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  1. Infoceptor

    Games People Need To Play, But Haven't

    Okay, here's one that i'm sure close to no one has heard of: To my knowledge, the only true 3d fighting game in existence. Considering how low profile it was, the graphics and music are pretty amazing and you don't even need any real skills to have fun. Just set up a 5vs5...
  2. Infoceptor

    Is Hell freezing over?

    Man, those were freaking good times. Wonder when i stopped caring so much :sleep:.
  3. Infoceptor

    Doom 4 Announced

    I bought Doom 3 the first day it was released 3 years ago. I don't think i was ever so freaking disappointed before; the game was decent as a horror shooter but failed as a sequel. If they wanted to make a completely different game, why name it as a Doom? At least now it seems they realized it...
  4. Infoceptor

    Zerg have been unveiled

    Needs more dirt. Units are way too clean looking.
  5. Infoceptor

    Manhunt 2 censored scenes

    I don't get it. If your watching over 15 minutes of people getting randomly executed, of course its going to get boring and or tasteless. What do you expect? Your not the one playing the game.
  6. Infoceptor

    Evolution in American Schools.

    I seriously don't understand people sometimes. Evolution at the most basic level is simply the change in the alleles of a population over time from external pressure. It is not something that is even remotely debateable. It happens, period. It also, at the most basic level, has really nothing to...
  7. Infoceptor

    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

    I think the best reviews for any game are the aggregrate ones, whether they be "professional" or user submitted. When your rating a game, no matter how objective you are, it will come down to your opinion of it. Someone else might come along, play the exact same game and love it while you hated...
  8. Infoceptor

    Doom 3 thread.

    One of my biggest disappointments in gaming; the game got so boring after a while i simply quit. Carmack + Romero need to team up again. You just got to have both to make a truly uber game. If one is missing, it just doesn't work, like ying and yang.
  9. Infoceptor

    New Valve Game - Left 4 Dead

    What i'm hoping to see is a FPS that actually forces players to work together. Nothing annoys me more than seeing a game labeled cooperative when it requires absolutely no cooperation between players at all. A good example is Serious Sam. Don't get me wrong, i liked the game and it was pretty...
  10. Infoceptor

    New Valve Game - Left 4 Dead

    I've been waiting for a co-op game for too long. My prayers have been answered.
  11. Infoceptor

    Need help from anyone with NWN2, v1.02

    I was messing around with the xml files in <C:\Program Files\Atari\Neverwinter Nights 2\UI\default> and in my haste, accidentally deleted the defaultchat.xml file. The game can't run now and i don't feel like reinstalling the entire game and than waiting hours for it to patch again simply...
  12. Infoceptor

    Neverwinter Nights 2 first impressions

    I don't want to go on another one of my personal rants about the industry but i find it funny how patching these days has become more of a crutch for pc games than any advantage. Most games will sell the bulk of their copies in the first few weeks. If the game doesn't profit well in these weeks...
  13. Infoceptor

    C++ beginning

    Check out the Highly Recommended/Recommended books.'s+c%2b%2b
  14. Infoceptor

    Bethesda to announce new game Nov1st: Fallout3?

    Ok, this is what i'm getting from Grizzly. There is nothing wrong with getting paid for something you do, however, if it is a complete piece of crap, then it should not deserve that money. The main problem comes when people buy said piece of crap and therefore, the company will continue...
  15. Infoceptor

    John Romero voice interview. Talks about Half-Life.

    Funny, i just recently finished reading "Masters of Doom". It was an absolutely amazing book, chronicles the two Carmack's rise to power from their childhood to Doom to Daikatana to the present. I'm sure many, many people can relate to things that were mentioned in there. Kushner also did a top...
  16. Infoceptor

    WoW corners more than half of the mmo market

    Hmmm... lets do some basic math here. 6,500,000 X $15 = $97,000,000, Thats around $100 million that they are getting every MONTH. Every year, its easily over a $1 billion. Yes, they have to maintain servers, pay admins, programmers and staff but do they really need $100 million every month to do...
  17. Infoceptor

    Hidden:Source Beta 4 SOON!

    A big problem in the game is that the last person to kill the hidden becomes the hidden. How is that a problem? Well if someone brings him down to 1 health and another person comes out of nowhere and gets the last shot in, he becomes the hidden next round. Obviously this is not fair to the...
  18. Infoceptor

    Hidden Beta 3 Released

    Easily one of the best mods i have ever played. Found out about it a little while ago and have been addicted ever since. I don't want to put down other mods but too many lack creativity. They simply don't have that something that makes it unique from everything else. Without it, the mod becomes...
  19. Infoceptor

    Will Aftermath cost anything to steam users?

    Beta Testers.