Air your most frightening experiences...

i have you know i was gonna go to bed before reading this thread,

now what am i supposed to do.

i have to turn to booze, thats what, i hope your happy.

edit: and no, im not following that link :upstare:
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie

Those, and the time I started losing consciousness, while driving...I suddenly awoke, and noticed I was driving toward a building.
I've walked awake, with eyes open and all but without realising it at all and without remembering anything for 1km once.
Originally posted by burnzie
i have you know i was gonna go to bed before reading this thread,

now what am i supposed to do.

i have to turn to booze, thats what, i hope your happy.

edit: and no, im not following that link :upstare:

aww its not that scary.. just fun little pics of the Dover Demon some people have drawn

ooh go look at the kitten link then before you go to bed, its quite safe I swear ;)
**** off :p

Edit: ok, link wasnt scary, not touchin the kitten one though

Yup, that's him. I think he's kinda cute, personally.

But then, I think spiders and snakes are cute. I live in my own little world...

Another story from Bendigo:

In Bendigo, on top of the spire of the town hall, there are four hounds, each facing in a different cardinal direction. They appear to be some sort of great dane, or similar.

A local legend says that these silicaceous canines come to life at night and walk the shadows, keeping a watchful eye on late night travelers. This'd be dismissed as bunkum, except for the fact that, a few years back, two guys, who'd mugged a lady out late, were found unconcious and injured in an alley. The injuries were described as being very similar to the bite of a large dog.

The lady's bag, which had been taken by the men, was found hanging on her front doorknob. The men, who survived, were very reticent upon the whole subject of dogs afterwards. It was observed, during the short trial, that they spent a lot of time staring at the spire of the town hall.

True. I've seen the newspaper clipping.
the ones that hang around warbouton, vic

but odviosly you know what im on about
Ther are supposed to be some around Murrumbeena, I think, and Moama near the border. Possibly some near Canberra, too. Supposedly, they're the descendants of pets/mascots of American servicemen, who couldn't take them home. There are pumas too. And there's even been a cheetah sighting, somewhere.
yeah, i heard that. wouldnt wanna come across one

from what i heard, there quite violent.

Edit: there was an artical in the local paper about sightings as low as mornington peninsula (dear god help me!!):eek:
Pumas are right bastards, leopards/panthers are nasty when they sneak up on you, but cheetahs are actually quite friendly. They act more like dogs than cats.

EDIT: Where are you? I live near Berwick/Dandenong.
*starts makeing barracade*


Edit: mornington peninsula, mt martha area
damn yowies

ever cut one open, they got smaller animals inside them that have frozen stiff like plastic. freaky indeed. all dismembered like that.
The Dover Demon doesn't look that scary. Quite cute actually :)
Though I probarly wouldn't think that if I encountered one late at night when I'm all alone...
I got really scared when i was playing diablo 2 with my hardcore character i was just going along my own buisness when duun! A Player killer hostiled me!! Argh and i had run out of tp scrolls . Nooo i screamed , had a panic and clicked save and exit. Very scarey I was shitting myself :p
Dover Demon is a cutie.
Chupycabra is still really scary.

And wheres that link, CYPERGUINEAPIG?
Wasn't there a theory going around that the Chupacabras was an American Military genetics project that escaped?
Yeah, the good ol Panther. Supposed to be up around the Gippsland area. Every now and then the have stories about them in the paper or on the news, which last for a couple of days, than dies down for a few months. Thats would be creepy, seeing one of them int he night, or going outside at night, and seeing these big, glowing eyes looking straight at u, kinda of like a cat, but a lot bigger. Sends shivers up and down my spine just thinking about it.
Its 11:53pm here atm. This isn't a good thread to read jsut before ur going to go to bed.
Oh, bloody Return to castle Wolfenstein, that scared me. Mainly because that floating, electric choped in half thingy would always come from nowhere and crack right into you. Or in the latter levels when the big monster is after u, u can hear him slightly, than all of a sudden he would smash through the wall right next to u, that got me jumping out of my chair.
resident evil, now this is one scary game, the origional is the best, especially the one on the gamecube, VERY SCARY

made me need to wee every 10 minits
Originally posted by king John I
resident evil, now this is one scary game, the origional is the best, especially the one on the gamecube, VERY SCARY

made me need to wee every 10 minits

I've never ever seen a scary game, perhaps its just me... Dunno...
Originally posted by burnzie
damn yowies

ever cut one open, they got smaller animals inside them that have frozen stiff like plastic. freaky indeed. all dismembered like that.

Oh my dear lord.....what are you talking about?
Originally posted by Faravid
I've never ever seen a scary game, perhaps its just me... Dunno...

The first time a headcrab jumped out at you in HL1 before you knew anything about them?

The garg chasing after you and you just knew stopping or looking behind you would mean game over cause it would have caught up to you by then?

