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  1. A2597

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    bull squid or houndeye should be next! :D
  2. A2597

    Stuff we might've missed, and should look out for 2nd go~

    the gman appears 4 times in the airboat section. (That I've found)
  3. A2597

    Yay Look What Im Getting For Christmas!!!!

    Rio's are good. I went with the Creative Muvo^2. 4 gigs is plenty for me. :D
  4. A2597

    DOG vs Strider vs Antlion guard vs Combine APC

    DOG He'd pick up the strider and slam it into the andlion gaurd then pounce the combine APC and throw him on top of the citidel. all in 5 seconds
  5. A2597

    So, is anyone working on a skill patch?

    I'd like a "Realistic" option. One bullet to head = dead for you, and for the combine. This should not apply to zombies. 3-4 hits to torso = dead for you and them. accuracy: Yea, that needs to be a little better for the combine.
  6. A2597

    HL3 On Source?

    yea, update the lighting, actually, the shadowing more then anything, and bump up the polycounts (They made this game work TOO far back IMHO) and you have a kickass looking game. and they DID say source was easily modifyable. if they add in realtime shadowing, then :D
  7. A2597

    Do you own HL2? Lets see if it works...

    fresh off steam: No problems Post patch, massive stuttering. Reversed the things the patch changed, and it's smooth sailing again.
  8. A2597

    An Awesome vs. a Perfect Game: SPOILERS!

    and then, we terraform it and grow corn from their buried and charred remains!
  9. A2597

    I Miss black mesa :( :( :(

    Theres always Black Mesa: Source...give it a year or so to remake HL1 and we will have it. :D (Seriously, it looks absolutly ROCKING).
  10. A2597

    Which character do you want to return in HL3 the most?

    DOG Alyx Vance G-Man Eli Vance Dr. Isaac Kleiner Barney Calhoun Dr. Wallace Breen thats my list. :)
  11. A2597

    HL2 Ending verdict?

    we know a fair amount of what happened between the two.
  12. A2597

    Small details that make this game superior

    oh...yes, my small details..the headcrab incident last page reminded me... I killed the big ant lion in Nova Prospekt without fireing a shot, without using the grav gun. Stand near wall, let charge, sprint to side. rinse. repete. took a number of hits, but it killed itself. :D
  13. A2597

    Small details that make this game superior

    heh, the scanners from the citidel...saw that my second time through. (First time it was like, 4am....)
  14. A2597

    When will Valve turn on VAC?!?

    It's been posted at Rage3d that the warez version can play online now. We've known CS:Source warez can as well... SO, Valve, WHEN? Bump these stupid freeloaders OFF!
  15. A2597

    Bots... are there?

    how about you get a clue? Try being a full time student, and starting your own buisness, and paying 500-700$ a month rent, + food and gas. And STILL have time to waste spending hours online in forums and gaming. Occasionally I like to unwind, and theres no better way then a 20 minute frag...
  16. A2597

    Bots... are there?

    wait...there are bots in CS:Source? and yea, I seriously need bots... what are the odds of getting them by sayyy...the 12th of January? Then I'll be cut off from the net on my gaming rig. (Won't be able to afford internet connection...)
  17. A2597

    Mmmmm Dual monitor goodness

    dual monitors rock. Dual moniters for gaming = very very not rock.
  18. A2597

    Movie Dlers BEWARE

    i said P2P LIKE Kazaa. of course BT is a P2P software, but it's a much better one. And there is an upstream throttle, just get a beter client. I can have 10 up and 200 down half the time! (Especially useful for missed TV Eps!)
  19. A2597

    Movie Dlers BEWARE

    no, now people are just forced to download the entire album rather then the one song they want.
  20. A2597

    Movie Dlers BEWARE

    bah, what good is an IP Address? First off, the IP Address can only trace to the host, then the host has to freely give them the data as to the user. Guess what? No host (Aside from AOL) will do that. ergo, no worky. besides? Who the dickens actually uses P2P Software like Kazaa/Emule...