Some chump to play Russian Roulette with himself on TV

Jul 1, 2003
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Some guy is going to play russian roulette on almost live British TV.
They are going to have the broadcast delayed a few seconds in case he shoots himself in the head... If that's the case, they'll turn the screen black and have a message come up saying what happened.

How awkward would that be if you were watching it..then suddenly it turned black. You know, that a few seconds ago, that guy just shot himself in the head...

Check out this link for the info
I want to watch it, sounds interesting.
I think they should show him shooting himself, that means that no crazy kid will try it, also it would be a morbid kind of way.
Back when was good, it had all kinds of suicides/sniper headshots/etc. Why bother blacking out the screen? Anyone interested in really seeing this happen can easily find the real thing.
So what is the point in doing this? It's obviously fixed so he doesn't kill himself....
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
Back when was good, it had all kinds of suicides/sniper headshots/etc. Why bother blacking out the screen? Anyone interested in really seeing this happen can easily find the real thing.

Sick bastard who deserves a punch in the face , the guy above you too :)
Yeah iv seen this guy a few times and the stuff he does is amazing, and pat_thetic It wont be fixed, He's no f ucking david blane this guy used 2 earn a living going round all the casino's and cleaning them out.
Here's his site-

Haha, some sick fags will come out with a uncencored version.

and wtf is saying "back when ogrish was good"? WTF, anyone who can jack off to a dead person deserves to be killed and then have someone jack off to them.
Originally posted by Jammydodger
Yeah iv seen this guy a few times and the stuff he does is amazing, and pat_thetic It wont be fixed, He's no f ucking david blane this guy used 2 earn a living going round all the casino's and cleaning them out.
Here's his site-


Well, he won't be amazing anymore will he?
this isnt fixed... this guy makes some of the things david blaine does seems like a walk in the park. But he isnt a magician... All he does it read body language and use the power of suggestion to totally sway events in his favour...

In this live event a chosen volunteer will load a single bullet into a revolver that has each of its chambers numbered from 1 - 6. Just by reading the volunteers body language derren will guess which chamber the bullet is in and have someone turn the revolver to the numbered chamber of his choosing.

The most amazing part is that he wont just pull the trigger once but FIVE TIMES before pointing the revolver in the air and firing the gun on the sixth!!

What a chump...'s all done with mirrors.

Either that or we're gonna see a live suicide!
Originally posted by nw909
Hey, its his crazy choice.

True, but I wasn't being serious

It would be rather interesting to see him shot himself in the head
Well, I don't get the BBC here but it would definitally make the news, it will probably make it even if he does live.
Most likely... I certainly hope so

Finally years of watching the news will pay off besides the time when an apartment complex burnt down with the same name as my girlfreinds computer, mwahahahaha
"The Dell Dimension Apartment Complex burned to the ground today.."
Originally posted by Javert
Hope he plays it with a glock:cheese:

lol that was a darwin award

Man plays russian roulete with a semi-auto pistol
whoa I gotta watch this. I think it will be fake because the BBC wouldnt dream of showin this stuff...but I hope i'm wrong ;)
Originally posted by simmo
whoa I gotta watch this. I think it will be fake because the BBC wouldnt dream of showin this stuff...but I hope i'm wrong ;)

Of course the BBC wont show this... Its been shown on channel 4 the centre of british television smut and violence.. (outside of Live TV's topless darts and volleyball!)
"Obviously it could all go wrong..."

Derren Brown describes himself as a psychological illusionist, though there are a few other terms that describe him pretty well, too. Brave is one, foolhardy might be another. You could see it as supreme self-confidence. Or maybe he's just a nutcase. Whichever way you choose to see it, his latest experiment is an astonishing exercise in audacity: Russian Roulette, live on TV.

A member of the public, selected by Derren from a nationwide search, will load a real handgun with a live bullet, placing the bullet in a specific, numbered chamber, and then hand it to him. Derren will then use his famous ability to read people to determine which chamber contains the bullet, by putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger until he comes to the live chamber. So where on earth did that idea come from?

"Oh, you know, you go out, you have a few drinks, the next thing you know you've agreed to shoot your head off," he says cheerfully. "I don't know, it just seemed a great idea for a show."

So how will he choose the member of the public who will hold his fate in their hands? "We've already started. A while back we ran some trails on Channel 4. We had about 12,000 people go to the website, fill out a form and apply. I went through those applications forms and picked out of those about 2,000 - it's a whittling down process basically - so we got in touch with them and got them to send in videotapes of themselves, and they had to talk about why they wanted to do it, show me their living space, and bits and pieces like that." So, um, he'll make a life or death decision partly based upon whether someone prefers carriage clocks or flying ducks?

