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  1. Wesisapie

    we all forgot about one thing

    shapeshifter pisses me off.
  2. Wesisapie

    Whops! Looks like a Best Buy might get pwned by Valve!

    valve never promised that. it was just one shacknews comment that got blown out of proportion and now everybody quotes it as fact. quoting planet halflife or ign doesnt mean it happened.
  3. Wesisapie

    I laugh at everyone...

    please ban. you know who.
  4. Wesisapie

    I played half-life 2 ahahahah

    god can someone ban this idiot please. its the first time ive called for a ban except for maybe gorgon. cmon its only fair.
  5. Wesisapie

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    emo rules anyway! straylight run - self titled! best album i've heard in a long time.
  6. Wesisapie

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    dude the guys on emporio irc are laughing at you all. get a grip. it was fake. its been done before too
  7. Wesisapie

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    im not saying im tough, but hey maybe id at least go over there and ask him whats going on. you guys are too scared to even call him up. haha.
  8. Wesisapie

    Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

    you guys arent gonna do jack shit. you are all just pussies talking tough behind your keyboards. oh yeah gonna go smash him!!! yeah!!! dont make me laugh.
  9. Wesisapie

    half-life 2 vs, halo 2

    cmon lets fORGET about halo2, halflife2 is out in like less than a week and all you guys can think about is halo2!!!!! WE SHOUlD BE GEARING INTO HALFLIFE2 MODE NOT TALKING ABOUT HALO2! LESS THAN ONE WEEEEEEEK! FORGET HALO2
  10. Wesisapie

    Hi-Res Gold Package Screenies.

    people who dont care what people think have no reputation to uphold, haha. sure am glad i didnt get a crumpled "collectors box" or any other generic crap. ps. you have women hands.
  11. Wesisapie

    Question: sdk once hl2 is released.

    are we going to be able to make maps that are just deathmatch style with Hl2 movement properties, and we can fire up a server in hl2? because if not, then im pretty damn disappointed about that. i knew there was no MP for hl2 except cs:s, but i always just thought i'd be able to make my own...
  12. Wesisapie Machinima

    stupidly complicated name for a simple concept.
  13. Wesisapie

    What do they mean with "Valve's back catalog available on Steam!" ?

    back catalogue, its a basic phrase. it means "the old stuff". so you are getting the old stuff as well as hl2 etc.
  14. Wesisapie

    New Half-Life 2 Editing Page

    its really not that hard to make a map with physics and crap in it, just give it a shot. read the documentation, pull your hair out because its very vague, wait for someone on a forum to tell you a way to even allow your map to compile, work out some more things by yourself and BAM theres a map.
  15. Wesisapie

    New Half-Life 2 Editing Page

    i figured out most of the other stuff by myself, just play around with it a bit. these tutorials are about where i am up to. i just started yesterday and learning the uses of everything is a great idea before getting down to the nitty gritty of actually making complex geometry :) a...
  16. Wesisapie

    I just created the leetest firefox extension EVER!!! THE STEAM LAUNCHER!

    oh wow it has tabs, who cares! who needs 100 windows open anyway. fully skinnable? great! you can make it look like a piece of fairy floss that got tagged up by some hoodlums with spraycans. popup blocker - you mean like the one that IE has in SP2? or were you too busy jerking off over the fox...
  17. Wesisapie

    Source SDK help thread

    ignore that brush question :S
  18. Wesisapie

    Source SDK help thread

    what are valid skynames? i cant seem to find them. also i have a little question about brush based entities. do they have to be applied to a whole brush or can they be applied to a portion of a brush? edit: silly me i found the skybox thing.. you just make a big hollow box then texture the...
  19. Wesisapie

    Compile Errors

    like i said, i followed that thoroughly. no need for wise guy replies.
  20. Wesisapie

    Compile Errors

    I'm new to this whole mapping game so i won't pretend I'm not. I have however read the documentation but... it seems to leave out some information at the most important parts. I try to compile and i get errors like this: "Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Nov 4 2004) 1 threads Unable to find...