Air your most frightening experiences...

Originally posted by Mechagodzilla

One night, when I was about 10 or so, I was walking to my room in my old house (before I moved). I had just left the bright living room and my eyes were adjusting to the darkness. While my vision was blurry, I turned into my room and walked in, with nothing apparently wrong. Once I began to see better though, I started to make out the shape of a blurry grey thing on my table, roughly the size of the lamp it was slightly hidden behind. As I watched, it looked more and more like some kind of animal. I'm sure I saw eyes. I turned on the light to get a better look, but it was gone, and I found nothing at all that would have implied the shape in the darkness, even after the light was off again.

I don't really believe in ghosts, but I joked with my friends that it must have been the spirit of a dead racoon. :)

Also, I once went to sleep as usual, tucked into the covers pretty tight. Tighter than usual anyways. When I woke up though, I was upside-down. Feet on the pillow, head stuck under the sheets at the other end. What was most weird was that I was still tucked in as tightly. The bed was narrow to the point that it would have been impossible for me to flip around without dislodging the sheets at all. It had all the indications that I had been removed from bed and then replaced by something that didn't fully understand the process. Pretty unsettling.

Sounds like the little grey bugger was a Bogle. They don't really do much, although they occaisionally smash plates and pinch people.

I once woke up on the floor in the hall. With my pillow.:E
Thief 1, scary game. Especially the 2nd level i think, with those terribly moaning zombies, and you couldn't kill them since you didn't have any holy water...

And AVP 2, marine levels. Play it a midnight and you'll be freaked and you'll have soaked hands after playing.

Black and White, when the PC suddenly whispers your name and you don'r know ehere its from...
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Sounds like the little grey bugger was a Bogle. They don't really do much, although they occaisionally smash plates and pinch people.

I once woke up on the floor in the hall. With my pillow.:E

I must be a Bogle then, cause when I was a kid everytime something like that happened, I'd get te blame for it *pouts* lol
My scariest moment was back when I was 14 years old in sleep away camp. I was about to touch my first boobie from this chic Marie, and every time I went to go under her shirt she pushed me away. Finally I got my hand near her boob and went under the bra. All I got was a fist full of tissue paper. BOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHA! Happy Halloween Everyone!
I had an old Chevy, the fuel gauge and speedometer were broken, so it was tough to tell when fuel was gettin' low. Problem was the carburator was crappy so it would stall out if the tank wasn't st least quarter full.

One day I was comin' home from a friend's house and passing this huge cemetary that was not too far from my house (by car, but quite a haul by foot).
Well lo and behold the Chevy stalls right there in front of the place, it was 10:42 on the radio clock, that I remember vividly. So at first I'm thinking cool, my car broke down right in front of a cemetary (there was also a creepy looking power transformer across the street and some city land, part of it used as parking for city vehicles).

So I pop the hood and try a trick that worked before, pour a little gas into the carb-throttles and it helps get the thing started for the remaining journey of like 2 miles or so. Luckily I had some gas in a canister in the trunk, which I kept for such occasions. I went to work, initially oblivious to the creepiness of the whole scene.

It was a particularly moonlit night, most of the nearby landscape was visible, across the street from where I pulled over was the cemetary, rather plain and modern in appearance, not creepy at all. Creepy was the damn transformer on my side of the street some 30 yards away.
There was a light illuminating the entrance to this thing, the only source of light on this nonresidential street, that was really playing with my head. The door had a large rust spot covering most of it, from my distance it looked like someone in brown dirty clothes was standing under the light. There wasn't enough light to illuminate the door clearly, but just enough to play this trick of light.

The carurator trick didn't work, I started getting cold, it was Novemeber, and all of a sudden I got the creepiest feeling. Like being watched.
But to make matters worse.... I'm standing in front of the car, hood open, cemetary to my right, transformer about 30 yards ahead of me but blocked by the open hood. As I'm standing (not leaning on the car because it was cold and dirty as hell) in front of the thing... the damn car felt like it was being pushed. Sure it was in park, but looking down the front bumper was was slowly rocking back and forth.

