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  1. M

    it's out

    nice hat
  2. M

    Go to the toilet

    Mold moves his computer to the toilet READY! :-D
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    Since I thought the Gman pic was so funny, I thought i would ruin it with this LINK
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    I love the way in move=truth its written as if the gman was saying it. Whoever it was that was doing the .php game is halarious. I don't care if they have anything new to say, it was entertaining so I hope they play again sometime and have another funny pic like alyx with a milk mustache, lol
  5. M

    My finger is so tired...

    mmmm cheese
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    negative review for hl2

    i wonder if you actually have to shoot them to make them move though
  7. M

    Cool MP ideas

    that sounds like counterstrike with vehicles, hehe
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    Squad combat?

    heh, It would be interesting if they knew that you where sending them on a suicide run and said something like "I don't think so Gordon" Anyway, the squad AI is the main thing I look foward to in this game. It plays a big part in my mod concept, where squad AI is used on both teams in...
  9. M

    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    Please don't base your entire story on the fact that Gabe gave Doug a dirty look when he mentioned the release date at the conclusion of that presentation. You know, he could have been glaring at him for other reasons... like maybe he was suppost to keep his trap shut and not mention it at all...
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    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    yea...i beleived it was going to be released on the 30th until the last minute :frown: lets just hope our hearts wont be breaking again.
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    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    Seriously cadaveca.... If you're not going to take anyone seriously and keep putting people (who know what they are talking about) down, then you need to take your ignorance elsewhere.
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    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    do you remember what he said, if anything?
  13. M

    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    Aparently the presentation you attended was geared specifially towards the anouncement of the benchmark for Half-Life 2. Notice how it doesn't say the game will be released on the 30th, but it also doesn't say it won't. Thats because the release of the game was not relevant to the release of...
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    2003 Release date...can anyone verify?

    Do you really think an email from Gabe would be official enough? I say, go ahead and write your article or whatever, and post a copy on here. I'd love to read it :thumbs:
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    This post was fun to read so far gman+Milk = conspircies Nice typo :-P
  16. M

    'M31: Marines of the Emperor' Mod for HL2

    thanks :bonce:
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    'M31: Marines of the Emperor' Mod for HL2

    Hiyo modders, I am Mold. I just wanted to re-introduce my HL2 mod project and direct anyone interested to the spankin new forums. Here is a brief summary of what this mod will have to offer. M31 may sound like just another Warhammer 40k mod, but it is much more then that...
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    'M31: Marines of the Emperor' Mod

    The M31 mod team is building its foundation in preperation for the SDK. Check out the M31 website read about the plans for this mod and its unique gameplay features. Some Features in M31 - AI squatmates under your control in Multi-player. - Non-physical army commanders whos main purpose...
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    M31 looking for more troops.

    I am in search of additional help for this project. I am looking for people who can to make something happen, and have a good time doing it. Most importantly I am looking for someone who can be commited to the project with the rest of us. Check out the website at and if...
  20. M

    Is anyone making a Sword mod?

    if you all are familiar with warhammer 40k then you know that like half of the fighting is in close combat using swords, axes, hammers, claws, and giant fists in a futuristic setting. Look for all of that in my mod.... See the sig :bonce: