Its coming up on 2 years actually, but anyway, its still quite a respectable card and nowhere near worth upgrading from it to a 9800 pro. an x800 could be considered but in no way should a 9800 be.
I actually had an HL2 dream last night. I don't feel quite so crazy anymore. It started out with me holding an MP7 running down a hallway shooting combine and then I saw Alyx and then the dream somehow got sidetracked to finding some stupid little thing. It got pretty dumb. I always have cool...
you're acting as if the game is going to be released this century, we don't allow that kind of talk around here. :P Actually yeah, I'll prolly stay away until I finish the SP.
as soon as people saw the Unreal 3 engine, they got deluded into thinking that everything should look that good, even if any games on that engine are still years off.
bah, does it really matter? Whatever happens I'll be throwing down my $50, or more if the collectors edition costs more, and playing the game. If they need to take more time cause they don't like it I say go for it. As long as it comes out this year or next year I'll be content, maybe not happy...
lol oh yeah, whoops my bad, I misread his post, I thought he was saying that because of that article the game wasn't nearly finished. Ok well I take it back. Although he did say FULLY playable which does imply that the levels are at least nearly done. Although we should know better than to take...
In real life I could see a Combine leaving cause you saved his ass, but not shooting his own guys. Its not really something a sane person would do. You don't shoot your buds who have saved your ass countless times cause another guy did it once.
/me shakes his head at the headcrab.
I was once like you.
Ok, maybe not, but if you think HL2's weapons are less detailed than CS's, you are deluding yourself.
Escort missions are horrible, unless one or both of these two requirements are met: 1. The AI of the person you are escorting is exceptionally good, as in they know of to properly use a gun and know how to properly use cover. 2. If the person you are escorting ducks behind cover whenever an...
Yeah, I think it will most likely be a mix, although I will say I think its most fun when you've got other AI buddies around that you can either A. Let them take all the damage for you or B. for an extra challenge try to protect every one of them.