X-files ruled.
thats creepy.... There is no end.... Is there? Forever caught in the cycle of following the crubs, are we not? Why bother?
Valve... take over the world already, its getting boring.
(Also, if you dont, Bungie will, and no one wants to be ruled by Microsoft owned...
I'm trying all so very hard to think..... nope nothing, oh well.
Do you think Superman checks for change in the payphone when he changes in those booths. And why no one ever seems notice that one large man with glasses enters the booth, then one man with no glasses, and a completely...
Ichtyosaur was a canidate for a while, but of the very few times I ever came across one they gave you a good weapon to kill it, or had one.
I like to go fishing with the scatchel packs. Throw a few in, spaced out, and wait for it to get near it. Great fun and relaxing at the same time...
I'm going to pretend that MP3 never happened. I'll play it, but pretend it has nothing to do with the first two.
MP2s endings were perfect.
A little of me died inside.
Edit: Kinda reminds me of the Terminator series.
I think so, the sign is like a bunch of half circles that make up a larger circle, right?
I really only watched the part where Loki kills all the Mooby people. Then I went back to watching Conan O' Brian.
He he, cheese hats.
Most I would pay is $90 USD, and that is if it had a heck of a lot more stuff with it, not just some tin box and t-shirts that no one will ever understand except my friends.