Search results

  1. lePobz

    UK drivers ... Reccommend me some good car insurers!!

    Just cancelled my renewal with Tescos since they couldnt reduce it enough, already got a quote from the AA for 690 GBP. Already 110 GBP cheaper. The guy at tesco told me he was only allowed to haggle up to 10% less, which was still higher than that quote. I'm sure 690 GBP is still pretty high...
  2. lePobz

    UK drivers ... Reccommend me some good car insurers!!

    I'm not using gocompare, or any of those robbin' bastards. They send your email out to a few million spammers, and take your money before they show you any quotes.
  3. lePobz

    UK drivers ... Reccommend me some good car insurers!!

    I've been with Tesco car insurance for a couple of years, but now they're taking the piss quoting me 800+ GBP at renewal considering thats only fractionally less than I am paying now ... The premium i'm paying now doesnt take into account my 2 years no claims or the fact im over 25 now ... the...
  4. lePobz

    Games you haven't seen the end of

    Dead Rising I loved the demo, bought the game, and hated it. Couldn't be bothered to put in the time to see any of the endings, mostly due to the GOD DAMNED RADIO BEEPING EVERY 3 SECONDS ... F*CK YOU OTIS!!! /rant
  5. lePobz

    2gb usb key for $12

    I bought a good one the other day, to go with my house/car keys. That way, i've got handy access to files. 7.99 GBP for a 2bg sandisk (and its really small and nifty) is a great buy. For a few...
  6. lePobz

    The 1 and the 0.

    I think punchcards were the first real digital 'media'
  7. lePobz

    The 1 and the 0.

    1 is to 0 as something is to nothing. What is anything without nothing?
  8. lePobz


  9. lePobz

    Pictures of Hot Girls

    Photos that are stupidly over-airbrushed are gay.
  10. lePobz

    Psycho Christian gets crazy in a Coffee Shop

    It's a delusion of a delusion if she thinks she's going to heaven. A) because it doesnt exist B) if it did exist, her name wouldnt be on the list C) because mexican people are more likely to be there than she is.
  11. lePobz

    ****abee gave speech to white supremacists

    Germans are lecturing Americans on white supremacists. Who'd have thought.
  12. lePobz

    Do they deserve basic human rights?

    Human rights are for Humans. These things would have their own rights, but probably less of them. I still want the right to turn them off, incase they go tits up matrix style.
  13. lePobz

    Things that piss you off

    The system. It's worse for us brits, getting bent over and shafted by every politician simultaneously. I need to get out of this place.
  14. lePobz

    Xbox Live and sexual harassment

    I'm usually chatting away in private chat on Xbox Live (talking to mates etc) whilst im playing games, so I don't hear the gamechat noobs anyway. There are some decent people on there though, it's usually just the american kids that piss about.
  15. lePobz

    Are you romantic?

    I'm shallow and selfish. The bitches should consider themselves lucky enough to know me.
  16. lePobz

    Gamer uses virtual medic training to help save a life

    Would he have been so lost without the AA 'training' though? Common sense dictates that you should help those that need the most help - and applying pressure / raising limbs to restrict bloodflow is common knowledge, is it not?? I've not touched AA or had any medical training and I know this much.
  17. lePobz

    Should we cure Cancer/Diseases/etc?

    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater would solve overpopulation, though.
  18. lePobz

    GTA Mario Probably old, but I haven't seen it before and its kinda hilarious.
  19. lePobz

    Xbox 360 Coop games?

    Doom (XBLA)
  20. lePobz

    What happened to Darkside55?

    They seem to have accidentally removed my mod status too.