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  1. S

    wonder how much pepsi payed to be in hl2

    Thats kinda lame they would advertise products in the game like that... And your avatar is annoying Vanthem.
  2. S

    TF2/HL2/CS2 questions....

    Valve specifically stated that TF2 will be a separate retail game. And I'm speaking recently... not just 2 years ago. Check the Valve info thread, I'm pretty sure its there.
  3. S

    HL2 Pre-Release Screens

    Incomplete E3 stuff. Not even close to the whole game.
  4. S

    HL2 Pre-Release Screens

    I dont see why is supporting this by allowing screenshots :/ oh well. I personally don't want to play this either.
  5. S

    1/3 source stolen? BS.

    All the Steam code wasnt there... Steam would take a lot of code for both client and server... 1/3... maybe... But I was under the impression it was "most" of the code. Although its possible they have 500MB of just text :/
  6. S

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    Gabe isnt going to speak on there...
  7. S

    HL2 Beta does NOT exist because...

    The FBI only has rights in the USA... However you are pretty naive if you think that governments obey their own rules. I doubt they will go out of their way for a video game leak, tho... Depends how much $$$ in damages the leak is worth.
  8. S

    HL2 Source Code

    This appears to be the real source imo... Im a senior computer science major in a school that teaches C++. For this to be faked would mean someone coded HL1, CS, TF2, HL2, Source, WorldCraft, etc by themselves... which is impossible :/
  9. S

    so did you guys like the benchmark

    a theory? thats a pretty strong word.. you know the big bang is all but completely proven and its still a theory... Maybe you should have said something like "I am totally pulling shit out of my ass" before you made that statement.
  10. S

    Not the nicest way to do it...

    yea no kidding.. its just a joke jeesh.. if they fired him for real they would just delete his entry on the Staff page
  11. S

    Novel of Alctraz Event

    It didnt take this post or any interview from anyone from Valve or otherwise to tell you HL2 was pushed back because of Steam. Its obvious. HL2's platform is Steam. Steam is OBVIOUSLY not ready. Therefore HL2 must be delayed. That simple.
  12. S

    NEW hl2 footage tomorrow in at Tulane University

    i bet its the same footage :/
  13. S

    HL2 benchmark video / destructable buildings?

    I thought it was completely dynamic too... I thought you would need an indusctructable material so the player doesnt blow up the whole map. However shortly after Gabe or someone else from Valve in an email said there must be "break points" in materials in order for it to do that. The extent...
  14. S

    Doug Lombardi interview from Japan

    "system tuning and localization" is part of HL2... and therefore HL2 is not done. Same with Steam. He meant the single player and multiplayer of HL2 are done, but more goes into a game than that... like system tuning and localization... and getting Steam working right :P
  15. S

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    I was missing 8 and I gave up.. too much work.. -_-
  16. S

    Possibility as to why the delay...

    They already spent too much time trying to optimize the game for NVidia cards. In addition it would be a poor move sales-wise. Over half the market uses NVidia cards now, that means most of them would just say "screw it" and not buy HL2 because it wasnt made for their card.
  17. S

    Possibility as to why the delay...

    Fragmaster is an idoit.. he doesn't know why its delayed. "Its not finished" could mean Steam isn't ready... Steam is part of HL2. It could mean anything. Single player could be done.. or not.. multiplayer could be done.. or not... I'll tell you one thing for sure, Steam ISNT ready for...
  18. S

    So HL2 isn't the only game delayed :(

    Halo was "cool" and "awesome" years ago on the XBOX. I played the beta breifly and can you say "boring"? Very disappointing imo :/
  19. S

    Demo coming?

    Demo after release only.
  20. S

    Showstopper bug? Poor marketing? Gabe overly optimistic?

    Keep in mind HL, Valve, HL2, etc etc are all based around one thing. And that one thing is working quite poorly as of now. That thing could not possibly provide to the millions of users who will use it. HL2 is based off it. In the long run, everything HL2 and Valve related completely revolve...