oh, sorry guys... I was bored so i had to do something... :bounce:
Its not our falt that we sitt here and wait for that vid...
Its valve´s falt, they made those great games...
If there wasent a half-life, opposing force, blue shift, cs, dod, ns...
there wouldent be a Half-Life 2... And if...
I never had this error before. Its a map for Counter-Strike.
Im guess that this:
"added 17 additional animating textures.
Error: File read failure"
is the problem, but i never seen that before... someone knows?
Hole Logg.
hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6 (May 19 2002)
I got a 9500 pro, and all my computer"geeks" friends tells me that it sucks... :eek: And that HL2 wont work with all effects turned on with it... Are they just kidding around or telling the true?
Goverment otherwise there wouldent came military to Black Mesa!I think Black Mesa is like "out" Area 51...
And wasent it US army that spent xxxx milions on whater? :D
more freaky: Think when we in some way can make this VR world... Not like "the matrix" but when we know that we "could" make a matrix world in some years... Thats freaky! :afro:
My first good computrer was a AMD, but it really made those years a living hell, it broke al least every 6th month, it was slower than the old MMX 166 computer and one day it refused to start up... Now i got a P4 2.4 ghz and its a dream working with this computre....:bounce: