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  1. InvaderScooge

    Read here if you are upset with gamespots review

    Just wanted to add my opinion about the Gamespot review to this thread. I am not mad about the 9.2. That is a good score, I was expecting a higher one though because Halo 2 got a 9.4 and its story line is pretty weak and it is 100% a rehash of the original game with a few new weapons and...
  2. InvaderScooge

    should i get halflife2?

    It is a FX card but just barely. It sucks rocks with dynamic lighting and particle effects. He will have to run it in a lower resolution and then turn shadows off. Other than that he will be fine. Shadows only add to games when you have all the other bells and whistles on also. Most games...
  3. InvaderScooge

    The Countdown Begins...

    Excellent. Something to read when I get back from lunch.
  4. InvaderScooge

    6800 GT for HL2

    You are correct. The FX in the Geforce FX series is from 3dfx. The difference is they took the good engineers from 3dfx and the concepts they were working on and started "building" them into the Geforce architecture. This is a little different from just buying a company and placing their chips...
  5. InvaderScooge

    6800 GT for HL2

    Sweet, a good ATI vs nVidia thread. I love these. Let me add my 2 cents, well maybe 4 cents. I have never and will never buy an ATI card and here is a few reasons why. 1. Their drivers have a horrible track record. I think high school interns wrote drivers for ATI before they got serious...
  6. InvaderScooge

    HL2 or HL S

    That same asterisk is next to HL2 also which is coming out on the 16th. It is just lawyer speak for "You can't sue us when we screw up".
  7. InvaderScooge

    HL2 or HL S

    He is right by the way. The Half Life Source files are on the CE DVD along with HL2 and CS: Source. It will be playable when HL2 is unlocked to anyone who bought the right steam package or the retail CE.
  8. InvaderScooge

    Excuses To Skip Work For Half-Life 2

    Don't look to me for excuses to skip work. I am going to work that day so I can play HL2. Can't play an M rated game during the day with the young ones around. I will play the first level or so at work and then play it for reals after I put the kids to bed.
  9. InvaderScooge

    Updated transparent countdown - again

    Okay, if you have a bad countdown timer and you don't live in the pacific timezone then here you go. It is the same as the last version I posted. I just added code to take into count people's timezone differences. It only works for whole hour shifts. If you are one of those people that lives in...
  10. InvaderScooge

    Incorrect countdowns

    Sorry dude. It is 2 days and 32 minutes until midnight valve's time which is mgt-8. You are 16 hours ahead of valve so you have to add 16 hours to that counter.
  11. InvaderScooge

    This is why you don't pirate games....

    I second that.
  12. InvaderScooge

    Incorrect countdowns

    This is what I am talking about. That one is correct. You are off by two hours! I am posting this at 10pm my time, which happens to be valve's time. edit: unless that goes off of your local time and you are 2 hours later then valve. Then it will look wrong for you but right for me.
  13. InvaderScooge

    Incorrect countdowns

    I have seen a lot of people post countdown times 1, 2 or even 3 hours off when it will be midnight here on the west coast. I bet we are going to have a bunch of people from over seas start to post threads titled "It is 12:30, WTF is valve doing!?" Please get the time right. FYI, As of this...
  14. InvaderScooge

    Registering HL2:CE on Steam

    If you register a HL1 CD key you will get the back catalog anyways. (You can still get it in stores for 10 bucks if you don't have it). I am sure Steam will let you purchase DoD: Source stand alone when it comes out. They aren't going to turn down your money. Edit: and they may just reward...
  15. InvaderScooge

    finalyl getting my new hl2 computer will it run?

    I have a AMD 64 FX-51 with a 6800 Ultra in it. I can play Doom 3 with everything on (Ultra High) at my max resolution (which is 1280x1024, CRT flatscreen) and I get no slow down. Your OC graphics card will perform pretty close to the ultra for most things. You are missing some pipelines that I...
  16. InvaderScooge

    finalyl getting my new hl2 computer will it run?

    He is talking about the BFG 6800 OC. BFG makes overclocked graphics cards. They are a good company and the card will perform very well.
  17. InvaderScooge

    I'm staggered....

    Acert93 sums it up nicely. It is not Valves fault that you guys get your hopes up for an early launch everytime a new picture of the game on store shelves shows up. Relax and chant "the 16th" over and over again until you start to believe that that is the actual date the game is going to be...
  18. InvaderScooge


    I have seen far more stupid questions from steam purchase then from retail purchasers you newb.
  19. InvaderScooge

    Still 16.11.04?

    Read the post in context before you attack people. He was saying the guy at the store was a retard not the poster.
  20. InvaderScooge

    Still 16.11.04?

    They are probably confused about the CE date in the EU which I think is the 26th. I am not sure because I live in the US and our CE comes out on the 16th along with the regular version.