Art stuff

I can't tell if you're joking.

How can you have drawn all that Valve fanart and not even heard of L4D before? And you're trying to work in the game industry?
I'm thinking she's pulling our leg, since I didn't say anything about the game for it me to make it "sound cool." Why you gotta play us Kaptain?
I can't tell if you're joking.

How can you have drawn all that Valve fanart and not even heard of L4D before? And you're trying to work in the game industry?

I never really played any Valve games, I'm just in it for the fanfiction.

Also, trying? I've been to Randy Pitchford's house, son. He had cold cuts. Quakecon 2010 representin'.
Randy does have a very nice house. =]

I'm surprised you've never played a valve game..
It could be a good idea to play at least one of the games a studio you are applying at has made, or games their competition made.
Randy does have a very nice house. =]

I'm surprised you've never played a valve game..
It could be a good idea to play at least one of the games a studio you are applying at has made, or games their competition made.

I tried, but I couldn't figure out how to log into Steam on my Xbox.
Randy does have a very nice house. =]

I'm surprised you've never played a valve game..
It could be a good idea to play at least one of the games a studio you are applying at has made, or games their competition made.

Get out of here you. Go take your free Valve games and rub it in other people's faces.

Also, the both of you get outta here with rubbing your Texas jobs in my face. I've had it up to here with it!
But I didn't mention my free Valve games, or rub it in people's faces.
Maaaaybe you should move down to Dallas or Austin, I heard it's where all the jobs are.
But I didn't mention my free Valve games, or rub it in people's faces.
Maaaaybe you should move down to Dallas or Austin, I heard it's where all the jobs are.

As much is as it is my life's goal to get out of Texas, this is pretty much true. They have me for now. My goal used to be to get out of Plano, which I accomplished. Then I heard that id is moving to Plano next year. This area is a black hole.

Do you have that super special Steam thing? My boyfriend is at Gearbox and he gets all the Valve games for free v:
Yeah, I have the super special steam thing. you could use your boyfriend's steam account, he should have the super special thing too.
What is his name? I also work at Gearbox. =)

I guess people always try to leave the place they grew up.
When you start feeling down by plano, just go visit Ruston, of the most miserable places in the U.S. lol, Krynn can vouch for that.
Yeah, I have the super special steam thing. you could use your boyfriend's steam account, he should have the super special thing too.
What is his name? I also work at Gearbox. =)

I guess people always try to leave the place they grew up.
When you start feeling down by plano, just go visit Ruston, of the most miserable places in the U.S. lol, Krynn can vouch for that.

Oh awesome, I'll have to tell him. His name is Skyler Jermyn and he's a level designer on Cedar, he started about three months ago. We both came down here to go to the Guildhall, and coming from the Northeast, it's a much nicer (yet monotonous-looking) area to live in.
Oh, cool. I'm a character artist on the same project as him, started roughly 4 months ago.
My mistake, I assumed you were from plano since you sounded eager to escape.

Kinetic, with what you quoted...I creep me out too.
he's a level designer on Cedar

Is this the super secret project you can't tell me about Matt? I'll need 200 dollars a week to keep this quiet.

And KA, there's nothing creepy about it. Me and him have a perfectly platonic relationship.
I've been kinda busy lately, making custom assets for my friend's TF2 Art Pass submission and freaking out about my portfolio in general. This Combine one took me like, eight million months to get around to finishing.


Why are you still freaking out over your portfolio?
Why are you still freaking out over your portfolio?

It doesn't have nearly the volume of quality scenes and props that I feel I need to compete with artists with more work experience. Some of my stuff is from the very beginning of the modeling experience, and I'd like to keep it continually updated as I improve.

Plus, I just had my internship at work extended another four months, and I can't just rely on the hope that I'll get a full time job in the future.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an art test to do, followed by some more worrying and general concern for my fate. ;)
Oh, I didn't realize you were just interning. Thought you had the real deal there.
Nope, maybe someday, but I have my doubts. Two of my classmates (level designers) were offered full time jobs after their 3 month internships and I was told it was basically guaranteed, but I think they're waiting to see if the position of us three contractors will be needed in the future. I think one artist got hired the same time as my designer friends in January and is still an intern, so it's a little scary.
I guess I can show this too. It's, uh, some 3d Paper Mario fan art I made last week for my application to Shigeru Miyamoto's summer camp in Bangkok.