Aliens on the C64, first time an Alien moved toward you

Seeing strange things in multiplayer, like when I saw someone in a MP game yet nobody was there and the game was private and password protected, that was spooky, probably a glitch but still spooky, and was a spooky level to begin with anyway (JK: MotS, one of the swamp levels)

Daggerfall, had a few scary moments in the dungeons

AvP 1/2 plenty of scary moments, especially the scripted sequences in AvP 2.. Or the moment the power goes out in AvP 1 and its the first time you play it not knowing when the Aliens will appear

The Thing, that game had a few scary moments

hmm can't think of other scary games right now.. and granted a few of the above was more tension than scare, but still, got the old heart racing :)
I remember in AvP 1 when you first get a glimps of the Xenomorph. That was so damn scary. Even though I played that part over and over, it always scared the crap out of me.
Originally posted by Fender357
I remember in AvP 1 when you first get a glimps of the Xenomorph. That was so damn scary. Even though I played that part over and over, it always scared the crap out of me.

that first marine level, it was ages before i could play it properly. I tried the marine as soon as it was installed (didn't want to spoil the fun playing as the alien or predator straight away) But it was just too creepy and I couldn't do it, had to stop and do the others instead lol, didn't properly play as marine until much later.
I always thought Thief 1 had some scary parts. That game still creeps me out.
Warning/ Achtung/ Preduprezhdeniye/ Poperedzhnya/ Pozor/ Zehirut!!!(that's about every language I know :D) After looking at this picture many people have lost their minds and got into a nut-house. Don't tell you weren't warned!!!

This is my scaryest experience:


One night, when I was about 10 or so, I was walking to my room in my old house (before I moved). I had just left the bright living room and my eyes were adjusting to the darkness. While my vision was blurry, I turned into my room and walked in, with nothing apparently wrong. Once I began to see better though, I started to make out the shape of a blurry grey thing on my table, roughly the size of the lamp it was slightly hidden behind. As I watched, it looked more and more like some kind of animal. I'm sure I saw eyes. I turned on the light to get a better look, but it was gone, and I found nothing at all that would have implied the shape in the darkness, even after the light was off again.

I don't really believe in ghosts, but I joked with my friends that it must have been the spirit of a dead racoon. :)

Also, I once went to sleep as usual, tucked into the covers pretty tight. Tighter than usual anyways. When I woke up though, I was upside-down. Feet on the pillow, head stuck under the sheets at the other end. What was most weird was that I was still tucked in as tightly. The bed was narrow to the point that it would have been impossible for me to flip around without dislodging the sheets at all. It had all the indications that I had been removed from bed and then replaced by something that didn't fully understand the process. Pretty unsettling.

That story back there about the guy chased by dogs when he was biking as a kid kinda hit me. I was once the same age and in the same situation (only just one dog). The main difference though was that it caught me. :x It left four good-sized tooth holes in my leg. And the worst part is that I didn't even get a cool scar or anything. ;(
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla

It had all the indications that I had been removed from bed and then replaced by something that didn't fully understand the process. Pretty unsettling.

Sounds like aliens dont use beds. And you know that that sex with extra dimentional beings......;(
Originally posted by Fender357
Sounds like aliens dont use beds. And you know that that sex with extra dimentional beings......;(

Like this.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
The first time a headcrab jumped out at you in HL1 before you knew anything about them?
It was a suprise but not scary.

The garg chasing after you and you just knew stopping or looking behind you would mean game over cause it would have caught up to you by then?
I killed all the gargs besides, its not hard to run and at the same time look behind... I do that often in multiplayer.

Aliens on the C64, first time an Alien moved toward you
By the time I got C64 it was outdated machine (mid 90's).
Even Quake wasn't scary to me.

Seeing strange things in multiplayer, like when I saw someone in a MP game yet nobody was there and the game was private and password protected, that was spooky, probably a glitch but still spooky, and was a spooky level to begin with anyway (JK: MotS, one of the swamp levels)
I've done quite alot of beta testing, ghosts are very common problems in multiplayer games.

Daggerfall, had a few scary moments in the dungeons
Tried that game first time 2 years ago :p (I started playing RPGs about 3 or 4 years ago, found Diablo weird when it came out, though it is a hack & slash.)

AvP 1/2 plenty of scary moments, especially the scripted sequences in AvP 2.. Or the moment the power goes out in AvP 1 and its the first time you play it not knowing when the Aliens will appear
OK, I have to admit AvP 1 was damn scary for me when it came out, so scary I couldn't play it. :D

The Thing, that game had a few scary moments
Pathetic try of a game, the graphics itself made it cartoon like non scary pile of s***, the movies is much better (I got it on DVD), but still not scary.
Originally posted by Loshadka
Warning/ Achtung/ Preduprezhdeniye/ Poperedzhnya/ Pozor/ Zehirut!!!(that's about every language I know :D) After looking at this picture many people have lost their minds and got into a nut-house. Don't tell you weren't warned!!!

This is my scaryest experience:



EDIT: OMG! I'm a Zombie!!11 (Scary) ;)
Originally posted by Fender357
Oh my dear lord.....what are you talking about?


1. Little chocolate critters you buy in the shops. Each has a small plastic capsule inside, containing a little plastic example of Aussie wildlife, whic you have to assemble.

2. Big, smelly, ugly Aussie version of bigfoot. This is the original meaning.