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  1. Viper118

    problem solver

    No kidding. A 2 level demo would keep a large percentage of the people totally ignoring the beta. Especially since a demo wouldn't be 1.5 gigs. LOL.
  2. Viper118

    A Request to the Moderators!

    Boo-f*ckin-hoo. Valve hasn't exactly shown the utmost respect for it's customers either.
  3. Viper118

    My dream for the pre-release

    Firstly, it's just the stuff we've seen in the E3 vids. What is there to spoil? And I'm sure I'll forget it by the time the game comes out in APRIL. And regarding the analogy, downloading it is not like committing the stealing. It's like picking up money you find on the ground. You didn't...
  4. Viper118

    OK Valve/Vivendi, what's the deal?

    Well put. What I don't get is that at E3 they said the game was basically done. What the hell did they do for the 6 months after that?
  5. Viper118

    there is no beta,unless there is sloid proof

    Re: Re: there is no beta,unless there is sloid proof Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah. *ahem* Hahahahahahahaahhahah!
  6. Viper118

    My dream for the pre-release

    ...a problem that wouldn't exist if Valve had better security. You don't walk around a bad area of town with dollar bills hanging out of your pockets and get sympathy from people if you get robbed. Does it suck that it got released? Yeah. But it did. There is nothing that can be done to...
  7. Viper118

    My dream for the pre-release

    You guys are being retarded. Just about everyone who downloads it will still buy a copy when it comes out. Get aids for downloading a leak? Give me a break.
  8. Viper118

    Ive offically given up hope.

    You've given up hope in what? Learning English?
  9. Viper118

    Something a little... disheartning about Gabe @ ATI's event.

    I don't think it's nerves. :cool:
  10. Viper118

    Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

    That's awesome. :cheers:
  11. Viper118

    For sale: Toshiba e740 (top condition) PocketPC, 128mb flash card, and 150 themes!
  12. Viper118

    Port Hl2 To Mac!!!

  13. Viper118

    hl2 Pushed back..

    Why in the blue hell would this announcement be made to City17 though? Why not announce it on an official site or at least send the email to a larger website.
  14. Viper118

    Attention community. From, your forum troll.

    Great idea, but I have things to do besides waiting for HL2...
  15. Viper118


    10 bucks gets you a month of all their games. I'm planning on doing this if the retail isn't out as soon as the steam copy is.
  16. Viper118

    HL2 in Steam

    Fake. :cool:
  17. Viper118


    Well, if Valve is wanting to make Steam a popular choice for gamers, having it on Steam long before the shelves would be a good way to do that. Keep in mind that Valve makes 30 bucks per steam copy of HL2 sold and $7.50 per retail copy.
  18. Viper118

    Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

    That's what I'm expecting too. If so, I think I'll buy 1 month of steam for 10 bucks and then get a box after that.