I flipped, left the hood open grabbed my pliers and gas canteen and cautiously backed away from the car, constantly checking behind me.
I was paranoid at this point, but wasn't about to leave the keys in the car, so after crossing the street ( I felt much safer next to the cemetary)
I checked around my car from a safe distance (kept nervously looking toward that transformer, but partially afraid that I WOULD SEE Something.) After a quick prayer ( I was an ardent atheist at the time, but a good weather one) I strided up to my creepy looking car ( everything looked creepy now except the friggin' cemetary) checked the back seat, got in got the keys, looked in the rearview window... yup the transformer still looked creepy, got the keys locked it started hoofin' it home didn't even close the hood. All the while glancing over my shoulder, at this point I swore Jason Voorhees was standing under that light the disappeared when I looked at it for more than a second.

When I got home I didn't tell my folks what happened, just that the car stalled and we'd have to get it tomorrow. Yes I lived at home I was 17 at the time.

What happened next morning will sound like an urban legend, but I assure you it is true. Collecting the car was uneventful except for this:

I inspected the transformer door up close in daylight, it was immaculately painted with light grey industrial paint and had a prominent red thunderbolt at least a feet long under a skull and crossbones with the phrase "Danger High Voltage" written in large letters.
Although the markings should have been visible, I saw none of them the night before despite descent lighting just above the door, instead I saw a rusty brown blob on the door that looked like a large madman in dirty overalls with a rag over his head.

That creeped me out. Two weeks later I scrapped the shevy and got another car. :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I had an old Chevy, the fuel gauge and speedometer were broken,
That creeped me out. Two weeks later I scrapped the shevy and got another car. :eek: :eek:

You've seen too many movies, Blackadder :cheers:

Anyhow , I know exactly that feeling you described when you're so paranoid you seem to be looking behind and infront of you at the same time, turning everywhere.
I'm not implying that something supernatural happened, but it was weird when I saw that transformer in daylight.

In any case at first I was just trying to get my car started, the creepiness settled in along with the cold.
Originally posted by DeusEx2
It's the stuff they leave out of the movies that scares me the most. Your own imagination scares you the most, because only you know your worst fears.... Kinda like IT from Stephen King, where the victim would see it's worst nightmare. Or the Blair Witch project: you see hardly any scary stuff a la Evil Death or Exorcist but it's still pretty intense.

Ah well, maybe I'm scared pretty easily. I remember not being able to sleep a few nights after seeing The Exorcist when I was 15....

I agree completely to that! It's these stuff like "the only existing photo of X (where x defines a certain monster)" or Blair Witch Project (that movie scared the shit out of me afterwards, I had problems sleeping at night for month's , i couldn't sleep because I heard my hearbeats so loud. I just quote HP Lovecraft: "The oldest feeling of all is Fear, and the strongest type of Fear is Fear for the Unknown" . It's the stuff that you leave the imagination to that freaks me.
This thread freaks me out quite much now aswell ! ;) all these images of ghosts, these stories , all that is rather scary .. damn you guys :D
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
I agree completely to that! It's these stuff like "the only existing photo of X (where x defines a certain monster)" or Blair Witch Project (that movie scared the shit out of me afterwards, I had problems sleeping at night for month's , i couldn't sleep because I heard my hearbeats so loud. I just quote HP Lovecraft: "The oldest feeling of all is Fear, and the strongest type of Fear is Fear for the Unknown" . It's the stuff that you leave the imagination to that freaks me.

the end of blair witch didn't scare me.. though I admit I'd heard so much about it I knew what was coming (I'll be honest, the first time I saw the film in full was the other night on TV :)) the earlier scenes I found pretty creepy and made me pay attention.. I saw the second blair witch film first, last year I think. That had its moments too.

OT: Ring didn't scare me atall last night, I was well annoyed about that! I was all ready and waiting to be scared witless, even had the lights turned down and nothing happened this time. Traumatised me last year when I saw it, but not now, so unfair! lol **

LOL!! haha the PC just made me jump though! damn digiguide with its audio alert for Scrubs.. and damn me for not expecting it and leaving the audio turned up and then something on TV sounded like my phone ringing hahaha ok I got what I wished for, that'll learn me :)

** oh ok i admit.. for the rest of the night I'd glance at the screens on the monitors and TV, just incase I saw someone stood behind me :p
"LOL!! haha the PC just made me jump though! damn digiguide with its audio alert for Scrubs.. and damn me for not expecting it and leaving the audio turned up and then something on TV sounded like my phone ringing hahaha ok I got what I wished for, that'll learn me "

