Air your most frightening experiences...

I dont know any wierd storys, but the ultimate scary story was when i was skiing, actually there are two:
1. On one of those chair lift things, me and a friend were going on one last trip before the lifts close, so it was pretty much derted(noone to help me) and half way up we were mucking about when i slipped and only managed to hang on by my two hands!!! we were as high as a three story biulding i would guess. I slipped cos as a dare we took the safty barrier off. I got back up safe though, with my friends help. I'll never do that again you can bet.
2. it was really snowy and cloudy so i acidentially skiid offslope without realising it, i was skiing and could barly see the slope, when i skiid off some sortof drop, it was only 3 meters but imagine for those few seconds what it was like, suddenly falling off something wothout being able to see that bottom, i was o.k. though because the snow was soft and powdery.
Those are the 2 times i though i might die. :) but brighten up, its not all bad.
ok this isnt scary, but its weird, and i swear on my life its true.

i was lying in my bed when my niece poked her head in the doorway. She looked at me, then asked, "What did you say? Where's Morgan?"

Now, at that very instant I was about to ask her where morgan was, but i didnt, i only thought it... after that we sat for about 30 minutes trying to get this 'telepathy' to work again, but we could not..
This happened to my great grandmother, and she swears that it is true.

My great grandmother was driving home one day in late December. It was around 9:00P.M. and it was snowing outside. The road to her home was very small and it snakes up the side of a mountain. At this time of year it was icy and the visibility was very low. She was driving up the steepest part of the road when her tire blew out. She got out to fix it. Just as she got out of the car a man came up to her out of nowhere and offered to help. He didn't have a car with him. He fixed the tire for her and said she should get out of there fast. My great grandmother was confused at this since he actully kind of yelled it. She turned to her purse to take out her wallet to pay him, and turned back only to see he was gone. He had been standing two feet in front of her only two seconds before hand, but he was nowhere in sight. He couldn't have gone anywhere since there was a vertical cliff wall on the left side of the road and a vertical drop to the right. She was shocked. She got in her car and started to drive away. She drove about ten feet when she heard a terrible crash behind her. A giant boulder from the cliff on the left of the road had rolled off the cliff and crashed in the exact spot her car had been only a few seconds ago. If my great grandmother would have been in the car (she would have been if that man wouldn't have shown up) she wuold have been killed for sure.
i got 3, all true i completely swear by it.

1) i was staying at my grandads house in the spair bedroom upstairs. my bro was in the bed so i was on the floor in a sleeping bag. during the night i woke up suddenly and cause i was laying on my side i had a clear view of this antique playing card table from around 1900~. sitting in one of the chairs was a man wearing clothes from around that time. he was shuffling a pack of cards and laughing. i remember watching him for a few mins and then the next thing i knew i had woke up in the morning. it wasnt a dream because i only remember like 1% of my dreams and all the details are still fresh today.

2) i stayed in this old french chateau near thiepval in france. it was used in the 1st world war as an allied hospital, and during ww2 as a german field hq and also a temporary holding ground for jews. there are swaztikas and names of jewish prisoners written on the walls and carved on trees and everything. anyway is a really freaky old house, reminds me alot of the one in the others. anyway i was on my way to breakfast one day when i walked into one room to check myself out in a mirror. within seconds i had this incredible feeling that i was being watched. i felt really freaked out and left never to go back in that room. now a few months later ( a few weeks ago) i was talking to my dad and we started talking about this chateau. he said how his parter and one of her friends both got wierd feelings about being watched when they stayed in that room. also the people who own the chateau said the room had a history of making ppl feel uncomfortable. anyway the wierd part is he didnt tell me what room and suddenly i remembered my feeling and it was in the exact same room it turns out when i described the room where it happened to me.

