Come on now, its not that difficult. Get a box, install win2k, install a virusscanner, and go to Within a handful of page requests the virus warning will pop up.
I was going to post another thread but here we go.
I had stuttering on my nforce2 board, after reinstalling windows 2000 + drivers I had no problems, save for a 1 second chug every couple of minutes.
I really don't think its a hardware issue. No other games in recent memory have caused problems like this. I really wish they would have done some more system testing, as there were no minimum specs for an audio card.
The lesson for today is, if a game/program constantly restarts your...
Its because they couldn't get the physics working properly. So instead what we get is basically a column that you can shoot around and it looks cool.
Pretty stupid if you ask me. I would rather they not move at all.
Wow. I've never had to do as much as I've done to try to get HL2 to work. Then again, there is no other game that I want to work more than HL2.
I am one of the many people getting crashes due to audio. I am using my nforce2 internal sound, because my audigy gamer caused the sound to stop...
I can't help you much, but look at some of the elevator tutorials. The 10 second up & down time can be done as a delay. You just need an entity to constantly trigger it.