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  1. Greatgat


    edit: NVM, I screwed up. Wrong thread. To contribute: This thread deserves sloppy seconds, Chris.
  2. Greatgat


    I think I'm not alone when I say... JESUS ****ING CHRIST Ahem. Congrats.
  3. Greatgat

    Portal Artwork

    Actully, I've never noticed this, but in CO are you from JK? And that .gif never ceases to make me laugh.
  4. Greatgat

    Caffine me!

    I also enjoy asking my co-workers about it, like "Hey guys, would you like some Bawls?"
  5. Greatgat

    NASA loses original tapes of first moon landing

    I can't believe about what's true and what's a lie anymore. Thanks to this thread.
  6. Greatgat

    Caffine me!

    I love buying that stuff, not just because it's tasty and good and it works, but also because of the hilarity in going up to a gas 7-11 clerk with 4 of those things and loudly saying "THESE BAWLS SURE ARE SWEET."
  7. Greatgat

    Is Gearbox canon?

    I'd like to point out that none of the characters or enemies or guns or plot points introduced by Gearbox are ever referred to by Valve in any way. Doesn't sound like canon to me.
  8. Greatgat

    The most retarded bug you've ever witnessed in a game

    Well, this one time I was just walking through a mall, and some microcephalic cochroach comes up to me and starts hitting itself in the chest, clacking it's mandibles at me, and drooling. It was just freaking embarrassing.
  9. Greatgat

    What card game do you play when bored?

    @Pitz: How do you play Magic alone..? Actually, I've never played so I guess it could be possible, I'm just not sure how. @Riom: But it's gott be your hook, man!
  10. Greatgat

    What card game do you play when bored?

    I think a better thread title would've been "What fun things do you do when you're alone?", but I voted Spider. It's hypnotically entertaining.
  11. Greatgat

    Top 10 Concept Cars!

    I like this one as well. Looks like something out of Batman: The Animated Series or Sky Captain, a subtle blend of antique lines and modern tech. Good stuff.
  12. Greatgat

    Stargate SG1 Vs. Atlantis

    \o/ Damn straight.
  13. Greatgat

    Something I've seen in my country (picture)

    I don't know, according to Robert Ludlum, it's all shit.
  14. Greatgat


    I'm straight, but I think the only reason I'm not gay is all the hair. That, and the unsightly penetration of, um, myself. But nah, I just like girls. Hell, I'm getting married. And it's not a cover!
  15. Greatgat

    Good sites to download ringtones from?

  16. Greatgat

    Good sites to download ringtones from?

    Way to go, Glenn, for making things easier than they should be. You've ruined everything!
  17. Greatgat

    Your racial heritage

    Jesus. Well, the ones I know of: German French Scottish Native American African Russian I don't know the ratios, it's just too much of a hodge-podge. In other words, I couldn't afford to be racist, I'd probably just end up hating some part of myself.
  18. Greatgat

    Good sites to download ringtones from?

    Make your own! Get a free sound editor, hack up an mp3 to what you want and send it to your phone. Every phone has an e-mail address, just call or check your carrier for what your phone's is.
  19. Greatgat

    Reach for the skies

    He's right. DOES NOT COMPUTE
  20. Greatgat

    Massive Xfire Jams FTMFW

    Obviously you've never heard of the "Hot Taco".