3) my best mate told me this, and i do believe him. he was staying at some country house on the second floor. around midnight he had just finished reading and turned the light off and was trying to go to sleep when he heard a quite banging noise on the window. it gradually go louder untill it was a desperate scratching noise. he told him self it was a tree branch and eventually he feel asleep. he kinda forgot about it the next morning and it was only when he was leaving did he remember. he looked up at his window and there was no tree outside. infact theres no tree for at least 20 meters anywhere around the house

wierd eh....:eek:
ok qckbeam and djstoker. It's 12:23am here and you two just gave me the shivers, those stories were good :) I love being made a bit scared like that at night, makes me feel alive... unless the power suddenly goes out then I'll scream like a baby lol. Actually that can be the scariest part, when the power comes back on and all the machines and everything here power up all at once after complete silence and the lights all flash on and *shudders* ain't fun, I usually just hide under a coat or something and convince myself that if I can't see or hear anything, it ain't happening haha
Originally posted by djstoker
i got 3, all true i completely swear by it.

3) my best mate told me this, and i do believe him. he was staying at some country house on the second floor. around midnight he had just finished reading and turned the light off and was trying to go to sleep when he heard a quite banging noise on the window. it gradually go louder untill it was a desperate scratching noise. he told him self it was a tree branch and eventually he feel asleep. he kinda forgot about it the next morning and it was only when he was leaving did he remember. he looked up at his window and there was no tree outside. infact theres no tree for at least 20 meters anywhere around the house

wierd eh....:eek:

holy me.umm..whatever you want, but just reading that made me shiver and brought wetness to my eyes...i mean, knowing SOMETHING was at the window tapping, then knocking, then scratching feverishly would freak me out big time. hmmm..

EDIT: ok ok ok, it was prolly just a headcrab eh?
Not really scary but sorta.
I was wactching the Ring and right after the part where you see the movie the phone rang. It was my friend but damn it was scary.
Originally posted by creationist
holy me.umm..whatever you want, but just reading that made me shiver and brought wetness to my eyes...i mean, knowing SOMETHING was at the window tapping, then knocking, then scratching feverishly would freak me out big time. hmmm..

EDIT: ok ok ok, it was prolly just a headcrab eh?

Maybe it was an alien :) I was going to scan in a picture of the scariest sketch I've seen of a "real?" alien someone once saw.. But just thinking about doing tha and remembering the face on it has really sh*t me up now.. lol
I had no shortage of scary expiriences after Sept. 11. Basically being in the same train/bus with a middle-eastern looking dude who had a backpack would make me get off at the next stop.

The funniest one was when I was waiting for a subway train and suddenly the guy at the other end of the station collapsed. I was like, "Ok chemical attack". So I pull on my gasmask and start running to the surface. Then I realized I was the only one running and the guy just had a bit too much to drink.. LOL
I've got a good story that scared the crap out of not only me, but about 5 other people. I'd swear on the Bible that it happened. Maybe it was some kind of mass hallucination or something, but we all saw it.

Ok, so my friend, my brother, my friend's sister and her friends, and I were sitting out in front their house one night. I lived in Florida at the time and this house was across from a neighborhood that was just getting built up - it had unfinished homes. It must have been no later than 10PM, but it was completely dark out. So anyway, we were all just sitting there and talking, and someone said, "Hey what the **** is that." SO then all of us look over at a house across the street that is really just concrete walls at this point, and we all see this thing/slash person (it looked like it had a head to me) glowing with this white aura walk out into view through a window, turn and look at us, and then turn and continue walking and went out of view behind the wall. We freaked out and ran indoors. To this day my brother and I still talk about it - it's giving me goose bumps thinking about it even now. So I don't know if we really saw something or all hallucinated it together, but whatever happened, it happened to all of us and scared the shit out me.
The time I went to jail was horrible. Of course, it was my fault I ended up there... but it was still scary.

And also I remember when my last girl-friend was getting stalked by this huge redneck, for awhile...then he got thrown in jail for raping some girl. Too bad he didn't fall off a cliff, before he could rape anyone. It gave me this eerily feeling of gratefulness; My girl-friend, who is now my Ex - that bitch, was so lucky...I feel so heart-broken for the other girl. I hope that bastard is getting raped, right now. Anyway, I think those are my scariest moments.

Those, and the time I started losing consciousness, while driving...I suddenly awoke, and noticed I was driving toward a building.

