Will I upgrade in time?
I ask myself that question everyday. I'm broke as hell and can't really afford to upgrade my tired old machine. But I've cleverly worked out a method in which to do this.
My Dad who is pretty much computer illiterate wants a new "good" computer.
"Good" to him...
To me, that means the SDK (which will be out before the game's release) won't even be available by the time E3 rolls around. Which means HL2's release is way after E3.
I agree UT has bored me.
The only truly fun multi-player I've ever had from a game has been in Duke Nukem 3D, Half-Life, and Tribes 1 with the Renegades mod.
Here is my prediction for HL2's release for me....
HL2 comes out, it's a week from payday and I'm broke. Payday comes, I buy it, it won't run well at all on my computer because I haven't had the money to upgrade it yet. 4 weeks later I've finally upgraded my computer and am ready to play but...
Personally I could care less since I plan to upgrade to a new video card for HL2 that will give me my own coupon for HL2 for free.
Free is even cheaper than $10
And because I was smart enough to wait for the game to actually come out before buying my new video card I'm only gonna pay $210...
I think I remember reading somewhere that Valve said it was entirely possible to have a gunner and a driver in a vehicle but that they didn't do it in HL2. (Up to the modders)
There was another tidbit somewhere (Don't have a link)
Where it was stated that one of the valve guys is Romanian and that Romania was a large influance.
Dracula's Castle.
I posted this once before but I thought I'd repost it one last time before I delete this stuff. (For the new people to see)
It's common knowledge that City 17 is based off of the city of Bucharest, Romania. I was there not to long ago, and took a ton of pics. So here's a couple real life...
Nah. I'm sure they've got there own stuff they like.
Photoshop. Start with a white background, and noise, motion blur it left to right, play with brightness and contrast, add slight blueish tint, render lighting effect, voila. easy, peasy.
Wooo Source logo! (So that's what it looks like.) :D
Neat stuff in that PDF. Course all that code stuff makes my brain hurt but at least it's interspersed with new pictures. I like the beach cave. and the factory.