I'm an american, so I have an american accent. It's not a drawl though. The wheelchair guy (is that joe?) from family guy is as good as any example I suppose.
c++? aww. That rules out my qbasic game:
It's interesting to inspect a fallen enemy in far cry to see where you shot them. When a mercenary surprises me and I triple-tap them as a reflex, it's often interesting to see exactly where I hit, entrance as well as exit wounds.
Holy damn, if you're looking for symbolism and thematics, HL2 is the last place to look. Apart from "itz teh dystopias!" analysis, there's nothing worthwhile there, buddy. If you want real analysis, take a few AP english courses in highschool, or analysis of classical literature in uni. HL2 is...
Weta produced concept art of evas a while back, after lotr came out. It's on the intarweb somewhere.
google link ftw: http://images.google.com/images?q=weta+eva&hl=en&btnG=Search+Images
Source is no more modular than any other engine. I can name you five engines with more separated components right now. Valve just insists on touting every aspect of source, amazing or not.
Anyway, geomod (or boolean subtraction) is such a low-level and integral part of the engine, modifying...
There are thermal pads, but they're really just thermal grease with a bit of stiffener compound.
I used a pinprick of arctic silver 6 on my a64 3200 and it runs icy cool on stock.
Yeah it must have been hard for rf1 developers to properly implement geomod in a linear game. What they should have done is throw explosive weapons at the player by the bucketfull and have loads of levels that loop back over and around themselves so that blowing a wall has a moderate chance of...