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  1. Lordblackadder

    Sigh...more girl issues. Need all those mature guys to round up again.

    No you're not...CRINGE... :laugh:
  2. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    Actually, since we're on the topic of starting wars, here's something that started the most recent one:
  3. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    Same way that most people think most things, they heard it somewhere and repeat it without actually considering the subject. :rolling: It's amazing really, the world will greatly improve after people start using that weird jelly thing behind their eyeballs. :thumbs:
  4. Lordblackadder

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    A ringer for Gordon? You mean this guy is a scientist at a top secret research facility, who does some acting on the side? :laugh: :cheese:
  5. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    Wars aren't caused by religions, they're caused by large groups of men who start killing eachother for no good reason. Let's remember that during the Dark Ages Church and State were the same thing. I always hear people say that religions start wars, what about governments? Is government...
  6. Lordblackadder

    TheNerdNews: Dog Is Found Alive Month After Boat Sinks

    Lucky there were no Piranha around. :O Here's one for thenerdguy files: Most frightening Piranha fact: Believed to have eaten 300 people when a boat capsized near Obidos, Brazil, in September 1981. :x
  7. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    Not saying anything about representation, just that the structure of the church can be used for ill just like the structure of government or corporation, or for that matter a PTA club. I have some friends who are rabid libertarians, read Ayn Rand and worship the "martket" and cororation...
  8. Lordblackadder

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    Perhaps, but remember to ask yourself "can this guy act?" :O We know Norton can, and boy can Oldman act. :thumbs:
  9. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    Everything can be corrupted. But I don't think the broblem is religion, rather religion that begets structured power wielding popes and churches. That is the problem, same thing with governments or corporations. :|
  10. Lordblackadder

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    Hmmm... that might work. Norton as Gordon and Oldman as G-man. :bounce: Now if only I could get in good with LucasFilms. :cool:
  11. Lordblackadder

    Gabe Newell Look A Like Contest!

    Speaking of ......
  12. Lordblackadder

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    I'm thinking Gary Oldman, remember him in AirForce One? Goatee and all?
  13. Lordblackadder

    Same Sex Marraige

    Look I'm all for tolerance, but how about tolerance for the majority of us who just want to be left alone?
  14. Lordblackadder

    Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns

    Damn straight, I rented a car and had to drive for almost an hour to get from the airport to my friend's place, that's with 0 traffic, 'cause I arrived late morning. I heard it is closer to go from Austin to Phoenix than Austin to Houston. Texas is larder than France and the Benolux...
  15. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    OK I'm definately gonna see this movie. I'm telling you this is moviemaking commitment you just don't see anymore. By the way I think the hysterical attitude of the censors has only helped this film. As PT Barnum said "no such thing as bad publicity."
  16. Lordblackadder

    Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns

    I just want to go back to Dallas and get some of those 40oz. Margarittas.:bounce:
  17. Lordblackadder

    Passion of the Christ

    I'm not planning on seeing it, but I'll probably just buy a ticket anyway to support Gibson. He really did what he believed in and quite possibly created a masterpiece, that's the kind of moviemaking we need more of. Guy's got chutzpah standing up to cencorship of his artwork, most people...
  18. Lordblackadder

    It's Lent...What are you giving up?

    Yeah I think religious people, Christians especially, take such a beating from pop culture that they are starting to get offensensitive. No big deal as long as they also reserve some ire for anti-religionists in pop entertainment (put their money where their mouth is). :) I hope they...
  19. Lordblackadder

    Russia's Putin Says Government Resigns

    Hehe.. a Texan. Howd on da dem shpuurs daar pilgrim. :farmer: Have you ever lived under a dictatorship? Would you even know what one looks like? The examples you give have little to do with political tyranny, and even less to do with the process of wading into it. As RW Emerson once...
  20. Lordblackadder

    It's Lent...What are you giving up?

    Good you should.....because.......