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
hmm, Sarah Chalke almost poppin out of the top of a corset on Scrubs.. not a scary sight, but man I'm thinking some baaad things right now lol
I love these american humourous(sp?) guys.. You're the reason I visit these forums... I mean , everything from "Stupid comments at PHL from our favourite guy" to "whatever floats your boat, mate ;)"(commenting some guys gay depicting drawing) ... Can't stop laughing sometimes when those guys post comments and such.. The best thing is you encounter them almost everywhere, MMORPG's, games like CS , forums , internet shoutboxes... Makes my day ;)
Scariest moment for me would have to be when me and my family went up to our summer house off of the chesapeake bay. We open the door and walk in and the first thing we see is a sheded snake skin decending from a crack in the celing to the top of the fridge and into the house. I don't think I got a good nights sleep the whole weekend, it must have been like 7 feet long
OK, I know for FACT that my old house was haunted, only the upstairs though.

I remember when I was really young (like 5-6) I woke up and looked into the hallway, there was this shadow, it looked like me, I'm dead serious, on the wall. I'm still in my dark room, and the only light is coing from the bathroom down the hall. the shadow looked like it was running too. (Not stationary, it was running in place) anyhoo, called my dad, he tried figureing out where it was coming from, turned off the bathroom light, to dark to see, turned it back on and the shadow was still there, running in place. He told me to ignore it and go back to sleep. it was gone by morning.

when I was older, 10-11, I moved down the hallway to my sisters old room. Then I learned why she wanted the downstairs room. on more then one ocasion I saw a shadow of a large caped figure walk across my room, during mid day. Later on it turned out my older sister had seen it before, as had my mom...creepy.

now, as for pulse pounding scary...

I do some swimming in the bahamas, LOVE the coral reefs. Sharks don't bother me really, but there was one time I was a little scared.
we were snorkeling in an area where a shark dive had finished up. there were HUNDEREDS of sharks in the water. No worries, we wern't spear fishing like we normally do, and the sharks ignore you normally. well, at one point I looked behind me and saw a 10 foot reef shark behind me, and like a fool started swimming faster towards the boat, about 50 yards in front of me. I say like a fool because swimming faster = splashing, which attracts sharks. well, the shark zeroed in on me, and started swimming faster towards me. Thankfully common sence kicked in, and I just stopped, period. shark turned around about 5 feet from me.

Never been bumped, but man I've had some moments around the sharks. little ones don't bother me, but those over 10 feet will....especially tiger and bull sharks...
Man, I got so freaked out after I read this:

I had this AWFUL dream years ago, where I opened the door to my brother's room, and in the window opposite was a creature which looked an awful lot like the "Ghandi Creature". I screamed, and woke up. It scared me so bad, it's one of the dreams I've never forgotton, and that story has just brought it back.

It feels like I'm being watched right now. I hate being scared by true ghost stories, because I can always feel something watching me afterwards, but I know that's just me being paranoid.

I hope I'm just being paranoid.

I better not have nightmares about this tonight. It sounds weird, but that story scared me so bad. ;(
almost forgot my grandmas house!

I sleep in the basement, the kitchen/dining area right above me.

I hear footsteps/chairs moving all night, others in the family hear them as well. kinda odd....

BTW, I'm curious, when you see something "off" or hear something odd, what do you do?

myself? I hunt it down. Ive been meaning to buy a sward, as I've never liked a bat as a weapon...but I hunt down whatever it is. I'll tell you now, if the common grey was in my room an I could move, its first threatening geusture would be its last. (I'm wise enough to let it make the first move, just in case its friendly)
Heh, this is a great thread. My scariest moment would probably be 2 nights ago. It was like 3 in the morning and I was asleep. My dogs were in my bedroom when the both SPAZZED and started barking in the agriest tone I have ever heard at the window. I freaked out and ducked under my cover. I started screaming for the dogs to stop, but they refused. They started growling like a real deep growl and were fixated on the window. Then all of the sudden they just kinda stopped and layed down and went to sleep. It was so sudden, and the whole ordeal scared the crap outa me.
Originally posted by A2597
BTW, I'm curious, when you see something "off" or hear something odd, what do you do?

hmm, well lets see. I'm 26, well built, can defend myself, good staying power in a fight. See something supernatural out of the corner of my eye, crap myself and hide under a blankie....

