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  1. Shadow-warrior

    Tabula Rasa

    Its complete shit don't bother.
  2. Shadow-warrior

    A bit of a letdown story wise...

    There was a story? Girl escapes clutches of baddie robot - not exactly deep was it.
  3. Shadow-warrior

    This was totally awesome game (SPOILEZ)

    Not a bad little game - I'd give it a 6.5/10 WAY too short though, but then I supose theres only so many portal maps you can go through before it starts to get boring.
  4. Shadow-warrior

    Anything you would change?

    Hence my suggestion. Sapper IS overpowered - I play Spy plenty, and being able to destory an SG, tele entrance and dispenser within 10 seconds feels too much :dork:
  5. Shadow-warrior

    Anything you would change?

    Give the spy one sapper only (or until he resupplys) or a 30 second cooldown on use.
  6. Shadow-warrior

    Whats the point of achievements?

    Makes the 360 kids feel at home.
  7. Shadow-warrior

    Another work in progress.

    Looks great so far!
  8. Shadow-warrior

    Enemy Territory : Quake Wars - Thoughts?

    Exactly my point - shame some guys 'missed' out on all that.
  9. Shadow-warrior

    Enemy Territory : Quake Wars - Thoughts?

    All the style, charm and humour of RTCW:ET is nowhere to be found in ET:QW resulting in another forgetable cookie cutter Battlefield clone.
  10. Shadow-warrior

    Love it or hate it? Or still waiting?

    Its cool, but not a patch on Wolfy: Enemy Territory
  11. Shadow-warrior

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Go, go, go, go?
  12. Shadow-warrior

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Damn yoooooo 72% come on!!!!
  13. Shadow-warrior

    COD4: MW on PC or 360?

    PC of course! FPS on consoles = :laugh:
  14. Shadow-warrior

    ****, er, yay?

    You paid someone to play a game for you? How stupid can a person be?...
  15. Shadow-warrior

    Play Archlord for Free

    Archlord is complete SHIT!
  16. Shadow-warrior

    NMA previews Fallout 3

    Can't be any worse than Oblivion ...can it?
  17. Shadow-warrior

    **** Two Worlds

    Can't be any worse than Oblivion ...can it?
  18. Shadow-warrior

    Anyone play Guild Wars?

    Used to play it all the time, never bothered getting the silly chapters, came back a few weeks ago in preparation for GW:EN
  19. Shadow-warrior

    Worst game(s) you ever paid good money for?

    Oblivion and NWN2. Horrible uninspired peices of junk, following on from excellent games before, dumbed down buggy shiney bouncey crap for the masses.
  20. Shadow-warrior

    Prettiest Games
