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  1. zex

    Half-Life 2 officially rated Mature!!!

    Just glad to hear that they didn't water anything down to go for a teen rating or something, but then again Valve wouldn't do that :o
  2. zex


    First you have to reformat, then they're unlocked.
  3. zex

    VALVe, appease our consumerism. Sell us more stuff.

    How about some kind of collectors crowbar? :O break into cars with style
  4. zex

    I bet it's gold, They are probably just working on the PR

    Rusty crowbars can't taste too good. I still think they will wait a while before making it gold, definately looks like november.
  5. zex

    weee I finished preloading

    I didn't know anyone still had 56k :x
  6. zex

    So It didn't go gold today

    All I want is some damn eggnog
  7. zex

    hl2 only six chapters

    Mabye they just condensed them into bigger chapters :x
  8. zex

    hl2 gold rumor removed?

    Mabye just because it was a rumor? :P
  9. zex

    benchmarking utility

    p4 3GHz 1GB of ram geforce 6800 ultra and it runs ok ok as in perfect
  10. zex

    meh steam aer teh updating11!!11one

    am i the only one with a question mark above my head
  11. zex

    News from

    That's all you need to see :[
  12. zex

    City 1

    I'm sure Laidlaw did the name for a reason, which we'll probably find out sooner or later :X
  13. zex

    VU according to the maker of Larry Games

    Valve would have to use some money to get facilities to box/print/ship their own cds, but it's not like they don't have the money. After seeing all the troubles their having with VU they're probably considering it :x
  14. zex

    New hl2 review

    hey how come you get to use caps :[
  15. zex

    Half-Life 2 SDK Shipping After Game

    Another release date missed
  16. zex

    Is this rumer true? I hope so.

    No such thing as playstation, sorry.
  17. zex

    CS:S & CPL, Angel Munoz speaks

    Oh and whoever said source uses hitboxes, it doesn't :o
  18. zex

    I'd just like to say yay!

    I could definately eat that.
  19. zex

    Does Half-Life 2 has Co-Op Mode?

    Not until Sven makes it. :O
  20. zex

    Which suck most?

    You'll die for this