Then there are numerous times I've seen super-natural things. I believe a lot of it actually happened, but some if was probably my wild imagination. The above events had longer lasting effects, and changed who I was, in some way.
I just rememebered this while reading someone else's post. This happened probably a month ago. My parents had just come home from work and we were all downstairs going through the mail like we do every day and my dad and I heard the sound of a door slamming shut upstairs or maybe the attic door. We have three doors upstairs that have this metal part that makes a unique sound when closed - and it sounded like one of them, but it sounded faint too - which is why my mom didn't hear it I guess. But we all just thought it was a sound so we just shrugged our shoulders after I said, "What was that." THen it happened again about 10 minutes later, but this time it must have been at least twice as loud as before. I thought maybe someone had broken into the house and was hiding upstairs somewhere. So my dad and I searched the house and even the attic but found nothing. It wasn't that creepy at the time for some reason, but in a certain way it is now because we certainly heard a loud slam but found no source of the sound.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
What did you go to jail for?

A foolish prank where I was displacing a Fire Extinguisher. (Which was empty. But what I did was, none-the-less, wrong.)
The Renta Cops said it was obviously theft, then BAM! "Do not pass go, do not collect two-hundred dollars." - The Arresting Officers exact words. I was in Hish-School at the time; This is, now, one of those ''Way Back When'' type things you tell your new friends, when they least expect it.
Anyway, that was a long, scary, weekend. I was afraid I wouldn't make it to school, have a crappy lawyer, and spend the next six months pick-up trash, or in jail.
Ugh.I can't believe I wasted my mom's "I'll only bail you out once." ticket, on a stupid prank. When you get my age, you begin to realize your loser friends can't do sh*t, it's your parents who love you and shell out the cash. It always was, and always will be. Then again; Some aren't as lucky, as me. My parents even payed part of my friends bail, because his brother couldn't scrounge up enough. Anyway, that's the story. A cement floor, cold food, and a toilet/water fountain...yes, A water fountain, that is a part of the toilet. I think those are the ''horrible highlights.'' Along with the constant paranoia, and anxiety.
first time I saw this was pretty darn scary... .avi divx

cute kitten vid honest ;)

watch it in the dark with your back to the door.. do it right and you'll think someone is watching you...

and dont blame me if your phone rings again ray man :D
well, one friday night 2 friends and i went to the high school football game and just ran around for awhile. After the game we decided to go to a friend's house, so we showed up there about 10pm. We hung out till about 1:30am, on our way home it was really dark and my friend didn't have his brights on. He reached down and flipped them on. We drove about 100yards further, suddenly a dear ran out straight at us. We didnt see it till its head was literally right over the hood. It was about 2 inches from my friends driver side door (deer + mustang = some bad shit). We all froze as we watched the deer fly by. After we passed it my friend slowed down to almost a stop, we all turned around to see it just standing where we use to be. He drove about 10mph the rest of the way to my house.

Thats scary, seeing a such a big animal charging for your tiny little car. If my friend slowed down or swerved out of the way that car (maybe even us) wouldve been gone
Okay I swear I just heared swinging trees from my closet.

I'm so scared right now :{

This one time I was reading one of those goosebumps stories, I was about 13 or 12 can't even remember, anyway I read something about a headless horseman or something up in an attic or rats or something, suddunly I hear FOOTSTEPS FROM MY CEILING, AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN ATTIC.

ok I almost shit my pants.
And now I'm hearing strange noises.
So I'll just stop before it gets worse.
I don't like this.
I could put put you all down by giving resonable explanations to your storys, and if you think about it there always are, but i wont cos i'm nice :cheese:
In places where its common for people to get that "watched" feeling, its usally to do with the shape and dynamics of the room and/or the lighting and very common its in people that had or were expecting to feel something before hand.
oops, kinda contridicted myself there didn't i? but anyway, usally i'm a very rational person and dont get put off by stuff. Although after watching scary movies i get the shivers. There is nothing more fun than coming home with your mates at night after seeing a scary flic in the cinema and joking and prtend all that stuff was real and trying to scare each other, the less people the more intense.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Maybe it was an alien :) I was going to scan in a picture of the scariest sketch I've seen of a "real?" alien someone once saw.. But just thinking about doing tha and remembering the face on it has really sh*t me up now.. lol

Chupacabras or Dover Demon?

