Air your most frightening experiences...

Eh i got one, i took a shit this morning and the pluming (i live in a real poor part of town) is horrible in my house so its not ****ing flushing. Thats a true horror i tell you.;(
One small thing I forgot to put on mine is about my friend's stereo.

It's got a remote control and when you press volume, the dial moves on the actual stereo, which is kinda cool. One night we were just chilling talking about school and stuff. We had some music playing. We had talked a while, and then we realized that there was no more music. We looked over at the stereo and the volume knob was all the way to zero. I thought that maybe he had just leaned on the remote or something, but then I saw the remote sitting on top of the stereo. I started to get up to turn it back up when the knob just turned almost all the way up and music was blasting crazy-loud. I ran to turn it down.

It's obviously some crazy wiring gone wrong in his stereo, but we still joke at how it's haunted. It's happened a few other times where the volume just goes nuts up and down all over the place. It's pretty freaky when we aren't in the room and all of a sudden music blasts, then goes away.

Speaking of haunted machinery...Shareaza is weird for me. A little bit ago I put in a search for an incubus song. I let the search run a while. I closed the window. I forgot about it. Like 15 minutes later I open it up and it show's "Jesus Ranch" in the search box with jesus ranch results...weird bug if you ask me.
Just a little wierd.

I have 2 things, and they're both dreams that Ive had and what happened after.

1. I woke up for some reason, and I was dreaming, about what I forget. I went downstairs to get something to drink/eat. My mom was in the living room sleeping on the couch because she had a migrane and needs to sleep with her head propped up. I came in from the kitchen which is directly beside the living room when my mom asked who was there. I walked in and said it was me. She asked what I was doing and stuff naturally. I said talking then I started making no sense at all, except at the time I made perfect sense to myself. I was talking about how the firemen were coming and I needed my fireman hat. She was saying things like "Brad, your scaring me" and Id be like "Mom, just listen to me". At the time I thought I made perfect sense, I was postitive.
BUt then the next morning when mom asked me about it and I began to remember, it made none at all. Its just so wierd believing that what you were saying was tottally true and certain about it, only to find out that it was barely coherent.

2. I woke up one night after a bit of a nightmare and coult get back to sleep. I laid in bed just starring and could get the tohught out of my head that I need to fill my bathtub with the wieght of a human body/full of golfballs. It was the wierdest thing, I just could stop thinking about it. I HAD to put the golf balls in. That sounds funny, but it was scary.

Le Fin.
Originally posted by The Terminator

2. I woke up one night after a bit of a nightmare and coult get back to sleep. I laid in bed just starring and could get the tohught out of my head that I need to fill my bathtub with the wieght of a human body/full of golfballs. It was the wierdest thing, I just could stop thinking about it. I HAD to put the golf balls in. That sounds funny, but it was scary.

Le Fin.

:eek: PSYCHO! lol Nah i got a couple:

1) Me and 2 of my friends were walkin down the street at like midnight going to a friends house, and the cops pull up. I have a uhh lets call it a problem with some of the cops plus its past curvu (sp?) so we just ran like bloody hell. We made it to a friends shelter like thing in his backyard and were hiding there. Then out of the middle of nowhere we hear shit moving around, like really fast inside of the shelter.

I was like wtf, we couldnt see shit and all three of us were real close together. We were lookin back there and we just heard it and were freakin out. We still dont know what it was.

2) Me and a friend live in a pretty bad part of town, so one night we are walkin down to a local store and this dude comes out of the woods. Like as if he had been hiding there and started saying he was lookin for a street, he was gettin all close and had his hand like in his jacket as if he was going to pull out a gun or somethin. We said we didnt know where the street was and started waklin off. He kept callin out to us but we just kept walkin.
Originally posted by The Terminator
f*ck man, people comin up to ya at night is freaky

Yea i know that shit scares me. I might be just assuming but i do think he was about to rob us he was acting really sketchy. Oh yea another thing that scared me is i was almost robbed by 3 mexicans from some gang down my street while i was mowing the lawn.

They came up and just started walkin towards my house. I pushed them back and was like "what the **** do u think your doin??" they couldnt speak english so i just started yellin and cussing and they left. I went into the house and my neighbor said they started creeping back by so i called the cops and the cops arrested one of them.
Just happened a few days ago...

Well being a semi-agressive driver, I decided to use a brute force approach on the onramp and then I realize there is goddamn car to the left of me which I'm about to hit (and I'm doing like 50-60 at this time) so I quickly turn the wheel to the right and then I realized this is some sort of a short midget onramp that ends in 20 ft in a concrete barrier in front of me.

So at this moment (like 1/10 of a second) I'm totally freaked out and I was sure I was either gona hit the barrier or the guy, so I just make a sharp left .. the guy hits the breaks and I barely squeeze in between him and the barrier jumping the curb next to the barrier with my right wheels.

LOL, I was freaked out, my dad almost had a heart attack. When we got home there wasn't a single scratch on the car .. damn. Dunno what happened to that guy though ....
Here's a funny story ( retrospect).

When I was younger I'd get extremely sick sometimes with a condition called "Krup", which basically means you stop breathing once in a while because your air pipe constricts. It feels like your breathing through on of those coffee-stirrers (you know those skinny red ones). This is scary as shit especially when it happens late at night.

Well, I woke up in the middle of the night once with this happening. Since my brain was severly starved for oxygen I was also hallucinating. I jumped out of my bed and started to go to my parents room cause I was scared shitless. But it was pitch black in my room and even though I couldn't see anything in my room I could feel everything in the room, it all felt like it was miles away and I was stranded in a giant empty void. I just started walking and feeling the wall towards my door. When I felt the door handle I swung it open and walked through, expecting to step into the hallway.

But instead I hit a wall. I put my hands up and there was a wall all around me and the floor was filled with what felt like boxes and other crap. I of course started wigging out, stumbling into walls while unable to breathe. So to make a long story short, I actually walked into my closet, and in my oxygen-starved haze I had no idea that it was closet. I eventually got out (it took me an embarassingly long time to figure out where I was) and was rushed to the hospital.

Makes me laugh each time I think about it.
Originally posted by manny_c44
Here's a funny story ( retrospect).

When I was younger I'd get extremely sick sometimes with a condition called "Krup", which basically means you stop breathing once in a while because your air pipe constricts.

AHAHAH...oh wait..that's just scary.

I sorta can see why it's funny to you..but to's just ...not.

That wouldn't be a fun sickness to have.
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
That wouldn't be a fun sickness to have.

Well, I think any sickness where you get to have hallucinogenic experiences would be kinda fun. Unless your life is in danger ...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Well, I think any sickness where you get to have hallucinogenic experiences would be kinda fun. Unless your life is in danger ...

Yeah.. but he was having hallucinations because the lack of he was in danger...
Originally posted by manny_c44
Well it wasn't funny then.

I see what you mean in retrospect, but when you tell us that story, we just look at it as you came close to dying... I think the fact that you were in a closet was kinda funny, but the rest not so much..