Didnt we already grow "life" out of spacedust? What else is there to find? We know bacteria can live under amazing conditions. If its anything close to "look we found this under a rock and it only makes it more likely that there's more of that out there" I'll... I will... probably just be really...
They're doing what PETA would like to do.
I mean I fully understand they're motivation
I dont support murdering people to get the point across, but I would like to see better treatment of animals, healthier meat and less meat consumption.
Thanks Stern!
"My hypothesis is that people with a low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which give answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical," Couldn't have said it better.
All i ever said was that people in general are quite stupid and unedjucated, and alot of them also believe in god. I never literally said that "people who followed God were of lesser intelligence"... Are you religious?
Yes, there have been intellegent people who do believe in god. I've never said this wasnt possible.
I'm not going to list all the athiest or non-believing intellegent people that once walked the earth as it doesn't prove anything. The fact that you list 7 people who did/do believe in god...
Why? I know its a bold statement... but explain yourself a bit more please.
Shift, read:
All religions are stupid and dangerous. In general people are stupid and dangerous to. (88% of humanity is religious and have an IQ around the 90) They go well together and I hate both of them.
On topic: Scary grin, hope he enjoys jail.
Ah thank you for posting that link :)
I have always kind of envisioned the universe working like that, and have been trying to explain it to my friends for ages, but now it's written properly by people who actually kind of think they now what they're talking about.
Basically the X...
Stop it.
Smoke some weed or something, codeine and dxm arent fun after a while and are very addictive...
I've seen someone who's very close to me at his very worst because of this "harmless" drug.
At least don't go advertising it...