Redundant, sounds like you've met a demon or two (no, not the sissy christian kind). I disagree about avoiding them. I say search 'em out and kick their ethereal butts! Avoidance shows you are afraid. Confrontation shows you can face your fear. Go after them with a fire poker, or something.

Geez, I had trouble going to bed after last reading this thread.

Y'know, sometimes I see things out of the corner of my eye. Scary, freaky things.

A friend of mine, from Bendigo, once saw a pair of orange glowing eyes when he and his dad were out camping. This in itself wouldn't be remarkable, owing to the number of nocturnal animals with reflective eyes in the Aussie bush, but these eyes were about 10 feet off the ground, 1 1/2 foot apart, and about the size of cricketballs. They shon the torch at the scrub where the thing was, and heard the bushes crackling as it moved off. Nobody, of course, followed it.

I think that some people are more susceptible to seeing the more unusual facets of the world. Some people don't have the mental blinkers most "normal" people do.

Anyone ever seen a sasquatch?
My scariest moment... well, I'm not sure I want to talk about it but what the hell. I have hallucinations. Severe ones. I'm seeing doctors and getting medications and stuff for it. I've never done illegal drugs, these illusions a purely psycholgical. Anyway, I can't remember the last time I really slept. Sometimes I wander the house in the dark and stare out the windows. So a few nights ago I "saw" someone very important to me. She had gone away to college and I miss her more than anything. She was sitting on a chair across the room, crying. I tried to walk toward her, but I could feel someone holding me back. I fought and struggle with the arms or my captor. My head jerked around and when I looked back at the chair the girl was gone. I heard a "thump thump" to my right, so I looked over and saw corpses falling down the stairs. Then everything went blurry and the house was back to normal. My mother was struggling to restrain me and crying. My whole body was in shock, I couldn't move. Slowly, I began to grasp reality again. I realized I didn't breate through the whole ordeal. I had been in a sort of half-sleep, and figments of my thought had been projected on to what I was really seeing. I have never been so terrified in all my life. It has happened a few times before, but never this vivid or scary.
Originally posted by DeusEx2
Another incident was in the house I used to live in until the beginning of this year. It was an old house (1930)

1930 :eek:

My house is nearly 200 years old and that isnt that old. (I live in Britain)

I cant remember my scariest experience to be honest, all i remember is that it involved running from someone when i was little.
Okay, I can't beat that. But it was old enough to give you that eerie feeling that the former residents who died there are still regular visitors...
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Chupacabras or Dover Demon?

I dunno, still wont look at that page and its the middle of the day :D I'm so screwed up this halloween lol

Anyone ever seen a sasquatch?

first thing on a morning, in the mirror if i haven't shaved in a few days
I have never encountered such things as sasquatch or Ufo's but Shadowfolk? Shadowfolk I have seen.
the wierd thing for me is that i dont remember any wierd experiances, really i dont, absolutly none!
One scary one was when my brother held me by my feet over the banister, that WAS scary! (he's 8 years older than me, not 8 years old)
Every time i do get the wierd feeling my mind just dismisses it and invents a rational explanion, am i missing out?
i want to be freaked.

gimme that pahe, cyborgguineapig.


Chupacabras btw, scary things. They got this long spike to suck blood, don't they?
But whats a Dover Demon?
Originally posted by G0rgon
what is a Shadowfolk ?

some type of wiccan/pagan person n stuff i think.. though depends what you read, can also mean people who dont like the daytime and keep away from people (so moody teenagers) or can mean the weird people out there.. seems to be lots of variations
i'm just too good for my own good, i can get the "jeepers" after certain films but it's just not the same because although you get the feeling you are 213% thats its not real, or is it just me?
It's the stuff they leave out of the movies that scares me the most. Your own imagination scares you the most, because only you know your worst fears.... Kinda like IT from Stephen King, where the victim would see it's worst nightmare. Or the Blair Witch project: you see hardly any scary stuff a la Evil Death or Exorcist but it's still pretty intense.

