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  1. Shuzer

    Things you've milked.

    This is officially the best thread I've ever read. A++++++++++++++++! An excellent asset to eBay! Would buy from again! ..oh wait, this isn't eBay.. and this isn't positive feedback?
  2. Shuzer

    Things you've milked.

    I've milked my.. .. .. :o
  3. Shuzer

    Court outcome?

    Rephrase that, please. "..and NO, HL2 can't not be released until March."
  4. Shuzer

    As long as bush is still the "president".....

    Didn't you hear, having your country ruled by an evil dictator is a great lifestyle! :rolleyes:
  5. Shuzer

    Help me out... please!

    I voted.. but I foresee a close and a quick "wtf?" goes to what your site is all about.. Edit: Oh, I see.. a place where you sell Lineage 2 crap.. how is that your site though? Looks very generic
  6. Shuzer

    well, i didn't notice this until recently!

    Mine English has got a lot better. My English has been doing good lately on the interweb!!!!11111
  7. Shuzer


    It may seem stupid, but create a tinyurl to your site, poofy.. or something in that fashion
  8. Shuzer

    PCZ screenshots **potential spoilers**?

    Since when does dropship == gunship? It's a dropship, not a gunship
  9. Shuzer

    Do you Talk to Yourself?

    The voices don't talk to me. Nor do they yell at me.. however, they do sing to me. Does that count?
  10. Shuzer

    Abortion - Should it be legal?

    Sorry, I'm just sick and tired of hearing these excuses behind abortion. It should send a serious signal to people.. perhaps you're not supposed to have sex with every last member of the opposite sex you meet? Perhaps it's supposed to MEAN something! Perhaps, it's supposed to be a thing of...
  11. Shuzer

    Now this is just wrong...

    Yes. It's from the stolen build. No, there's no point in posting it here.
  12. Shuzer

    Abortion - Should it be legal?

    Here's a thought.. Don't want the responsibility that follows sex? DON'T HAVE SEX. It's such an insanely difficult concept to grasp, isn't it? :rolleyes:
  13. Shuzer

    valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night

    You failed to read the "any other law enforcement" bit of his post :| :|
  14. Shuzer

    9/11: The Game?!?! WTF?!

    Although the 9/11 bit sounds a bit tasteless, the game has an interesting concept. I'd be more for "inspired by" events that never happened. Having to live through a nightmarish terror, in a way that glorifies it and makes it fun, is not the way to go with real life events. The same could...
  15. Shuzer

    Abortion - Should it be legal?

    There's a difference, sperm are constantly er.. "regenerated." Besides, you lose sperm anyway.. not much you can do about it ;)
  16. Shuzer

    valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night

    Gee, I seem to recall this happening to a fair amount of warez distro groups and the people that stole HL2 from VALVe. It's still going on, it didn't change much
  17. Shuzer


    Is that when everyone gets warez software?
  18. Shuzer

    valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night

    Yes, yes they can.
  19. Shuzer

    valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night

    VALVe didn't technically lose any money from that. They lost potential money. Besides, chances are, the ones who warezed it were never going to buy it in the first place.
  20. Shuzer

    Gold in a fortnight?

    You know, for a PR guy, Doug really has crappy grammar and spelling skills :P AKA fake :|