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  1. G

    SDK ? Wherizzit ?

    Don't be. Some MOD teams (for example, possibly DoD, SveenCoOp), will be meeting with Valve to get a tour of the SDK. Not-so-leet flunkies like us will just get the SDK with what documentation Valve puts in it.
  2. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Who said anything about a demo, Slash? Anyhow, I'd be quite suprised if there wasn't a straight DM mode, but I'm really hopeful that there's at least something else in the mix; even CTF would be nice. I'm really hoping that Valve's silence is covering something spectacular, kind of like...
  3. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Whether or not they actually say anything, I do hope that the multiplayer is more interesting than straight deathmatch. Or has at least a mode that is such. Straight deathmatching tires me quickly. I have all these visions of beautiful moments in MP taking the physics into account though.
  4. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Did I say something to offend you, scrayN? If so, what?
  5. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    ...that they'd be saying something about the HL2 multiplayer "not long after E3"? So far, about the only things they've said about multiplayer are: There will be multiplayer with HL2 Said multiplayer will not be TF2 TF2, in fact, will be a separate product Authentication, messaging, server...
  6. G

    Half-Life² Pay-For-Play??

    Obviously, it will be pay to play. You play $50, once, at EB, GameStop, Steam, wherever, and you get to play in perpetuity. Done deal.
  7. G

    Something interesting I've noticed about the crosshairs

    Armour perhaps?
  8. G

    Underwater and Effects..?

    I don't think that it'd be necessary to work with every dihydrogen monoxide molecule. It should be (relatively) trivial to approximate it. Make a (for want of a better term) particle that has a kind of 'surface tension' perimeter around it. If any two particles get lcose enough that their...
  9. G

    The todays vid? #4?

    The guys at Valve might.. And isn't it sitll a couple hours before the tome of day the first few had been released? Patience.
  10. G

    new scheme?

    indeed, it looks like it got somehow reverted to an out-of-the-box theme. Witness the generic 'vBulliten' logo at the top having replaces the loge. Problems down at the ranch?
  11. G

    Why Is Valve So Quiet?

    Actually, Valve is doing the exact opposite of the Duke Nukem Whenever team. Back when Quake was about to be released, they said "Oh yeah? Well, look what we're going to release soon! Er, after we design the game, license an engine, build the levels, um, yeha. But lookie!" After about...
  12. G

    For anyone with questions as to why AA wasn't turned on in the videos...

    At least they're telling us in advance. This is a Good Thing. Who needs FSAA anyhow? I've played games wihtout it for years, and had fun, and was able to make out what I was seeing. I can do it again. With a game like HL2, I'll be too busy admiring how everything else kicks ass to even...
  13. G

    For anyone with questions as to why AA wasn't turned on in the videos...

    Way to dodge the question. My point was that having FSAA at launch shouldn't be ridiculously high on Valve's short list right now if there are crash bugs, or other deal-breakers ('Whoops, HL2 won't run on an SiS chipset motherboard!' for example) that need work. Let me post another question...
  14. G

    For anyone with questions as to why AA wasn't turned on in the videos...

    Boo friggin' hoo. Worst case scenario, it'll be fixed with a later patch. Y'all do know what a patch is, right? Who cares if you'll see some pixels here or there, if the game itself kicks ass and is relatively bug-free? Quick show of hands: who would prefer having FSAA at the expense of...
  15. G

    When will next movie be released?

    Am I the only one that would be lots, lots happier if Valve had never said ANYTHING, and had just updated Steam and added the 'HL2 Videos' "game"? Few things would have kicked more ass than that. I think they were on the right track when they said absolutely *nothing* about HL2 for years and...