PC version should have the prestige & barracks options.
I now officially prefer it on console though, because I get motion-sickness when watching it close up on my monitor. It may be because I have a basic Dell 19", or I have a bad graphics card, but all my other games are fine.
To stop it...
It means the end of 2008.
I was originally supposed to be released in February, then it got delayed to Q2 (second quarter of the year), Q3 and now possibly Q4.
Its terrible.
My friend pays for 20meg and at the moment they're getting (just about) 1. They have improved for us recently in the fact that there's not as much down-time, but we still get lower speeds than what we pay for, which I believe is 2 or 4.
"If you drink milk, you are supporting this"
That's absolute bullshit, or atleast the way they phrase it is. People that drink milk don't support what they do to the cows, its just a form of calcium and people think it tastes good.
These VegiVideos wont stop me from eating meat, they just...
There is auto-aim.
I tried my friends ps3 version and I could clearly tell something was different than the PC version. I spotted it in the first minute..
Everyone is level 55 now :hmph:
Why can't we have prestige mode like the PS3 (possibly the 360 too?)
Also: Silenced Skorpion + Bandolier + Double Tap (or s.o.h) + Steady Aim (or martyrdom) -- FTW!