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  1. pur3r4ge

    Map Compile Time Also, there is a hint sample map in the SDK
  2. pur3r4ge

    If you're getting a "WARNING: Cluster portals saw into cluster" error

    Thanks for the tip. I'm having this error exactly. I'll try fixing it tonight.
  3. pur3r4ge

    Map Compile Time

    If you have wide open areas, cut them off from the detail areas with a hint brush to further reduce compile times. I've gone from a LONG compile (never bothered letting it finish) to just under 3 hours by adding hint brushes and converting small brushes to detail brushes.
  4. pur3r4ge


    Make sure that you aren't using a texture with "model" in its name on the wall. If you put a texture from a prop on a brush, odd stuff happens.
  5. pur3r4ge

    Map: dm_revolution

    OK, I just downloaded and ran through it. Really nice work. The flow seems like it will work really well. It's a lot bigger then it seems initially. That's nice. A couple more observations, though. I'd add a bit more light to some dark areas. Most notably, the crossbow pickup area is really...
  6. pur3r4ge

    Map: dm_revolution

    Maybe try adding a brush with a broken edge that's one unit thick in front of the broken edge prop, to sort of blend them in together (like the prop is inside the wall, and the wall is broken off as well). Does that make sense?
  7. pur3r4ge

    Map: dm_revolution

    Your map looks great. I'm really impressed. I've not downloaded the full one yet, but based on the screenshot I have a couple small suggestions. I'd change the texture of the pile the player is standing on, as it looks more like solid rock then a pile of debris, and I'd change the building with...
  8. pur3r4ge

    need help to create buildings please

    this is wisdom. Buy a big book with tons of pictures of buildings. Look at how they were made. Start with older architecture, as it's more transparent in its construction.
  9. pur3r4ge

    Some HiT-SQUAD Map Teasers

    Do you live around asbury park? I'm representin' Jersey City. A lot of great upban decay around Jersey for inspiration. Great work. I look forward to playing it. /edit: I just showed the screenshot to my girlfriend and asked if she recognized it. She immediately knew what it was.
  10. pur3r4ge

    All water map spanning the entire possible size?

    Use hint brushes. You generally will crash hammer trying to compile a full size empty box without them. You should be able to have one huge-ass water brush (about 512 units shy of full size) if you cut it up with hint brushes. Maybe 6 all together, creating 9 squares.
  11. pur3r4ge

    Valve!!! they should be greatly rewarded!

    from "Pronunciation: 'n&b Function: noun Etymology: alteration of English dialect knub, probably from Low German knubbe" Did you mean "Noob", or perhaps "Newb", as derived from "newbie"? I believe the people that care about spelling are those who have invested time and effort...
  12. pur3r4ge

    Attempting to configure for DM?

    I'd recommend uninstalling the reinstalling the sdk. It should automatically configure properly on reinstall. It sounds like you may not even have the full sdk installed.
  13. pur3r4ge

    Announcing XSI Mod Tool and New VMF Exporter for XSI

    ah... 7500 polys. I NEED TO LEARN THE INTERNET BETTER. Thanks, it looks great
  14. pur3r4ge

    LINUX FIXED Stalkyard Released

    I've installed linux on an old box I had laying around for just this purpose. I'm not releasing another map with testing it on linux first.
  15. pur3r4ge

    Announcing XSI Mod Tool and New VMF Exporter for XSI

    This looks really sweet. I can't wait to download it and try out the vmf export. I didn't see... but does it have the same 4000 poly export limit as the previous version?
  16. pur3r4ge

    LINUX FIXED Stalkyard Released

    That was my point. If I get a version mismatch, I don't bother. What if I have the new version and the server has the old? Then I'm stuck constantly deleting and redownloading the same map depending on which server I joined. Not cool. Needing to leave the game in order to auto-download a map is...
  17. pur3r4ge

    LINUX FIXED Stalkyard Released

    Did you keep the same file name for the last version? Because if you did, that is a no-no, as I learned in another mapping community a while back. It makes it really hard to tell which is which, and creates mismatches when joining servers as opposed to just auto-downloading the new map. If...
  18. pur3r4ge

    New map: Steelworks

    Your map looks great. I love the atmosphere and color pallette.
  19. pur3r4ge

    Release - DM Lost Isle

    I'm actually working with a mod team now, so my next map will be an original for them. Personally, I'm not really interested in doing any remakes anyway. :)
  20. pur3r4ge

    Release - DM Lost Isle

    OK, I fixed it completely. Basically, I needed to remove everything ladder related and rebuild it. I'm now running it on a linux server successfully. Download the final (fingers crossed) version here: dm_lost_isle_v1 I did add a "v1" to the end of the name to eliminate potential...