That's sexy right there.

Who ever knew a dumpster and a toxic barrel could look so good.
Thanks, guys. It's probably my favorite dumpster I ever made, too.

I finished Commander Keen. Sorry about the dong neck, got carried away.

God Damned that looks good! you're really good at what you do. I hope you make money for this quality work
Thanks, man. I actually sort of do, so that's p cool. Here's some new stuff I finished and some works in progress.

I'm working on a TF2 KOTH map with my friend with that middle eastern market theme, but he's in crunch mode at work for a while and only has time for some block-ins/studies. I did all the stuff here but the cart and the model for the rollermine/log. A couple of those textures are edited tf2 textures too.







I might turn this into an actual drawing.
That barrel&dumpster thing you posted a while back looks like something from Borderlands.
Zenimax sent me a threatening letter last week and seems to be implying that they want my Polycount money or something sinister like that. I've already lawyered up, but in the mean time I drew this to hopefully piss them off further.


I also drew this because I like Paper Mario

And I started working on this, it's for my friend from Volition, and I think he's writing some kind of fanfic to go with it, lol.
Zenimax sent me a threatening letter last week and seems to be implying that they want my Polycount money or something sinister like that. I've already lawyered up, but in the mean time I drew this to hopefully piss them off further.

Who are zenimax?
Who are zenimax?
They own Id and Bethesda.

What do they have to do with you or the polycount contest H/Alia? They hardly own Saharan/Arabic themes or the copyright to fezes. Are they claiming you stole the dagger design or something?
They own Id and Bethesda.

What do they have to do with you or the polycount contest H/Alia? They hardly own Saharan/Arabic themes or the copyright to fezes. Are they claiming you stole the dagger design or something?

Not exactly, but their actual claim is equally as idiotic. After they saw the sales figures for the first two weeks on Kotaku, they decided that going after a former intern for a breach of contract (which I believe is totally unfounded) couldn’t possibly hurt their PR. They sent me a vague, threatening letter about it, and while they didn’t state exactly what their intensions are, they wanted me to send them a list of the stuff I made with “certification” that it wasn’t during my contract with them within 5 days of receiving it.
So you want I should go over to the Steam forums and post a thread about Zenimax hassling you or do you want to keep it quiet? I'm sure you'd get quite a bit of support over there.
lol, what the hell is a "certification" that you made something during a certain time? A screenshot of the file with the "date last modified" on it? Ha.

Also, it seems like pretty shaky ground to suggest the polycount stuff is actually moonlighting.
So you want I should go over to the Steam forums and post a thread about Zenimax hassling you or do you want to keep it quiet? I'm sure you'd get quite a bit of support over there.

I've been keeping it kind of low since it happened, and was planning on saying something publicly after I hear back from them, if they want to pursue anything legally. But it's not a secret or anything, and I don't mind if people talk about it. Everyone I've talked to from id, Gearbox, and other friends in the industry have unanimously suggested I go to Kotaku, which I'll do if it progresses. Feel free to post over there if you'd like, I actually am interested in hearing what people think about it, I just don't have a whole lot of info about it at this point.

lol, what the hell is a "certification" that you made something during a certain time? A screenshot of the file with the "date last modified" on it? Ha.

Also, it seems like pretty shaky ground to suggest the polycount stuff is actually moonlighting.

Well, it's obvious when the Polycount contest started, and the rules even required us to keep track of our progress in a thread. So a simple google search could have given them what they wanted. Though I've been working on TF2 mods since my Master's project, and was working on the female spy in particular since before I even started there. The funny part is, I didn't even find out about the Mann Co store from Valve until a few days before my last day at id (had already put in my notice the week before), and didn't know about how much money was even involved until two weeks after I was already at Gearbox. There was no monetary reward in the contest initially, and all I hoped to gain from it was a line on my resume if I won, some portfolio pieces, and good exposure to help me find a permanent job as an artist.