I liked how in opposing force Adrian saw a glimpse of Gordon right before he leap through the portal. If they do bring adrian back I hope they do something like that again.
Yeah, it would have been better if they had done this to non-veterans. Like a nurse, cook, or garbageman. If the gang, or whatever, had attacked them soley because they were veterans that would be terrible, but in this case who gives a shit if they were a veteran or not.
What does the fact that they were in Iraq have to do with anything. The suspects groped the girls and then beat up the two guys. I don't think the suspects beat up the guys becasue they served in Iraq, that was just a coincidence.
I rememver when I was 11 or so (i'm 16 now) and my brother first got half-life and I watched him play and try to help hime the best I could. I then remember trying to figure out multiplayer. My brother told me if I pressed update a lot it would do something. Once in awhile I would actually get...
I have never had the pleasure of talking with someone who INSISTED they were free. But then again you dont meet many people while in the fetal position.
I remember being excited for TF2 release in 1998 and pre-ordering it....I have since lost all hope and crawled into the fetal position where i remain to this day
Anyway, I dont know about the people you speak of but it seemed pretty common knowledge to me.
I thought we needed a few more threads in the map section so I went out and found everything that I could on Hammer 2.
I hope its helpful or at least interesting.
Valve ERC
This one is kinda interesting(although I think he is mistaken in a couple places)
Good ole DOD forums...
I agree with Zerimski on this...I dont think it is possible to lip sync with a mic, HL2 just is n'sync (i hate those guys) with the previously recorded wav files.
This is my take on it although I could be wrong.