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  1. K

    Was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre a true story?

    wait, wasn't the blair witch project a true story?
  2. K

    So yeah valve should really come clean and all

    I mean you know the source engine isn't even nearly finished as shown by the beta. It's not like CS:CZ is using the same code and is finished or anything. I mean this hacker is right, we should all rally up and go against valve for breaking their promises which we would've never even known...
  3. K

    Something to look foward to!

    probably but it doesn't help that hl2 is the most anticipated game which is probably what makes it seem so bad.
  4. K

    Where's Gordon (the game)

    that's why people have to create their own :P and why are you reading other people's post before looking? you know someone's gonna post the answer:dozey:
  5. K

    Jurrasic Gabe

    lol hell no it sucked :P just something i threw together cause i was bored.
  6. K

    Where's Gordon (the game)

    Ok everyone's seen the Where's Waldo books right? Well here's the idea, i have taken an old waldo picture and replaced him with gordon freeman. naturally you have to find him. i am kind of hoping for other people to add to this topic by putting gordon freeman in different environments, like...
  7. K

    Jurrasic Gabe

    some monsters you never want to piss off
  8. K

    Vivendi Delay Statement on Gamestar

    that's pretty much what i said... it's Gabe's decision as to wether the code needs to be reworked or not. Technically the game doesn't need to be recoded at all because of the release because the code wasn't damaged in any way, just compromised.
  9. K

    A stupid theory involving that damn hacker

    Just had a thought... We all know the hacker had access to valve's email account. Let's assume the hacker sent the delay message as a joke to shacknews. Shacknews immediately put it up as real. Now Gabe probably said "Well rather than risking the chance of letting everyone know we've been...
  10. K

    Vivendi Delay Statement on Gamestar

    vivendi had a reason for delaying the game to holiday, "to make more money". they wouldn't have any reason for delaying it till april so it is gabe's decision as to wether the game needs some reworking or if they can go ahead and release it. really any decision to delay the game further should...
  11. K

    HL² Delayed April 2004

    it's not gonna be proof unless i can read it :P
  12. K

    insane conspiracy theory

    chances are no because the havok engine was released with it and they can be sued for something like that.
  13. K

    Gabes Birthday Soon!

    i'm gonna buy him a giant teddy bear :D
  14. K

    users beware

    don't believe anything retailers say, they know nothing. not two retailers have the same release date
  15. K

    3 Contraversial Christmas facts?

    Rudoulphs nose is really magenta
  16. K

    Some chump to play Russian Roulette with himself on TV

    lol that was a darwin award Man plays russian roulete with a semi-auto pistol
  17. K

    DOD 1.3 best mod for HL2....gone

    /me sits in a corner /me waits /me waits /me waits /me says f*ck it and runs out there to go find someone /me is shot down by sniper /me waits /me respawns /me is spawn killed /me waits /me waits /me waits yep realistic combat is SOOOO much fun :D
  18. K

    Hacker holding real game?

    lol maybe he's holding hl2 hostage and threatening to delete everything if they don't give him 1 million dollars. valve is negotiating and that's why when spitcodfry asked about the release date he said "we'll see" because he wasn't sure if they could get the game back. and now with 9/30 come...
  19. K

    Half-Life 2 is coming out Sept. 30th

    say it with me now "Dee Nigh All"
  20. K

    Half-Life 2 is coming out Sept. 30th

    Alright so I was right. All these emails from valve saying that hl2 was delayed was really some hacker hacking the email acount sending out fake emails as different valve employees saying the game was delayed. those damn hackers. so we can all expect to play hl2 sept 30th. /me dances and...