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  1. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    Ok, i need to say one thing here, it feels like everyone is personally attacking me for stating an opinion, and saying that im a HL2 fanboy picking on Halo2......and i think you're maybe being a little bit reactionary about it. I didn't mean to be "picking on it" I was trying to point out a...
  2. Bleeder

    Pacific Assault Verdict. (minor spoiler warning)

    The only thing about PA is that after the totally amazing pearl harbour level it then proceeds to stick you in hour after hour of repetetive jungle crawl, essentially the first couple missions are awesome and the last mission is awesome, but the rest is mediocre. Oh and the load times are...
  3. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    It's ok :) . Yes he was a Bungie rep. Looking back at my posts i can see that i did come off like a bit off a knob, and for that I apologize. i just want to know what everyones opinion on this is.
  4. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    well, i see your point, but I don't really think that it should have locational damage so you would HAVE to aim for the head, so much as it should have it so that if you HAPPEN to hit their head while firing at tham it would kill them. NO my friend is the manager of an EB games...he asked the...
  5. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    how is it not suprising? ok whatever, you guys obviously don't care, and would rather all have a go at me personally rather than discussing the info that i brought up, so flame away guys....have fun.
  6. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    No i'm saying if you shoot a guy in the foot it does as much damage as shooting him in th there is no point to is dumbed down....and i am not trying to find fault with halo 2, this was told to me and i happened to find that strange. I am trying to start civilized discourse...
  7. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    if you dont care then you dont have to post.....posting to tell me you don't care is counter productive. (no, i dont have the leak...i don't even have an xbox, this was confirmed from a friend who questioned a rep directly while at a managers conference for EB) I am not saying that "XBOX IS...
  8. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    Thank you for your well thought out and worded reply. Next time try and say something relevant.
  9. Bleeder

    Guess which game does not have locational damage.

    HALO 2! Meaning shooting a guy in the foot will kill him as fast as shooting him in the head. and before anyone flames me about it, the sniper rifle "registers" a headshot if you hit them in the head, however hitting them in the head does not do more damage. I don't know about you guys, but I...
  10. Bleeder

    MoH Pacific Assault: post here if you bought it

    Yeah, i was pissed at that also, but it's true that the pearl harbour mission is insanely cool.
  11. Bleeder

    Universal Combat: Hostile Intent

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I think if it was me, I'd rather go bankrupt than let this game see the light of day. Can you imagine the shame....their grandkids would tell the other kids their grandpa(ma) helped make Soldner, cause at least that had some ok looking screenshots.
  12. Bleeder

    Half Life 2 = OWNED

    ^^^ yes that's the irony isn't it?
  13. Bleeder

    Guild Wars WPE

    No sir, I didn't like it.
  14. Bleeder

    Bumpmapped CS:WEED skins

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA........wait, why am i laughing?
  15. Bleeder

    Bumpmapped CS:WEED skins

    I give a quarter of THE shit about it.
  16. Bleeder

    The Mars Volta

    I really couldn't get in to these guys. I mean, i loved At the Drive-in, but Mars Volta really didn't do anything for me. Don't flame me for this but i feel their music is more derivitave than ATDI. I guess what i mean is that ATDI had elements to them (obviously) of what MV sounds like, and...
  17. Bleeder

    The day after tomorrow (movie) is a perfect example of a Canadian winter

    Edmonton gets that cold sometimes.
  18. Bleeder

    Hey is Pcgamer HL 2 issue out on newsstands in Canada yet?

    HAHAHA! high-five NJD2003!
  19. Bleeder

    Best. Zombie. Flick.

    Dead Alive <----why was that not included? It's easily the best zombie/comedy of all time. I mean it's a Peter Jackson movie, don't tell me you haven't seen it?