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  1. Lordblackadder

    Did anybody else see this last night?

    How's this for a 404 message. Into EA Poe? :naughty:
  2. Lordblackadder

    Rate Calvin and Hobbes...

    *(Calvin): People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Hobbes): Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front? :cheese: :cheers: :bounce:
  3. Lordblackadder

    so, where the hell is HL2?

    I stopped in to ask the same question. It is Dec. 2nd., I hope it is out for the holidays. Quite worried I am....:x
  4. Lordblackadder

    Retarded people

    Thank you, thank you. I also do company holidays, weddings and childeren's birthday parties.:afro:
  5. Lordblackadder

    Level of gore

    Blleeachh:x I play HL in "kiddy" mode. No entrails, people just disappear if you put a grenade to 'em.:bounce:
  6. Lordblackadder

    Retarded people

    Actually, I'm retarded and I like to put icecream on my head and eat it. Although I have to do it quickly or it gives me an ice cream headache. My caretakers really hate it though, having to get molten ice cream out of my hair, hopefully they'll shave my head, that would be sooo coool...
  7. Lordblackadder

    Happy Birthday Half Life!

    Marilyn Monroe. She was a piece........
  8. Lordblackadder

    It's rememberance day!

    Because people keep buying the timeless government lie that wars "protect us". :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: When will we learn?:sleep: As Patton said "War isn't about dying for your country. It's about making the other sap die for his.":sniper:
  9. Lordblackadder

    Bending Spoons

    So after engering at Boing he retired, I would too.:cheese: In any case I can bend spoons with my bare hands. I'm also a weird guy, if that helps. :cool:
  10. Lordblackadder

    Would you like sum whipped cream???

    It will if you eat it with a bent spoon.
  11. Lordblackadder

    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    Slump down and cry like a 9 year old girl.
  12. Lordblackadder

    Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

    It will redifine life and civilization. Mankind will have to redifine its' role in the universe and its' relationship with its' gods. Hopefully the fragile fabrick of society will survive this monumentous, even unprecedented event. For now we can only hope that whenever this game actually...
  13. Lordblackadder

    Would you like sum whipped cream???

    Yes Please. On a warm apple pie.:bounce:
  14. Lordblackadder

    Air your most frightening experiences...

    I'm not implying that something supernatural happened, but it was weird when I saw that transformer in daylight. In any case at first I was just trying to get my car started, the creepiness settled in along with the cold.
  15. Lordblackadder

    Air your most frightening experiences...

    I had an old Chevy, the fuel gauge and speedometer were broken, so it was tough to tell when fuel was gettin' low. Problem was the carburator was crappy so it would stall out if the tank wasn't st least quarter full. One day I was comin' home from a friend's house and passing this huge...
  16. Lordblackadder

    combine are aleins

    That'd be cool.
  17. Lordblackadder

    combine are aleins

    No no, that's Barney.
  18. Lordblackadder

    Post your favorite gaming food!

    I don't eat while I game. Although my favorite drink while gaming is port. :cheers:
  19. Lordblackadder

    Doom 3 - goodness

    I just do HalfLife games, no other FPS. So I won't be enjoying the vomit inducing gore and macabre, nor the psychosis inducing action which will land one in ten players either on death row or in a mental asylum.:eek: :eek: :eek: Maybe I should pick up a book and head to the park.:bounce:
  20. Lordblackadder

    Sexiest Woman on The Planet? (No nipples and/or genitalia)

    yes Audrey was the epitome of feminine perfection. She was Dutch I believe, her real name was really long and complicated but had 'van' in it.