.. :) no ok seriously now, if I see something like that, that can't be explained, isn't perhaps real, a ghost or something from beyond, a reflection of something behind you that isn't there when you turn your head

...crap myself and hide under a blankie, I'm sorry, i got nothing. If it can't be killed or captured or reasoned with, then I'm as useful as a chocolate sword.
heh, see, thats the great part, if you can't kill it, it can't kill you. :)
well i cant kill a charging rhino w/ chocalate sword but it can sure kill me :3
so we dont know if something beyond us cant harm us ;x
Oh crap, after reading this whole thread the doorbell rang and I jumped off my chair =(. BAH, TRICK OR TREATERS!
The scariest thing thats happened to me isnt a ghost story or anything but it scared the **** out of me. I was in drama practice doing some early blocking where we still use a script and it was something of a fight scene, so i got knocked down and hit my head pretty bad. I stood up and tried to go on, but i was real dizzy. I could see but my vision was tinged white and a couldnt read. I could see the letters clearly but my brain couldnt connect them. It wasnt like it was a foreign language, the shapes didnt connect at all. I also could hear but not understand words in the same way.

Also camping in this old military base. I was looking around and messing around with some friends. First we found a real mummified cat in a ditch. Then we went into some of these abandoned bunkers, pretty stupid huh? anyways, got about 20 yards into one before an mp pulled up and just waited outside. My brilliant friend suggested we hide. At least I decided not to follow his advice and just explained myself. Maybe that doesnt sound scary to you but I was 12 at the time, and my mom is still overzealous about getting in any kind of trouble.
My scariest monet was when i found out HL2 was delayed!
Originally posted by A2597
BTW, I'm curious, when you see something "off" or hear something odd, what do you do?

If I'm on my own I kind of freeze, try to gather enough courage to investigate, walk a few paces, then run away and hide in a corner.

If i hear something off/odd, my senses become like extremely concentrated, and it feels like the bones in my arms are about to jump out of the arms , i look around very sharp moving only my eyes..
most frightening experience?

Before I start I have to say that I have a phobia with storm drains

Near my house I use to live in had this storm drain and when I was walking back from school my $100 calculator fell out of my hand and down the drain, this isn't those small drains near the sidewalk , these are the big ones that have a bridge over it so you can walk through. I was trying to get my calculator back and I really didn't want to leave it there so I decided to jump over and get it, but when i did I fell pretty deep and couldn't get the hell out of there. Its very scary in one of those things. I had to walk deep down where the water broke out to another place and find my way back. I didnt know where I was going but the ground was so dirty and green , all the trash you can think of was there. It looked like a pool that hadnt been cleaned for years. After walking for sometime I found a fence that I could put my hands on and get the hell out of their.

it looked like that.
Well a pretty spooky thing happened last night, if you want to believe it was spooky, though personally I know exactly what must have happened.. And anyone in the UK who has NTL cable will know this occurance unfortunately all too well (yes i wish they'd fix it from doing this too)

As you know, big fan of the Ring films. And Ring 2 was on last night, trouble is I was pretty tired, so for once I remembered to set the video and tape it as I was pretty sure I'd have fallen asleep long before The Hitcher finished. And turns out I did.

Woke up early in the morning a few times, but since I've a headache today I kept going back to sleep, didn't really think about last night or anything, and the TV at this point was now off (its one of those that switches itself off after 5 minutes of static, which would have happened once the VCR finished taping and switched off itself) Woke up a while ago properly, decided to watch Ring 2. Nothing seemed unusual, cable seemed fine though a little sluggish, which made me think it might have rebooted at some point, but otherwise nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Rewound the tape, started it, smoking cigs, drinking tea watching the film, as ya do heh.

..Until it got to the part where it shows the video again. It reached where you see the guy pointing with a towel on his head and then froze, stopped completely on that image, no audio, with a slight flicker to it because of TV's and interlace. and it just stayed like that, didn't change or anything, I fast forwarded through, no change, eventually it went off as that was when the film was due to have finished and the VCR had stopped recording.

Of all the films, it would have to be one about cursed videotapes. Spooky? well kinda weird yeah. Did it scare me? a lil bit yeah, would it have scared me if I'd woken up last night to see that on screen a few meters away from where I was last night in the dark? hell yeah it would lol!

