i've noticed i grind me teeth a fair bit or bite the inside of me mouth when i'm not doing owt, play with me nob if theres no company, biting me nails a bit, i also like to tap a drum beat if i'm listening to music. i'm fairly fidgety to be honest, i find it difficult to sit still really apart...
read some of the post, saw the video where the police bust in.... its a sad depressing story if the kid's dead. lad was only 19 aswell but like a lot of the people on the forum were saying, he could've just been in some sort of drug induced coma and still alive now
we'll see when the news media...
will smith is entertaining viewing. hes done some good films and some not so good films like every other hollywood actor out there. hes got character to be fair unlike some actors
my cinema has had the genius idea of doing 18 only screenings for PG upward films. you pay 50p extra but are safe in the knowledge that no little shits will be ruining your film
shame they're milking this series because the first film was something a bit different. mix of cube and seven. now its turning into a generic gore flick
its alright. has a nice stomping sound to it which is quite different to the others. i keep reading people are comparing it to deffinatley maybe which is daft because its musically completley different and lyrically much spacier