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  1. Infiniti

    New EVIL wallpaper

    Now why would I use that for my wallpaper?:dozey:
  2. Infiniti

    Omg!! Pr0n!!

  3. Infiniti

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    Agreed, we need some gameplay video to show off this game what it WILL be like, not preset black rooms with scripted lines and close up cameras.
  4. Infiniti

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    No vids today, it's official. We'll have them "soon"...
  5. Infiniti

    Who would you be if you had the chance?

  6. Infiniti

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    its 4pm..still no vid...
  7. Infiniti

    Who would you be if you had the chance?

    Why don't you just be Alyx herself, then you can have hands-on experience. I'd be Barney. He's a womanizer, and he has a cool suit.
  8. Infiniti

    How old is Gman?

    No, actually that would be 420...but close. Seriously though, I think he looks 50-55.
  9. Infiniti

    is my video card ok?

    I used to be in the same position as you, and I got a GF4 MX420 PCI 64megger and it was crap. 120 bucks worth too. I'd go for an ATI PCI card, however being without an AGP definately sucks. I think theres an FX 5200 PCI card out there as well. Read up on some reviews and see what you want.
  10. Infiniti


    What are you supposed to do with that hmm.jpg thing?!
  11. Infiniti

    Music in G-Man Vid=Cool.

    Sounds to me like waiting for HL2 has fried some cells...:borg:
  12. Infiniti

    G-man's teeth?

    You tell me how many times you would see G-mans teeth GLINT!!!! How many times have you seen your OWN teeth glint?!!
  13. Infiniti

    Engine Vs Storyline Vs Graphics

    Fallout 2 had sub-par graphics, but that doesn't mean ANYTHING because that game was possibly my number 2 favorite or 3 favorite. #1 would be Land of Lore Throne of Chaos, which also had shit graphics, but it was fun as hell. #2 Half-life of course :-).
  14. Infiniti

    HL2 ScreenResolutions!!!

    I doubt you'll even be able to run Half-life 2 on 1400x1052, considering its so damn good looking, and a laptop just doesn't have the juice that a desktop system would.
  15. Infiniti

    E3 vids coming at 4 - Valve time

    So valve time is what? Pacific? Damn, that means they'll be released 7pm my time!!booo
  16. Infiniti


    ...get a life:dork: :dork:
  17. Infiniti

    Steam Update: v13.37

    v13.37? come on, you didnt figure it out?
  18. Infiniti

    Movies out TONIGHT

    You look like a fat walrus piece of shit! (Metaphors-w00t)
  19. Infiniti

    Gordon: Does he have a pony tail?!

  20. Infiniti

    Gordon: Does he have a pony tail?!

    Booo!! Hail Barney!