Search results

  1. Slik

    Overclocking 6800nu

    I supposably overclocked my bfg to 400mhz using rivatuner. the Nvidia display clock frequency setting showed 400 and in rivatuner at startup shows 400 but when I looked at the hardware monitor in rivatuner it shows my stock clock speed 350mhz wtf? is my card overclocked or not? if not how can I...
  2. Slik

    The post your 1337 score thread

    ok brag about your scores here... heres mine :cool: you can also rate my scores in the bottom...
  3. Slik

    Geforce FX5700LE

    Yea get a 9600XT, I had that card before I got my bfg 6800nu and it was a great card. I goes for around 150. or if you have 200 you should get the 9800pro remember the fx series dont run the source engine very well...
  4. Slik

    Show us your desktop! (56k, beware!) :cheese: Edit:yes I know ICONS everywhere
  5. Slik

    no matter what I do, no preformance increase? Should I give up?

    and have you tried the new modified drivers from valencestudios? dl here you have to get the 71.20b as they work best with the 6 series. and make sure you use driver cleaner.
  6. Slik

    no matter what I do, no preformance increase? Should I give up?

    I have the same video car and I seem to get better aquamark scores about 51,000, like 8,500 on cpu and 7,400 on gfx. I used to get about 7,200 scores in teh cpu when I had 512 pc2700 of ram then I upgraded to 512mb of pc3200 DDR400 Ram and the cpu score shot up to 8500 points. Ram really helps...
  7. Slik

    SAPHIRE 9600 qualms.

    I have fastwrites on, I dont know what this does but does it really affect performance with it on?
  8. Slik

    I have memory sticks in slot 1 and 3, why?

    can there be 4 sticks of Ram running in Dual Channel?
  9. Slik

    Aquamark Scores

    I get about 50,000 WTF? is my cpu bottlenecking it? spec on sig please someone answer the thread that says Advice needed on Ram
  10. Slik

    Advice Needed on Ram

    I have two sticks of 256 DDR400 of Ram making a total of 512. they are in dual channel mode. I was thinking about upgrading and getting 2 more sticks of 256 DDR400 in dual channel making a total of 1GB. lets say all the timings and speed were the same. would 2x512 of Ram be faster than...
  11. Slik

    Not so good performance, good pc

    the X600 is just a 9600XT in PCIx form... and Pci express compared to AGP are about the same right now. You should've at least have gotten a X700 card.
  12. Slik

    Hard Drive Speed

    i have a 5200rpm hard drive...would going to a 7200rpm make a difference?
  13. Slik

    Dust2=teh buggy

    I get very low FPS in this map, see Its on certain spots and when I move forward a little my FPS goes to normal, I tried almost every driver out there 7.20, 66.93, 66.03 ect...
  14. Slik

    Video stress test result´s...?

    I smell bs, I took out AA and AF to none and I gained 1 FPS in the stress test 89. WTF?
  15. Slik

    Video stress test result´s...?

    I get about 88 FPS with 2AA 8AF with textures to high at 1280 by 1024 resolution with a 6800nu. does that sound right?
  16. Slik

    where can i get the best driver of 6800 for half life 2 ??

    what is the exact number in the stress test?, I get about 85 with 1280 by 1024 res, with 2aa and 8af. I have the official Nvidia drivers. But I get crap FPS ingame like 30-40 usually and 20-25 during firefights and looking at large open areas :(
  17. Slik

    Improve FPS

    ok this is my third time posting this, because no one has replied... When I play hl2 or CS:S i get high FPS in indoor areas and just when I look at an open area, my FPS drops down to 20-25. is this normal? I get about 85 FPS in strees test at high textures + 1024 by 10280 res with 2AA and...
  18. Slik

    Improve FPS

    ok I posted my problem in the hardware forum and no one replied and I am going to post it again. When I play hl2 or CS:S i get high FPS in indoor areas and just when I look at an open area, my FPS drops down to 20-25. is this normal? I get about 85 FPS in strees test at high textures + 1024...
  19. Slik

    is there hope for my....

    ok thanx for the info, I guess ill just stop trying to make them work. Now to not make another thread I want to now if something is wrong with my card... When I play hl2 or CS:S i get high FPS in indoor areas and just when I look at an open area, my FPS drops down to 20-25. is this normal...
  20. Slik

    is there hope for my....

    bfg 6800 nu, I softmoded it to 16x1, 6vp using rivatuner and I got about 10K in 3d mark 03.. but I got some artifacts, they were not really noticible but really annoying. what is causing this? is it broken pipes or something? I ran the benchmark again with 12X1, 6vp and got...