"Yeah, it's all part of the process. I'm now going through all of those tapes. Out of those, I'm going to pick 100 people to come to London for a day of filming, and during that day we'll whittle that group down to five through a series of psychological games and tests. After that, the five people will come with us to the secret location where we're filming - it's not in this country, for legal reasons. It's not happening in a studio or anything, there won't be people around, it'll be filmed by remote camera, there will be sandbags around and everything - and then, on the day, just before I do it, I'll decide which one of the five I want to play with."

If it all sounds a little bit on the dangerous side, that's because it is. There's always a chance Derren will get it wrong. "Yeah, absolutely, of course," he replies with baffling chirpiness. "Most of the stuff I do I reckon has a 90 per cent success rate - it depends on the person I pick. So doing a one-off, I'm happy with that. Obviously it could all go wrong, but I think it's very, very unlikely. It's all about picking the right person - if I'm slightly out in my choice, suddenly it's about fifty-fifty. But I'm reasonably confident, provided I don't freak out about the fact that it's a gun."

The idea is that the chambers will be numbered one-to-six, and the chosen individual will load a bullet into a chamber of their choice. Derren will then deduce, via a series of psychological readings (for instance studying them as they count from one to six) which chamber contains the bullet. He'll then bet his life on it. The one thing the member of the public absolutely must not do is try to help Derren by attempting to give something away.

"Ironically, if they try and help, they won't, it'll just confuse the issue. I'm used to reading people who are trying not to give anything away, so if they change their behaviour, it'll just throw me. It's also important to make sure they don't freak out with the pressures of the gun and live television - though it's understandable that they don't want to be sitting two feet away when I shoot my head off. I'll probably ask them to go and sit behind me when I actually do it, so they can watch it, but I can't actually see them. There's a lot of pressure on them, and I can't guarantee that they won't flinch at the last minute."

So, assuming everything goes well, what's next for Derren Brown? Jumping out of a plane without a parachute? Swimming with piranhas? Surely he can't top this? "I can't think forward like that. I'm not a big, flashy type of performer anyway, and at the moment, I've got enough to think about. We'll have the new series almost made by the time we do the Russian Roulette, so if nothing else there'll be a bit of extra material to show of me next year even if I do blow my head off."

Finally, there is another showman in town risking life and limb in the name of entertainment. What does Derren think of the David Blaine idea? "Well, I guess mine's over a lot quicker and doesn't involve as much weight gain beforehand."
Originally posted by nw909
Anyone who can jack off to a dead person deserves to be killed and then have someone jack off to them.

New sig :D
Originally posted by |MaTT|
"Obviously it could all go wrong..."

A member of the public, selected by Derren from a nationwide search, will load a real handgun with a live bullet, placing the bullet in a specific, numbered chamber, and then hand it to him. Derren will then use his famous ability to read people to determine which chamber contains the bullet, by putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger until he comes to the live chamber. So where on earth did that idea come from?

Imagine being the person to load the gun that killed a guy. How could someone handle that?

I'll probably ask them to go and sit behind me when I actually do it, so they can watch it, but I can't actually see them. There's a lot of pressure on them, and I can't guarantee that they won't flinch at the last minute."

Sit behind so they can get killed as well ? :p
"Well, I guess mine's over a lot quicker and doesn't involve as much weight gain beforehand."

lol - he's a funny dude :)
He's quite a cool guy actually, and some of the stuff he does is amazing. Its not even "magic", he is just really good and reading people and influencing them.
Yeah he can read people like a book, he'll definately guess which chamber it's in, if he thought he was in any risk he wouldn't do it.
Damn Id be dead, I thought it was bullet 2.
I know how he did it.... He used the power of suggestion to 100% influence which chamber the contestant would choose to put the bullet in. Take note of what he said when telling the contestant what to do. he kept saying things like 'In a moment im going to ask you to think of one number in your head...' 'Only choose one chamber that you think is right'... 'Do you have one?'... 'When you are ready place the bullet in the one numbered chamber you are thinking of'...

Take note how many times he said 'one' during the stunt... now what numbered chamber was the bullet in?

Thats right! Number one!

I was well pissed off, didnt he do the last X amount of chambers really quickly?

I thought oh he's gonna take ages deciding which ones to pick so i carried on ironing. Then click click click and it was over :/

You know the top 50 magic tricks, can anyone explain to me how david copperfield did the buzzsaw one (where he got cut in half and moved around and wiggled his feet) and the one where he was flying in the box?
copperfield one... notice how thick the table is that he is laying on? he has his legs inside the table flat out and straight up so they are near his head.... the legs? Someone else is doing the same but with thier torso in the table... and copper field has soemthing stuck on his back to make it look like his own body and that it is cut in half.... similar thing for the guy with the feet.

/me realises who matt is

*hint* he is friends with that X-files guy and he lives in a warehouse.....with sexy ladies.....