So was it some weird supernatural thing that made the image freeze/flicker on that particular frame. Naaa, as I say, those with NTL cable TV know that often, and mostly during the night, the picture will freeze for no apparant reason. And it can stay like that for hours before the STB (set top box) reboots itself automatically or you reboot it yourself. Sometimes its a glitch in the system, sometimes its NTL themselves forcing a small update to the network, and picking the night time because thats when most people are asleep. I did check the favorites, which took a good few seconds to appear, so it had deffinately froze and rebooted during the night/early morning. And the event history also showed a reboot. I also bet the mods could check if I logged off as the cable modem is part of the STB here, so that would have disconnected also at the same time of the actual reboot, I reckon sometime after 4:15am but some time before an hour or so ago when I decided to reboot the computer.

Nothing more than coincidence that it just happened the very moment the guy with the towel on his head was on screen pointing. So nothing weird was at work with it. Just the fact of all movies it would be this one. And I'm kinda laughing about it now, as its pretty funny.. Though I didn't then get to see the film in full and can barely remember what happened last time I saw it, so that kinda sucks lol

Anyway, I'm right now recording over both of them with Tom & Jerry on boomerang now lol (had taped Ring the previous night) But I might stop it soon and take a photo before I record over it, if anyone wants to see it. But like I say, what happened is easy to explain with proper reasons...

...But had I woken up last night and seen what was on that screen, I can promise you this post would have been a LOT less rational hahaha
If you have been baptized and see a ghost you shouldnt be scared cause they cant do anything to you. You are protected from those kinds of things. If you ever see a ghost with or witness the phenomena, you may command it to leave. In your bravest, most commanding voice, shout "In the name of Jesus Christ (or the appropriate deity for your faith) I command you to leave this place and go back to where you came from!"
Dude, you're going to die! :O

Not really, that would freak me out. But then I'd eventually realise that it's because of the STB freezing.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Dude, you're going to die! :O

Not really, that would freak me out. But then I'd eventually realise that it's because of the STB freezing.

yeah, deffinately the STB that froze. But I swear had I woken up and seen that, and in a half asleep state I would have "seen" something else at the same time. I would have been shi**i*g a quarry in seconds lol

I prefer that time the STB froze during Buffy and on a frame with Willow looking rather cute. Now that I didn't mind atall *grins*
Originally posted by A2597
BTW, I'm curious, when you see something "off" or hear something odd, what do you do?

myself? I hunt it down. Ive been meaning to buy a sward, as I've never liked a bat as a weapon...but I hunt down whatever it is. I'll tell you now, if the common grey was in my room an I could move, its first threatening geusture would be its last. (I'm wise enough to let it make the first move, just in case its friendly)

I'd try to bash it with my metal baseball bat. A fire poker is good too. It sounds like you practise self-headology.


A man believes that he is being stalked by a fierce and horrible monster.

Psychology: A psychologist would endeavor to convince him that it doesn't exist.

Headology: A headologist would just give him a baseball bat and a chair to stand on.

I'm into swords. I know the techniques to make them. Even got my own anvil. Sort of.:E
Originally posted by spookymooky
The scariest thing thats happened to me isnt a ghost story or anything but it scared the **** out of me. I was in drama practice doing some early blocking where we still use a script and it was something of a fight scene, so i got knocked down and hit my head pretty bad. I stood up and tried to go on, but i was real dizzy. I could see but my vision was tinged white and a couldnt read. I could see the letters clearly but my brain couldnt connect them. It wasnt like it was a foreign language, the shapes didnt connect at all. I also could hear but not understand words in the same way.

Also camping in this old military base. I was looking around and messing around with some friends. First we found a real mummified cat in a ditch. Then we went into some of these abandoned bunkers, pretty stupid huh? anyways, got about 20 yards into one before an mp pulled up and just waited outside. My brilliant friend suggested we hide. At least I decided not to follow his advice and just explained myself. Maybe that doesnt sound scary to you but I was 12 at the time, and my mom is still overzealous about getting in any kind of trouble.

Yeah, I had a major migrane once, woke up, and couldn't speak for an hour. The words just wouldn't come out.

I also once snuck into the local gun club, when I still lived out in the desert. Me and a friend were collecting empty brass.
Originally posted by Murray_H

4) Rain - Not scary this one, but pretty weird. My PE class had finished on the field so we all grabbed the stuff and went back to get changed. Me and my mate decided to walk pretty slow, but when we got to about halfway up the field, we noticed the rest of the class start running - it was absolutely pissing it down about 5 metres ahead of us. We looked behind and it was pissing it down too! We had sort of walked into a gap in the clouds. So we stayed there for about a minute until it stopped then we carried on.

