If you read Steven Levitt's Freakonomics, he claims a Chicago drug dealer has a 1 in 4 chance of dying, and get shot or beaten up an average of 2.4 times over a four year period. So yeah, it's not the safest job in the world.
I've always wondered, what's the point of marches, demonstrations and protests? If the 100,000 people just contributed $20 each to hire a few lobbyists or buy over a couple of politicians they would accomplish so much more and it would save everyone the trouble.
1.7% of all the water on earth is frozen as ice at the poles. Assuming 10% of that melts into water, that gives an extra 0.17% water into the oceans. given that the oceans are an average of 3.5-4km deep, that means the water level will rise by 6-7 metres. That's not a negligible amount.
I'd like to see the context behind that quote, but sadly no one seems to think it important enough to publish it. I don't see how quoting someone even vaguely implies any sort of agreement, just count the number of times CptStern has quoted O'Reilly or Coulter.