drive all over again. lol. Neutral is my friend!
  17. lePobz

    What does want for Christmas?

    All I want for christmas is a new clutch master cylinder.
  18. lePobz

    Year Review: 2008

    So, 2008 was good at times and bad at others.
  19. lePobz

    Second Best xmas Present

    Have you read the comments?? :laugh: Made me laugh anyway. Truths. On the negative side, i'll probably never eat another creme caramel.
  20. lePobz

    Top Ten Worst Employees of the year.

    Ooops. lol.