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  1. Alan00000

    High definition mod for HL2?

    Those screens are sick!!! I tried playing HL2 With the mods and it kept crashing after the scene with barny i couldnt stand it so i stopped. Anyone no of any cure??
  2. Alan00000

    High definition mod for HL2?

    Ohh yeah ... I'll post link now You dont have to download from fileplanet, there are other places to download for free. If you do download the mods make sure you download...
  3. Alan00000

    Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at, revealed next week

    Some new gameplay Video Looks real but they need to work on animations.
  4. Alan00000

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Yeah i got a tiger lol RAWR!!!!!
  5. Alan00000


    That gameboy video was hilarious.
  6. Alan00000

    Why wont they ******* air it? (southpark)

    Maybe the guy who puts the episodes on that web page died or something.
  7. Alan00000

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I drew this a couple of weeks ago. its not finished.
  8. Alan00000

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    No i dont punch people in the arm .
  9. Alan00000

    Call of Duty 5 any good?

    It sucks ! Have you heard of Crysis? lol
  10. Alan00000

    PC Games on a Projector 7' by 7'

    Wanted Weapons of fate. 1400X 1050
  11. Alan00000

    Shadow of the OOOOOOH GOOOD

    I'll check it out bannana man Thanks for posting, but most likely gonna suck.
  12. Alan00000

    PC Games on a Projector 7' by 7'

    Used projector from garage sale $60 supurb quality, i think i can hook up the ps3 too it i'll check . Crazy lady i dont think she knew what she was selling. Check it out! I'll have too play some movies on this think i cant wait to check them out.
  13. Alan00000

    Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at, revealed next week

    Yeah i hate it :(
  14. Alan00000

    Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at, revealed next week

    What makes you think i like crysis so much? Did the projector give it away? It would be wrong if i didnt post this game too.:)
  15. Alan00000

    Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at, revealed next week

    First one was #### guess what the second one is gonna be ?
  16. Alan00000

    Been out of the PC Hardware game for a while, someone help please =)

    Just check i think thell have waht your looking for.
  17. Alan00000

    I wont post stupid comments anymore i promise.

    I wont post stupid comments anymore i promise.
  18. Alan00000

    New game by Penumbra Dev.

    OMG!!! THATS AWSOME!!!! I never seen a game where you can pick up objects and throw them ..... NEXT!