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  1. BIG

    im getting some edimenstional 3d glasses

    I had "3d glasses" for my sega master system (8 bit) back in the day. Cool stuff!
  2. BIG

    do I need to upgrade to play HL2?

    I've got an Athlon 1800Xp, 512 ramp (266), and a 9800 Pro. CS source is very playable at 1024x768 with medium everything and high shadows. The gfx card is a bit limited by my system, but hey - it'll be a nice piece in a future upgrade pc. I say get the 9800 pro. You won't be...
  3. BIG

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    awesome....can't wait!
  4. BIG

    Building or Buying?

    Hmmm for 800 you should be able to build a fairly mainstream computer. Also think about looking into your local PC "mom and pop" shops - they could build you a competent PC in your price range - as most PC shops make squat on new machines.
  5. BIG

    New driver bugs....

    Just a helpful tip - and I'm sure you know, but others may not...try very hard to NEVER use system restore. It can cause a host of problems and is a haven for old viruses/spyware as it cannot be cleaned by many of today's scanners.
  6. BIG

    Upgrades...Need some opinions

    there's not gonna be that huge of a difference between your 9700 AIW and a 9800 XT. Save the money on that purchase for something else.
  7. BIG

    3200+ 90nm check out my result!

    very nice job. How long did prime95 run? or did you cut it off?
  8. BIG

    Upgrades...Need some opinions

    Invest in some AMD stock :)
  9. BIG

    radeon 9700 pro still a good card?

    9700PRO is a very competent card for running HL2. For the money though - might as well bump up to a 9800PRO or a 6600 Nvidia.
  10. BIG

    Is my computer good enough to run HL2?

    It's like legos charged with electricity. Seriously, if you can opperate a screw driver and follow directions you can do it. If all else fails, go to a local mom and pop shop and have 'em build you a custom PC. Will save lots off of Alienware for the same PC.
  11. BIG

    Low end systems and HL2 benchmark - inside!

    :) Eventually I'll get around to staring at the wall...then I'll bust out ol' Hammer and get to making some good ol' DM maps :D
  12. BIG

    Low end systems and HL2 benchmark - inside!

    what I found surprising was that the GF4 Ti using dx8 was comparable to the 9800Pro Dx9 on the Celeron. Yeah it doesn't look as pretty - but when I'm running down a hallway shooting stuff...I'm not gonna stop very long and stare at the wall.
  13. BIG

    Low end systems and HL2 benchmark - inside!

    The inquirer did a story on it using combinations of: Celeron 1.2 Ghz GeforceMX Geforce4 Ti Radeon9800Pro AthlonXP 1800+ You'd be fairly surprised at the results: If ya don't read the article, at least know that the AthlonXP1800+ with the...
  14. BIG

    Cpu or MOBO?

    I've got an AthlonXP 1800, 512 megs of ram, and recently bought a r9800Pro. I think I could have higher fps in games if I had a faster processor - but at least now I can run HL2 when it comes out without skipping.
  15. BIG

    can someone tell me if this is a cut down ati9800

    Never heard of it. My suspicions tell me it's probably a 9800SE with the All-in-wonder chip on it.
  16. BIG

    Your upgrade roadmap..

    LOL...I'm waiting until I can buy an AthlonXP 3200 for cheap to upgrade my POS. Soon thereafter my current machine will be retrofitted with an old Gforce 4 for some server duty. Next comes the 2 Gigs of Ram dual Opteron system with a new case/power supply from Antec. Gotta love being a poor...
  17. BIG

    When will the next release of hardware come around?

    We're still waiting for the current crop of stuff to come out. Nvidia and ATI's high-end chips are vaporware right now...most say they'll be around in December at the earliest. There's no release date or month for any group of anything. Most times ATI or Nvidia will cut the other one by a...
  18. BIG

    Digging up old parts

    niiiice. That's quite a drop for air-cooling.
  19. BIG

    HL2 possibly banned in Australia?

    Read this over at [H]ardOCP. ( ) After all this time, Australian gamers, like the rest of us, have endured everything associated with Half-Life 2…the lengthy development cycle, delays, code thefts and so on. Now, they might not be able to play it when it comes out...
  20. BIG

    Please help

    C is the stepping of the chip. Basically it tells you what core it's using. No - it's not Celeron. A P4 != Celeron. You state 1.7Ghz...what motherboard are you using (aka what socket does it have) and is it an AMD or Intel chip?