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  1. Dante

    Alpha On Displacement bugged?

    great, thanks for the replies guys, didn't think alpha would be effected by mat_fullbright. gonna test it out tonight, see what happens.
  2. Dante

    Alpha On Displacement bugged?

    Hey guys, i just spent probably about 3 hours making a pretty large outdoor displacement terrain with blended textures & alpha painting, to find that when i ran the map, none of the alpha information passed into the bsp. 0 errors in the map, just no alpha. texture is blended, there is a...
  3. Dante

    HL2 AI Going Crazy, awesome screenie

    heh, i was just trying to figure out AI lol, its the SDK_Vehicles map, and i binded "[" to npc_create npc_civilian and "]" to npc_create npc_combine_s both with RPG equiped, then did a give npc_combinegunship and quite a few give npc_strider it was fun to watch, but the only problem i am...
  4. Dante

    HL2 AI Going Crazy, awesome screenie

    Heh, gotta say this was fun as hell to watch.
  5. Dante

    Dead 6 Media Update

    thanks for the comments, but in the situation that this bat will be used in Single Player, it has been well used. Everyone else, thanks :) we have a LOT more in store over the next couple of weeks/months.
  6. Dante

    Submitting News?

    yes, i realise i can't post the news, but i was asking how to submit it, i apologize for my misleading question. thanks
  7. Dante

    Submitting News?

    Sorry if this has been asked, but everytime i do it in a forum i get locked, blocked, etc... for posting it in a forum period. SOO, how do i submit news to you guys? News To Submit
  8. Dante

    Professional Quality Map Maker Wanted

    well, sorry whatever that out of nowhere flame came from. if you don't like the mod, that is fine, although, dealing with over 12,000 clients i have never seen any software never sell having "spelling mistakes" on there web page. anywho, thanks for the good luck, and good luck to you...
  9. Dante

    3D Artist / Modeler - Looking for a MOD

    Hey sigma fantastic work, i would like to see if you are interested in working with a mostly professional team (meaning we are all in the same boat as you). let me know if it peaks your interest, if so, i will send out a full offer.
  10. Dante

    Professional Quality Map Maker Wanted

    new site is under construction when i found out that color blind people actually go on the internet, odd huh? anywho, as the stuff on the site may look poorly textured, etc... you would have seen that they are WIPS for another game engine that we started off on, everything is/has been re-done...
  11. Dante

    Special Operations Group Looking for help

    ermm, what do you do then? I would honestly try advertising one at a time in order of importance, otherwise you will simply get the same impression that i got from it... "I have a great idea, and need people to do it for me"
  12. Dante

    Professional Quality Map Maker Wanted

    Tired of all these promises and broken dreams? Want to be part of a professional team with people who actually do this stuff for a living? Want to help make a full living and breathing game for the Source engine that is unlike anything else? If you said yes to all those, and have some...
  13. Dante

    Newer SDK?

    already having 5 coders helps :P
  14. Dante

    Out of pure curiosity... full single player campaign in the works, our story is working out at about 50-60 pages thus far.
  15. Dante

    Glass Error

    oh wait.... this is funny... i shutdown hammer, and started CS:S normally, and it looks right.
  16. Dante

    Glass Error

    now that i have placed a window where it can be seen a bit better, it has the purple checker overlayed on it....
  17. Dante

    Glass Error

    so if its the cubemap, why does the water work, and the windows in CS:S and all the tutorials i see (showing it working)? or did CS:S generate there cubemaps from a working version, and the other people have the anon?
  18. Dante

    Glass Error

    No matter what i do, my glass keeps showing up like this. have env_cubemap mapped to the glass's face, a working skybox, water works fine in the same level, and all the other faces of the glass box are nodraw textured. any help is REALLY appreciated, or if someone could send me a working...
  19. Dante

    Destroying cities with Source

    "or" you could simply create a partial building with brushes, and fill it in with destoryable entities. my 2 cents