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  1. W

    Do Not Click Me!

    not quite, only one filter used (to bump the wall), the rest is blend modes, transforms, gradients or layer styles. And not a lens flare in sight.
  2. W

    Do Not Click Me!

    just a quick photoshop job help yourselves
  3. W

    HL 2 Multiplayer question !

    Did I hear that correctly? Somebody email Gabe?! Errrr, don't you think he's a leedle busy right now. I heard he was at some sort of show or convention, what was it called now?
  4. W

    What should a mod leader actually do ?

    That's fair enough, and a wise approach to the situation. Creating a mod is no small undertaking and I think a lot of people fail to appreciate that. There's nowt wrong with holding on to your idea while you find the time for the project. Better to wait, and do it properly, than rush out a...
  5. W

    What should a mod leader actually do ?

    Agreed, a good Lead will have a wide range of skills, providing them with an understanding of each team members tasks but that isn't an essential requirement. I feel one of the most important aspects of a Lead's job is communication. The Lead is there to continually update each and every team...
  6. W


    Well, the fact that you've thought about the idea a lot is a good start. Seeing as you have multiple design routes to consider you need to test them asap. Peter Molyneux (Black and White Designer) suggests that the best way to see if an idea works is to implement it as quickly as possible. It...
  7. W


    Ok, I've not read all the posts in their entirety so I apologise if I repeat anything that has gone before but I like the initial idea. I think it would be nice to see it set up just like a real game hunt with the hunted players capable of doing little more than run. In other words do not...
  8. W

    Getting a new Spyder Imagine!!! but...

    Anybody played that hl mod I became obsessed with that for a while. Admittedly I've only played real paintball once before, but the mod seemed to do a really good job of recreating the play. In fact, I think I might just fire it up again. One of the few games...
  9. W

    First insight to gibbing?

    Anybody else examine the facial animation and lip-synching and just think "meh."?
  10. W

    Do NOT use Cell Phones at Gas Pump

    And for the sakes of testing purposes, I'm going to have to see everybody's cock.
  11. W

    Do NOT use Cell Phones at Gas Pump

    I got forwarded this by a friend. Normally I hate these hoax e-mail warnings, but this one is for real. Send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list. If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your cock, DO NOT show him your cock. This...
  12. W

    Synergy in creating a mod

    Ladies and gentlemen, the award for "Over-used buzzword in reference to mod ideas" is........ <nervously opens envelope> Tactical! <cue applause, cheering and short mucis snippet as Tactical makes his way towards the stage> <the crowd goes silent, a sharp squeak of feedback pierces the...
  13. W

    n00b's Ruining Games

    I don't mind when people suck because we were all noobs once, heck I still am. However, there is one thing that really annoys me in NS and that is when the comm packs everything in like a microwave meal. The initial start points are designed with plenty of room for spreading out but the comms...
  14. W

    Just bought a 6 pack of socks..

    Indeed, according to the creators of the party snack Pringles, "once you pop, you just can't stop". Why, I ask then, do they come with a resealable lid on the tube? Have they no faith in their claims?
  15. W

    Real Superheroes?

    The genuine article
  16. W


    I really wish they'd hurry up and realease the damn game, cos then we'd see an end to pointless quandaries such as this one!
  17. W

    Hard Drive Plate Throwing

    weerat Plastic lid from a Pringles tube = Best indoor frisbee ever.
  18. W

    hl2 or hot female

    The real question should be.... What would piss you off the most? 1. Bugs in your Half-Life2. or 2. Bugs in your hot female. I'm sure there's a 'floppy' gag asking to be used in here somewhere too.
  19. W


    I am led to believe there are two ways of dealing with your wood when mapping (get that mind out of the gutter). I'm not sure where I got this info from, maybe I just made it up, but I seem to remember this being mentioned somewhere. And it makes sense too. You create your breakable entity...
  20. W

    QVC guy , watch your step. (Video, somethin to humor you since the delay.)

    What everybdy fails to have appreciated is the woman that has phoned in to let everybody know that she has one of these ladders and how great it is. Even though the demonstartor has just fallen five feet and cracked his nonce she still manages to pimp the product by saying "I have one of...