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  1. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    I forgot to mention one thing I guess. The model is not complete. I was guessing everyone would figure that, seeing as though there is nothing in the cockpit :P. Well, now you know.
  2. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    Well, thank you mindless.
  3. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    Heh, did I mention I was bored?
  4. F

    Check this out :)

    Hah, that retard pic is great, and I love the phrase:"Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded."
  5. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    I tried to sharpen the image as much as I could w/o making it look as though I added a noise filter to it.
  6. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    I have sort of revamped the last image; the frontal-top view. Just let me know what you think of it. Please keep in mind, I am notthe best in Photoshop7.
  7. F

    UPDATE: M-16 by Hiro

    Could you post a render of the weapon before it was "tooled" with? Just so we can compare them, without having to go to two different threads.
  8. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    I know it would, but I do not know how to make that great of an effect in PS7
  9. F

    Vehicle: F86 Sabre formation...

    Well, its nothin special. I was very bored today, so I decided to work on a new F86 Sabre, for my Half Life2 Modification; Liberation of Seoul. I have also never worked with particle systems before, so that was a first for me to make a smoke-looking-thing. Just give me your crits, please. Please...
  10. F


    In reguards to SDK, it will be released next month, heh.
  11. F


    Heh, sorry to push you, but did you reply to my pm? You know the rules, "Finders keepers losers weepers!".
  12. F

    Cold War: Melting Point New Renders, old weapons

    A few things. 1) awsome models. 2) To give your models the "Clay look", use lighter colors, such as baby blue for the model, and a more dark blue for the ground. 3)This is for cold war? Like, cuba vs. america vs. russia?
  13. F

    Post your pictures here!

    "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine."
  14. F

    Post your pictures here!

    For some reason, I think sweman2k would look like...uhh, shit whats his name! Gah memory loss!...the main guy in hl. Just grow the ghotee, and get the right glasses!
  15. F

    WIP T-33a, S-51f, CH-34 Chickasaw, C47, Train engine...

    No, senses. Heh, I think everyone knows I am 20.
  16. F

    This may make people feel sad...

    Would you like the specs of my PC? AMD Athlon 2500+ WinXP GeForce4 128mb Ti4200 SB Audigy2 platinum Altec Lansing 2.1 speakers with additional 22' woofer 2.1gb DDRam DVD, CD-RW, CD-R, DVD-RW Westell Wirespeed 2.5mbs DSL SpeedStream wireless router Total cost: $890 USD How?: Frys...
  17. F

    Post your pictures here!

    Jennifer would win any fight against any man. Heh, she would flash them, and when they are staring at her charms, she kicks them in the balls and runs off! ;) Thats my girl!
  18. F

    Post your pictures here!

    Valved, on IRC you told me you were look like your 15....something is goin on here, kid.
  19. F


    Wow, very nice modeling! So, you miss modeling stuff, eh? I sent you a "proposition". Check your pm ;).
  20. F

    Post your pictures here!

    Ehh, I am not the only one with pics...someone else put pics too!