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  1. E

    I Am So Pissed

    60 celsius is probably too hot. although its not over the limits a normal card should operate at 40-50 celsius. (100 celsius are required to boil water, ur more than halfway there to just about melting ur gfx card)
  2. E

    HL2's depiction of violence

    i was dissapointed with the violence in hl2, it makes it seem almost playful. there should be a stage when u shoot a body to bits so much that u cant stand to go on because it falls apart so realistically. that would have an impact, and u wouldnt see all the people running around shooting dead...
  3. E

    I Am So Pissed

    lemonking u dumbass open your eyes. the guy lives in Birmingham, England :D go slit his throat lmao p.s. ur pc is good, but u should think of getting a new processor. i get 40-90 (jumps a lot) fps on source and hl2 with medium settings and all i got is a 9800. make sure uve actually...
  4. E

    The Combine Arms at Nova Prospekt?

    wtf are blue combine arms? u mean the moving wall that crushes u when u jump into the trench? if thats the place then u need to jump in the trench, run about halfway across and then use a box to jump up onto a ledge and then down into a hole.
  5. E

    Longest. Update. EVER!

    it took me 20-30 minutes to dl it with a 2mbit connection from germany...
  6. E

    How long does it take to install hl2 with 56k

    all teh noobs with 56k..... let it dl overnight and then wait for adsl before u lag up some innocent servers
  7. E

    Alyx is Combine agent in my version (turret hell)

    err did u buy the game in a store? if u did then how bout restarting the chapter, that might fix it. also, validate ur steam files
  8. E

    uninventive weapon selection?

    that weapon is soooo fun, i remember throwing combine around by the head :P
  9. E

    HL2 Gameplay comments to improve HL3

    biggest thing hl3 needs is better a.i. improve combine behaviour in groups, make them similar to swat commandos that cover each other and run around and hide behind objects, instead of just standing there and shooting at you. the a.i. in metal gear solid is good, anything similar to that would...
  10. E

    Washing Machine Puzzle

    dude, one question, how do u get into god mode and not know what sv_cheats 1 is????
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    Duke Nukem: Source

    someone should make postal 2: source :D
  12. E

    Half Life: Platinum question

    u can buy cs seperately and get it without hl1, so it might have a cd key. but WHY TEH FOOK are you giving it away!?!?! ITS SO MUCH BETTER THAN SOURCE
  13. E

    Notes on baloons

    nice one, i need to get the newestr version of jbmod :D i was trying to find balloons in garrysmod earlier :P
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    Can I drop my items?

    because then he would be a bit more intelligent and know that u cant pick things up if uve already got them, and that u cant drop em either
  15. E

    What happend to Dog?

    Me Loves Dog Dog Is Teh Coolorest
  16. E

    Constructive things u have done with Garry's Mod

    nice map mate, ive just dled it and ill try it out tomrorrow :D
  17. E

    Washing Machine Puzzle

    LOL u need the ****ing mudskipper!! thats the "hover craft" boat type thing. restart the chapter and look for it, a woman gives it to you
  18. E

    What was your favourite chapter? (poll)

    hard choice between route canal and citadel, chose route canal in the end WOOO ROADKILL COMBINES!!!
  19. E

    How did you like the boat and buggy steering?

    i loved the mudskipper. the steering was terribly easy to get used to and it was fun as well, running over all the combine bastards that drop down from the helicopters :D the buggy bit however, was probably my least favourite part of the game, i didnt like it at all