Happaned to me before, In scotland we where on a path just outside of a wooden area, there was a lake and pretty small bridge going over it that lead into the town, it was raining over thr town, but stoped dead in a perfect line in the middle of the brige, and it was thick rain, looked like a waterfall

Me thinks that town was cursed :cheers:

edit: One of mine

UFO: Once I was out with my had, just in the garden, star gazeing (cus we are morons and all) but then I saw 2 orange lights in the sky, not a plane or a satalite, as the dots where blurry and "low res" Kinda like if you look at a lamp with half closed watery eyes, there moved over the sky, then one vanished, showing up abit laty, then just before they where out of sight then shot at quite an alarming speed at a right angle for afew seconds before both disapairing

Im not saying they HAD to have Aliens, but UFOS, "Unitentifed flying object" but I belive they where aliens..
The biggest scare I probably got was when I almost drowned a long time ago. Just knowing that I had like no air left in my lungs scared the shit out of me. I ended up breathing in a bunch of water out of instinct, that wasn't fun.

Either that or when a plane I was on a while back. We were taking off and as we lifted off, one of the engines exploded. We were on a 747 heading to South Africa, so luckily we had enough power to turn around and make a quick landing...but yeah..scary.

Creepiest thing that happened was probably a really windy night I slept over at a friends house in his basement. His basement has a patio style sliding door that leads to his backyard and there are no drapes or anything, so you can see outside all the time...especially at night. We had stayed up pretty late watching movies, some of which were creepy movies...the last one was..and that's the one that counts really. friend had fallen asleep on his couch. It was about 4am I was laying awake in a sleeping bag on the floor unable to sleep. At the time, he had 3 cats, one of which always sat in front of the patio door staring outside for hours. Well the cat was staring outside and I was just looking at it and just looking around the know..bored. I looked over at the cat, and it perked up like it saw some animal or something, and looked towards one of the neighbors yards, then darted upstairs all of a sudden.

It was weird...because nothing scares this cat. I can throw things at it, and it doesn't flinch. I hit it with the point of a pen once and it just looked down at the this cat being scared was really weird.

So anyways. The cat had just fled the room. I was alone, just looking out the window at the swaying trees. I could hear the wind sweeping through the trees making a constant rustling sound. I look over at one of his neighbors yards, and I see a guy wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. I don't know why, but his shirt was extremely bright, sort of like a glow-in-the-dark kinda glow, only pure white. The guy is just walking towards my friends small little garden in his backyard that is directly across from the patio door. He walks to the front of the garden and crouches down. He looks like he's picking flowers or something.. I had no idea. I'm just sitting here staring at this guy. Then all of a sudden he stopped what he was doing, and just stood up and turned around and stared at me. No expression on his face or anything. He just was staring at me, and I just stared back. Then I got creeped out and turned around to wake up my friend who was sleeping behind me. I half woke him up, and turned back around, and he was gone...

The next day we went out to look in his garden and we just found a deat mouse, probably from his cat killing it..but nonetheless..I was creeped out by the guy the night before.
This school camp I went to when I was younger, I got a huge scare, as did everyone else.

So the teachers/parents decide to take us over to this ghost town. It's all in ruins and abandoned and apparently there's a bunch of stories revolving around it and stuff. So we get there and it seems pretty creepy, just really quiet and cool. A teacher gets us over to this one house to have a look, we all crowd around real tight and he starts tellin us a bogus story about it, made a pretty shoddy job of it. Anyway we lost interest and talked amongst ourselves, about 30 of us I think.

So we're minding our own business when a few of us spot something huge inside the house, then a huge CRASH!!! And next thing I know everyone is on the ground, scared out of their wits, some crying, some fallen in sheep shit.

So what happened is one of the parents thought he'd have a good laff, went inside thinking he could jump out in a lame ghost costume and freak us all out. Instead he stumbled into a huge pillar inside and knocked the whole thing over :D Made a huge sound and freaked us kiddies so bad we fell back onto our asses like a mexican wave. It wasn't funny at the time, I swear :p
knocked the whole thing over :D Made a huge sound and freaked us kiddies so bad we fell back onto our asses like a mexican wave. It wasn't funny at the time, I swear :p

lmao :)