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  1. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    They didn't lie. It was their intention to make the 30th. They just f_cked up.
  2. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    You know, I think I'm starting to enjoy it.
  3. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Steam was the first step in lowering our tolerance threshold. We are under attack from Valve, I repeat we are under attack from Valve. Head for the hills! Run! They will stop at nothing to play games with our mind and their power is no to be underestimated. Somebody save us...
  4. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Hard lines. You tried hitting yourself in the head? Shaking hands with the unemployed until you're too exhausted to continue? Elephant sedatives? Glued eyelids? Reading every single post in this thread very carefully? Thats bound to send you off to slumberville.
  5. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Wow, this thread really is like IRC.
  6. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Re: Hl2 Not Coming On 9-30-03 Mind games, WTF? Are you some sort of retard. Calm the f_ck down. It's just a delay, not some uber-conspiracy aiming to piss you off.
  7. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    I never claimed to know anything. I suggested they tried real hard to get you a product which is fair seeing as they've spent five years and all their HL profits on it. I said they had good intentions, which considering the amount of community interaction they have provided, is fair enough...
  8. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Errr, no. Valve didn't do anything to your family, they just tried real hard to get a product to you quick and hit a setback. So to carry forward your family metaphor, they said they'd come to visit but hit some traffic. You gonna hate them for that. Fair point, but I'm willing to forgive...
  9. W

    hl2 Pushed back..

    What a bunch of ****ing backstabbers! One day everyone was brown-nosing Valve and then the next theres a man-hunt for Gabe Newell, the guy who has been so damn nice to you over the last 4 months. If I were valve I would take down all your names and ban you from steam cos you're clearly...
  10. W

    How Valve Screwed us all

    You're so damn right. I say we set up a petition to get Valve to release a buggy version of Half-Life 2 now! Yeah, lets have it now, they don't need to test it, they don't wanna create useable SDK tools. They don't need to finsih the damn thing. And christ, they don't want to do things their...
  11. W

    Simple. Basic. Non-Biased HL2 response pole

    I'm one of the select few who isn't too bothered by the delay news, or the manner in which it was delivered, despite being a huge HL2 fanboy. If we had bought HL2 and VALVe/Vivendi had failed to provide a stable product or had perhaps witheld information and scrimped on customer support then...
  12. W

    We deserve an explanation

    Ok, so we (the community) deserve more information why exactly? Did we spend five years making it? -No. Did we prove ourselves to be far more dedciated to our community than your average developer? -No Did we aim to create the game solely to improve upon the original and not just cash...
  13. W

    Black Mesa logo easter egg

    HOLY ****ING SHIT, I CAN't BELIEVE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WEREN'T ALREADY AWARE OF THAT! They were? Oh, there you have it then, old news. P.S Just noticed Gordon is fighting aliens, and he was doing that in Half-Life 1. Easter comes again!
  14. W

    2 choices on ideas...

    errrmmmm. Cel-shading involves more than just flat colour. The idea behind cell shading is mimicking the way cartoons are drawn where colour and shadow is represented by blocks of colour as a high or low light. Using models like the one you show will probably result in an awful lot of people...
  15. W

    2 choices on ideas...

    Yeah, I know you said no ground combat, but I was just suggesting a direction you could take it in should you include ground combat. After all, the engine can do some nice geometry, it would be a shame to not have any. I was just throwing out thoughts. However, you seem fairly set in your...
  16. W

    The random idea thread

    gonna make rude shapes.
  17. W

    2 choices on ideas...

    Hmmm, having read about idea #1, Unaimed (crap name BTW) I wasn't exactly won over. The concept behind the idea appears to be a mishmash of terminology used to describe what the emergent properties of other mods already available. Admittedly, I only read the quick description on your site but I...
  18. W

    The last copy of hl2 is on the shelf...

    Hmmm, I can picture the scene. <Garp enters game store gasping for breath and spies a small, chubby little cretin clutching tightly to the last copy of Half-Life2> Kid: Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yesssssss. The last copy. Heheeeee. Garp: Hey kid, you don't want that game. Kid: Why...
  19. W

    +++++New Movie+++++

    well done for getting a link up Reiska. Shame it really is of little interest. For those who aint got it. Its a slightly higher quality chunk of the first third (or thereabouts) of the large e3 movie. 'Gman welcome' thorugh to 'Take down combine gunship with RPG' followed by 'Gman goodbye'...
  20. W

    didnt know there were so many mods for hl2 allready

    Firslty, I'm willing to bet a fair portion of those will collapse mid-way through development. Secondly, of those that do reach completion, there's no assurance they will be any good.