Ah well, maybe I'm scared pretty easily. I remember not being able to sleep a few nights after seeing The Exorcist when I was 15....
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Oooh and this is a spooky one, from before I was born though. My grandparents, who sadly died recently. Used to live in a small cottage in a really nice quiet village in the country. Anyway my gran loved animals, absolutely loved them, had cats and dogs and all sorts. Well there was one room with a large original fireplace and the large stone that many would have at its base. If you tried to move the dogs or cats near it, they would do their damndest to get away, the dog would bark constantly at it but wouldn't go near it, and neither the cat or dog would ever stand on it. Also at the end of the garden the dog would do the same, bark like you wouldn't believe but would never go to the end. Strange behavior really.. But then they finally removed the stone, decorating I think. turned out a family before who had lived there, the father had slaughtered his wife and children, buried them under the stone. Then had gone outside to some shed at the bottom of the garden and shot himself, after it was all removed the animals were fine, but my grandparents moved out obviously after they found out heh. According to my mom the cottage is still there and if anyone is interested enough I can find out from her where abouts it is. I've never actually been, though I think when I was really young I may have gone past it when going on vacation.

Heh, I don't usually believe in this kind of things but I think the spirits of the family are following you, since I have never ever had so many of scary moments, perhaps they want to tell you something.

Actually only place where I can't relax nor I am really scared, just can't relax and feel like someone's watching me is my father's house's upstairs, it's the oldest looking part in the house too. I think the house is about 50 years old.
Oh BTW, I mainly listen Black Metal, which is usually rather christian music... in the way of lucifer :p, perhaps that explains it, I r too scary for da spirits. :p
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
My scariest moment... well, I'm not sure I want to talk about it but what the hell. I have hallucinations. Severe ones. I'm seeing doctors and getting medications and stuff for it. I've never done illegal drugs, these illusions a purely psycholgical. Anyway, I can't remember the last time I really slept. Sometimes I wander the house in the dark and stare out the windows. So a few nights ago I "saw" someone very important to me. She had gone away to college and I miss her more than anything. She was sitting on a chair across the room, crying. I tried to walk toward her, but I could feel someone holding me back. I fought and struggle with the arms or my captor. My head jerked around and when I looked back at the chair the girl was gone. I heard a "thump thump" to my right, so I looked over and saw corpses falling down the stairs. Then everything went blurry and the house was back to normal. My mother was struggling to restrain me and crying. My whole body was in shock, I couldn't move. Slowly, I began to grasp reality again. I realized I didn't breate through the whole ordeal. I had been in a sort of half-sleep, and figments of my thought had been projected on to what I was really seeing. I have never been so terrified in all my life. It has happened a few times before, but never this vivid or scary.

Well perhaps your visions are telling you something and you should follow the leads? Otherwise you won't get the well deserved sleep, you should try...
relitives of mine have seen the black panther. anyone fron vic australia will know what im talking about.

my uncle saw it when he was out chopin wood, scared ghe shit out of him.

his wife and daughter were driving along and they saw it on the side of the road and it lunged at the car and ran off.

they live in the warbouton area in vic.

i dont normaly belive in urban myths but so mant people have seen it.

damage you know were its at right?
Originally posted by freddythefrog
But whats a Dover Demon?

Well, the Dover demon was only sighted twice, in one night, by two separate but related sets of people.

It was described as a short bodied creature with incredibly long and spindly limbs, a head shaped somewhat like a butternut pumpkin, glowing eyes, and a crouched posture. Kind of like your standard grey, but more animal.

Seen near the side of a road, both times by people in a car. Theorised either to be a creature from an alternate dimension (I think it's a pretty nutty theory, personally), or a member of a race mentioned in local legends.

Well, that's from memory, anyway. Probably not entirely accurate.

Google it, man!