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  1. Crispy

    The Best Mods

    Is not realesed. But- Hot off the press! Perfect Stride Continuum was just released today. What is it? Why, it's a retro-inline-skating-puzzle-platformer, that's what!!! It's quite short but for me it's a great example of a small mod with an original idea that didn't get overambitious...
  2. Crispy

    Valve fixes Pyro some more

    I've been saying this since the day the +50hp was announced. Finally Valve have seen sense, but imo it didn't take a bunch of statistics to prove this was a bad idea.
  3. Crispy

    The Best Mods

    I didn't mention it because I was really, really unimpressed with the HL version and from what I hear it hasn't done much differently in Source. Rounds tended towards a rush for the weapons, running out of ammo far too often, and camping and waiting in vents and on the tops of buildings for...
  4. Crispy

    The Best Mods

    Ignore the above post that is loosely based on humour of a Jimmy Carr quality (moderators). --- Multiplayer: - Eternal Silence: Tops the bill here because it has been releasing consistently in a big way and because it is probably the most technically brilliant and original adaptation of the...
  5. Crispy

    Replacing a file in a GCF ?

    Valve outsource for their translations. I've not ever heard anyone complain about the games themselves but I have heard complaints about the Spanish and now French translations of Steam being downright poor. To have text bleeds like that on buttons is pretty poor work, and obviously a symptom...
  6. Crispy

    Technical question

    Make the skybox smaller, as small as if can possibly be, all the extra volume is adding to your compile time. Since the sky will essentially look the same whether the texture is 10ft away from the player or 100ft, there's no point in the extra space unless there is some important scenary of...
  7. Crispy

    City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!

    Yeah, generally waving money at modders is like a red flag for opportunists instead of dedicated purists. Is there nobody in your community who you could bring on? Passion goes a long way in modding...
  8. Crispy

    Portal Mod-->Help Wanted

    How far do the concepts you already have extend? Do you have ideas for puzzles or just plot points? Does the mod require custom art assets or will it use the existing Portal tileset? The answers to these questions will determine (realistically) if you are going to hit that December/January...
  9. Crispy

    Decadence New Media and Details

    Killing Floor's not quite the same because, as I recall, the 6 players are all on the same team. I think the mod needs a solid community hub to bring players together so you don't need to have 3 other willing friends to enjoy the mod, like a pickup IRC channel. Just leaving it as default will...
  10. Crispy

    City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!

    The non-vocal members of Mapcore and Interlopers may show interest with time. Also, if you don't have a mod profile, make one and post some news linking to your site and make sure your help wanted announcement is visible. Sometimes you can get some surprisingly good talent from...
  11. Crispy

    City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!

    Yorick beat me to it.
  12. Crispy

    City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!

    I think it's because it's weird and exciting to imagine a whole HL2 world populated by player citizens and combine.
  13. Crispy

    City 8 Project - Paid Work - Mapper Needed ASAP!

    The word is paid (unless you're referring to a very specific nautical term to do with ropes!) Anyway the mod looks really nice. GL with it.
  14. Crispy

    Half Life Test Area.

    Can't you still try out Gmod 9 for free? (is it compatible with the current SDK?)
  15. Crispy

    Day of Defeat: Source is Now Available for $5

    This is true, but a product manager (in a sales sense) cannot change the design of the game, they can only make the best of what product they've been given to look after. I have the game too and I think I played it for about a week in total. Compare that to Counter-Crack: Source (that I...
  16. Crispy

    Day of Defeat: Source is Now Available for $5

    Oh gosh, I forgot Valve owns Steam! C'mon. DoD:S is floundering versus other Source multiplayer games because it is sub par (although Valve's 'par' is very high to begin with) and thanks to the numerous bad alterations to DoD's exemplary gameplay (ludicrous accuracy nerfs across the board, less...
  17. Crispy

    Day of Defeat: Source is Now Available for $5

    Sounds even more desperate than I thought.
  18. Crispy

    Day of Defeat: Source is Now Available for $5

    I'm guessing the free weekend failed to generate the sorts of new player numbers Valve were hoping for...
  19. Crispy

    Can't think of a name for my mod

    Mech man reminded me of the name of a game, how about: "Shotgun: Total War" !!!
  20. Crispy

    The Next Class Pack = The Heavy

    There is no debate. Jintor needs to be more specific when labelling people morons. Broken means broken, overpowered means overpowered. Neither one means the other unless explicitly described as such. My car is broken does not mean it is overpowered. Similarly in game development if something...